OES Family Update
September 19,2024
A Place Where Performance Elicits Pride
Message from the Principal
Thank you to the Ogle County Sherrif, Oregon Police Department, and other first responders for their presence in and around our building today. Chief Kalnins has been patrolling the hallways this morning, and will continue to support both buildings. Our administrative team was greeting students as they arrived to provide extra reassurance.
We are midway through the 1st Quarter and I could not be happier with how hard our staff and students are working. Following benchmark assessments at the beginning of the month, our classes are fully in the midst of the learning process. Many of our grade levels have begun taking field trips to extend the learning process. I sincerely appreciate the outpouring of parental/guardian support in attending these opportunities to engage with their students in the learning process. We truly cannot make the progress we hope to this year without your help.
I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with a group of parents at our September Parent Advisory Meeting. Some highlights shared were our School Improvement Goals, feedback on our district's communication processes, and a time for questions/answers. We discussed our school's homework policy, grading practices, and transportation. We appreciated the opportunity to engage with our families in an effort to continually improve the experience all stakeholders have.
We look forward to the opportunity to connect with all families at Parent Teacher Conferences coming up on October 9th and 10th. Homeroom teachers will be sending invitations on how to sign up for a conference if they haven't already. As a reminder, we will have No School on Friday October 11 and Monday October 14th for Fall Break following conferences.
Lastly, I want to reiterate the importance of attendance at school. We fully understand that sicknesses may arise and do ask that if your child is actively ill that they stay home to limit the spread of germs. In the image below, you can see the impact of missing just a few days of school per month.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making this a successful school year!
Ryan Huels
OES Principal
Upcoming Dates
9/24 Kindergarten - Jonamac Orchard - 9:00 - 2:00
9/25 Donuts with Dudes - 7-7:45am
9/26 2nd Grade (Mendoza/Horner) - Severson Dells 830 - 1:30
9/27 2nd Grade (Mersman/Crosby) - Severson Dells 8:30 - 1:30
9/27 Dollar Day - Extreme Spirit Day
10/2 5th Grade - BMO Center 8:30am - 1:30pm
10/2 3rd Grade - Lowell Park 8:30am-1:30pm
10/9 Preschool Family Fun Day 8:30-11:00am
10/9 PT- Conferences 2:00 Dismissal
10/10 PT- Conferences 2:00 Dismissal
10/11 Friday October 11 NO SCHOOL
10/14 Monday October 14 NO SCHOOL Columbus Day
10/16 Flu Clinic - 1:00-4:00pm
10/17 4th Grade - Chana School 8:15 - 2:15
10/18 4th Grade - Chana School 8:15 - 2:15
10/18 Picture Retakes
10/25 Mornings with Moms - 7-7:45am
10/25 4th Grade - The Rink at Pine Creek- 12:30 - 2:45
10/30 3rd Grade - Highland Community College Theater 8:45 - 12:15
10/31 6th Grade - Plum Hollow 9:30-2:00
10/31 Dollar Day - Halloween Costume All Day
Oregon Elementary School Principal