Golden Eagle News
Our Golden Weekly Communication from the Nest
Week of March 3, 2025
Dear Golden Families,
It is show week! I cannot wait to watch all three casts this week perform Aladdin Jr. To all of our students - break a leg (well only figuratively of course)! I hope everyone enjoys the show!
We also are beginning our Attendance Challenges! Each week we will have two winning classes! "Do-Nut" miss a day of school unless your child is sick! Please review the slide show resources below to find out more benefits of coming to school each day!
Friday marks the end of trimester 2 and is a minimum day with a 12:45pm dismissal for all students in K-6. TK students are all Early Birds on this day, and go home at 12:10pm.
Also don't forget to nominate a teacher, staff member, or volunteer who exhibits the heart of Golden for our annual PTA Honorary Service awards! We could not be "Golden" without the endless amounts of service of our community. The deadline is Friday to submit your nomination.
Finally, please help us round up as many TK or Kindergarten students for next year. Of course they can wait to register later this spring or summer; however, we are already looking at staffing numbers for next year. TK spots will not be guaranteed at Golden if we go over our maximum number. What can you do? Register now to secure your spot! Tell your neighbors with little kids to register soon!
Kristin McDonald
Principal, Golden Elementary
#wearegolden #everystudenteveryday #92% #53inthestate
This Week at Golden
Monday, 3/3 ~ Motivational Monday
~ After School Intervention
~ Elementary Honor Band/Orchestra Rehearsals (Lakeview/Wagner) @3:30
~ Aladdin Jr. Dress Rehearsal @ Curtis Theater
Tuesday, 3/4 ~ Honor Choir Dress Rehearsal @ 8:15-11:15am (VHS)
~ Strategic Kids at Lunch
~ Lollipop Assembly @ 1:10pm (MPR)
~ After School Intervention
~ District Vocal Festival (Honor Choir) @ 7pm (Valencia High School Auditorium)
~ Aladdin Jr. Dress Rehearsal @ Curtis Theater
Wednesday, 3/5 ~ Eagle of the Month @ 7:55am
~ Pizza with the Principals @ Lunch
~ Early Release @ 1:15pm
~ After School: STEMBots @ 1:15pm (MPR)
~ Aladdin Jr. Dress Rehearsal @ Curtis Theater
~ All Yearbook Cover Contest Submissions Due
Thursday, 3/6 ~ Walk Through the Revolutionary War (Fiala & Joy Rasic)
~ Student Council Meeting @ Recess (GP5)
~ Strategic Kids at Lunch
~ Noon Supervisor Meeting @ 1:15pm
~ After School Intervention
~ Aladdin Jr. Opening Night - Dream Cast
Friday, 3/7 ~ End of Trimester 2 - MINIMUM DAY - 12:45pm Dismissal (K-6)
~ All TK students are Early Birds 7:50-12:10
~ Golden Spirit Wear Friday
~ Flag/Announcements (Bloomquist)
~ PBIS Raffle
~ JAT Prize: Blue Scoop @ Lunch
~ Aladdin Jr. Performance - Magic Cast
~ Honorary Service Awards Due Today
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar
March 10-14 ~ Sixth Grade Science Camp
March 10 ~ PTA Board Meeting
March 14 ~ Art Week with Mr. Stubner Begins
March 17 ~ Golden Leadership Meeting
March 17 ~ Cycle 5 After School Intervention Begins
March 19 ~ Walk Through the Revolution (Bloomquist)
March 19 ~ Principal for the Day
March 19 ~ Aladdin Junior Cast Party
March 20 ~ Trimester 2 Awards Assembly
March 20 ~ TK-2 Family Literacy Night
March 21 ~ PBIS Donuts At Recess
March 21 ~ Report Cards Go Home
March 24 ~ Honor Orchestra & Band Dress Rehearsal and Concert
March 25 ~ Lampost Night - 6th Grade Fundraiser
March 25 ~ 5th Grade Irvine Park Field Trip (Bloomquist, Jenner Rasic, Joy Rasic, Saito)
March 26 ~ Battle of the Books
March 27 ~ 5th Grade Irvine Park Field Trip (Bilhartz & Fiala)
Minimum Day - Friday - 12:45 Dismissal (K-6)
K-6 Dismissal is 12:45
All TK students are Early Birds and attend 7:50-12:10
Honorary Service Awards
What is the Honorary Service Awards? It is a way for us to say “THANK YOU” to extraordinary people that go above and beyond to make your Golden experience an amazing one!
Each year we have the privilege of presenting the Honorary Service Awards to selected staff, teachers, volunteers and community members. Each winner will be honored at our Back to School Night and will also have a contribution made on their behalf to the PTA Scholarship and Grant Program.
Thank you for taking the time to nominate members of our Golden community. Any outstanding teacher, staff, volunteer, and community member are eligible for nomination.
Please submit all entries by Friday, March 7th.
Attend to Achieve: "DoNut" Miss School!
The Attendance Challenge is HERE!! Click HERE to learn more about the attendance challenge and why it is important!
Yearbook Cover Contest Extended - Due March 5th
Aladdin Junior - Show Week!
Shamrock N Run!
Join us for PYLUSD Reach Shamrock N Run this year! Sign up today and be a part of our annual run that supports all our students.
Get ready to start the New Year, lace up your sneakers and make a difference at the 2025 Shamrock 'n Run on Sunday, March 16th! Join us for a fun and festive 5K or 2K Run/Walk as we come together to support the REACH Foundation and empower our students. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking for a family-friendly event, this race is for everyone!
Lampost Pizza Night March 25th!
Attention 6th Grade Families Headed to Tuffree
Enrollment Info for 2025-2026 School Year
TK/Kinder Registration
School Choice Transfer Request Windows
Helpful Links
Online Data Confirmation ~ This MUST be updated for all students.
Golden Student Parent Handbook
PYLUSD Student Illness Guidelines
Golden Eagle News 2024-2025 - Missed something? Go back and check!
Non-Discrimination Statement: The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all district activities, programs, and employment based upon actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, age, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. In accordance with AB-1078, this applies to all acts of the governing board and the superintendent of the school district in enacting policies and procedures that govern the local educational agency. The following employees have been designated to handle questions or complaints of alleged discrimination: Employee complaint- Dr. Issaic Gates, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources (714) 985-8408. Title IX and any other discrimination complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670, bpedraza@pylusd.org. Title II Coordinator / 504 Coordinator / Americans with Disabilities Act complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670. Bullying, intimidation complaints - Tonya Gordillo, Administrator, Student Services (714) 985-8671. The mailing address for all compliance officers is 1301 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870.
Golden Elementary School
Email: kmcdonald@pylusd.org
Website: golden.pylusd.org
Location: 740 Golden Avenue, Placentia, CA, USA
Phone: 714.986.7160