Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, March 7, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Zones Touch
PTA Colour Run Friday 22nd March
We have some classes well in the lead for fundraising so far, with just a couple of weeks to go before our inaugural MENPS PTA Colour Run gets underway. Get ready for some organised chaos on the day - all in the name of fun and support for some of the exciting outdoor work we hope to achieve in the near future for the children here at school!
If you would like to get involved in sponsorship for your child in the event, please click the link below to get started.
2024 Donations
As a high socio-economic school, you'll be aware that we receive the lowest funding per student of any NZ schools. As a result, we rely on PTA fundraising (such as the Colour Run), along with voluntary family contributions. This income is crucial to the school, making it possible for us to deliver many of those aspects we all want for every learner here at MENPS, including (but not limited to)...
- Board-funded teaching staff to allow us to significantly reduce class sizes
- Support staff not funded by the government (such as library, teacher aide personnel)
- Devices to support learning in class (such as ipads, chromebooks)
- Enhanced curriculum resources (such as our library stock, and many of the engaging materials we use in topics across the school)
- Most class trips and activities (either paid for in full by the donation, or substantially subsidised for non-curriculum trips, such as camp)
- Special Board projects (such as our canopy and upcoming 2nd turf installation)
The bottom line is that an excellent education costs significantly more than the state funds us for, unfortunately, so you can be assured that your contribution as a member of our learning community directly benefits all children at our school.
As with most aspects of life in these inflationary times (which affect the school every bit as much they do everyone's household budget), the Board has increased donations this year to help close the gap and meet the school's spiralling running costs as follows:
- 1st and 2nd child: $520 each child
- 3rd and subsequent child: $120
With no increase during the COVID years (since 2019, in fact), this amount is still less than an inflationary increase from 2023 alone, and represents genuinely-needed funds for our school. Please see the Finance app on HERO for a convenient record of any voluntary or required costs.
Financial Hardship
For those families who may wish to donate, but are currently unable to pay the full amount (or who may be experiencing significant financial hardship at this time) please speak with or email me directly in complete confidence.
Cost should never be a barrier to any child's education or participation in school events and activities.
Whatever the circumstances, we may be able to make arrangements (such as instalments, part payments, or writing off the donation amount entirely in some circumstances) and/ or provide support with the cost of some trips/school-related supplies, so please let us know if we can be of any assistance in this regard.
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Events & Reminders
Friday 8th March:
Second Hand Uniform Shop open (8:15am - 9:15am)
PTA ice block sales ($2)
Monday 11th March:
- Mid Term 1 Cohort Entry start
- Y5 Camp (until Wed 13th March)
- Room 33 - Y4 Boat Trip
Wednesday 13th March:
- Room 36 - Y4 Boat Trip
- School Board Meeting (Staffroom 6:00pm - 9:00pm)
Friday 15th March:
- Y1-3 Junior Assembly
REMINDER - Update Medication
If your child requires medication such as asthma inhalers, antihistamine, epipens etc please can you bring up to date medication to the school office if you haven't already done so. As all medication was sent home at the end of last year.
If your child ever requires short term administering of medicine such as antibiotics this needs to be brought to the office and a permission form signed.
Thank you
PTA News
FRIDAY 22nd MARCH (during school hours) @ MENPS
Get ready for the most colourful day in the MENPS 2024 Calendar!!! We are proud to present the MENPS Colour Run - an event to encourage our students to get active, have fun and help raise important funds for MENPS outdoor spaces.
Fundraising is underway....
Students seek online sponsorship for their participation in the Colour Run. Easily create a fundraising profile now on that you can send out to collect online sponsorship from friends and family, anywhere!!
..with lots of cool prizes up for grabs
Create your fundraising profile by 10am Monday 11 March to go in the draw to win these wireless earbuds!!
CONGRATULATIONS to our spot prize winners from last week! They are: Maddie Eason Rm 7, Jackson Rm17, William Watts Rm3, Justin Kirby Rm33, Harris Rm30, Lleyton Lucas Rm24, Thomas Rm32. (The office will announce when the winners can collect prizes soon!)
Lots more great prizes to be won AND the top 5 classes that raise the most funds will win
a Big Ben Pie Lunch at school!!
Check out the current leaderboard:
Keep up to date with the current leaderboard at:
For information about the Colour Run event please see:
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Second hand uniform shop open Friday 8 March
- 8.15 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
Mid Term Ice-Block Sale - Friday 8 March, 3pm - $2
Celebrate mid term with an ice block! For sale under the sports canopy, top courts at 3pm on Friday 8 March. $2!
PTA AGM - Wednesday 20 March 2024, 7-8pm
The PTA AGM will be held on Wednesday 20 March 2024 @ 7pm in the staffroom. All welcome to attend.
If you would like to attend, but cannot attend in person then please email and we will send you the link to join online.
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Chairperson Pam Clifford
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Class Coordinator Leader Svantje Reiber
Advisor/Coordinator Melanie Woollard
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
Communications Sarah Eason
School Representative Hilary Edwards