KSD eSpotlight
September 7, 2024
MAP and Benchmarking Communication for Elementary and Middle School Families
As we did last school year, all K-8 parents and guardians will receive their student’s benchmark screening data in the coming weeks. KSD is committed to ensuring that our families have a clear understanding of the work we do to monitor and collaboratively contribute to the academic achievement of our students.
Families will also receive MAP results for assessments that were administered last spring. These are yearly, standards-based tests that measure specific skills defined for each grade by the state of Missouri. All students in grades 3-8 participate in ELA and math assessments, with science assessments administered in grades 5 & 8.
Additional information is available at kirkwoodschools.org/assessment. Individualized information will be sent home with K-8 students. For additional information regarding our Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) please find additional information on the MTSS section on our website.
MAP scores are coming via email and benchmarking will come via backpack mail.
A Note From Our Nurses
As is typical at the beginning of the school year when students return to school, we have seen an increase in illnesses. Deciding when to keep a sick child home from school can be challenging. Regular school attendance is important. But, when a child is truly ill, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent spreading illness to others.
For guidance on when to keep your child home, visit KSD’s illness guidelines.
SteamFest Informational Meeting
Students interested in participating in this year’s STEAMfest Science Fair are welcome to join us with their families for an informational meeting. This meeting will be held on Thursday, September 26, from 6:00p-7:00p in the Franklin McCallie Lecture Hall in the KHS Campus. Please park on the Essex Lot. We will go over what to expect, when to expect it and answer any additional questions you may have.
If you have any questions please contact Kaylie Weiss, STEAMfest Coordinator, at kaylie.weiss@kirkwoodschools.org
Kirkwood School District offers the KSD N.O.W. program to supply an array of nutritious, non-perishable meals and snacks for children experiencing food insecurity, free of charge. During the 2024-25 school year, boxes will be distributed to families at their homes via delivery in a discreet and caring manner once per month.
If you wish for your child(ren) to participate in the program, please complete the form. Only one form is needed for all the school-aged children in your family, but please include information for each child on the form. This information is kept confidential. Students who currently participate will not automatically be re-enrolled.
Once your child is signed up, they will receive boxes of food each month of the school year or until you no longer wish to participate. If your form is received after the deadline each month, your child will be eligible to participate in the program the following month(s).
If you have any questions, please contact program coordinator Emilie Lytton at ksdnow@kirkwoodschools.org. All inquiries will remain confidential.
In order to receive support through KSD N.O.W. for the 2024-25 school year, please complete the online registration at https://www.kirkwoodschools.org/KSDNOWRegistration
Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 9
KSD Board Work Session
At the work session, the Board of Education will review information on proposed tax rates for 2024. During the meeting, the public can learn more about the Chief Financial Officer’s recommendations for setting tax rates based on preliminary assessed values.
Thursday, September 26
STEAMFest Informational Meeting
6 p.m. KHS McCallie Lecture Hall
Tuesday, October 1
8th Annual Unified Night Lights - Save the Date! More information coming soon.
BOE Updates
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