Dietz Newsletter
Home Of The Dragons

- 11/8 Trait of the Month (Oct) @ 8:30 K-5 @1:00 p.m 6-8
- 11/11 NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
- 11/18 Site Council, PTO & Family Engagement Starts @ 3:15 p.m. Library
- 11/19 Picture retake
- 11/21 Turkey Trot 10:45 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
- 11/26 Kindness March @9:00 a.m.
- 11/12-27 Student Survey of Teachers
- 11/28-29 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
- 12/17 Dietz K-8 Winter Band Concert @ 6:00 P.M. Cafeteria
- 12/17 TUSD Winter Graduation 6:00 PM, Palo Verde High Magnet School Auditorium
- 1/23 TUSD District-wide Step Up to Success/ Level Up at TCC
Dietz In Action
Thank you Mr. Voice for being a team player and taking the pie in the face award this year!
Dietz Awesome Staff! Always giving back to our community.
Special Thanks to Major Sky! Dietz Flying HIgh
Special thanks to Mrs. Bohland's 3rd grade class. Students took the time to write thank you notes our Veterans and Major Sky (Comet) Lesh took the time to give a big shout out to Dietz while flying his plane a A-10 Thunderbolt Warthog!
To report an absence for your student:
- Log into ParentVue from App or Computer
- Click "Attendance" tab on the left column on the computer or on App as soon as you log in the blue "report absence" with a small bell icon is there.
- On the top right corner of the page it will have a blue link that says "Report Absence"
- Use the calendar to select dates and the drop down for reason.
- You may also add notes or upload a doctor's note and hit "save".
Dietz Mission
At Dietz K-8, our mission is to create a safe and successful learning environment where we empower students to be life-long learners. We strive to provide a diverse curriculum to meet the academic, cultural, and social needs of our community.
Native American Heritage Month
Other Important Information
Volunteering is as easy as one, two, three!
New this year for Parents/Guardians:
Per TUSD HR expectation, to ensure safety of our students, ALL parent and non-parent volunteers must complete or update their application each school year.
- Please contact the Dietz office staff to establish a volunteer opportunity prior to filling out this application.
- HR will review your submitted application and work with your selected school to authorize volunteer work to begin.
Volunteer applications may take 2-3 weeks to approve prior to volunteer work beginning. For non-legal guardians, authorization is hindered on completion of a background check. Please stay alert to your email and for questions, please contact the Human Resources team.
School Office Updates
1. Contact Information:
If you are not receiving any district emails or information, please call the school office to update your personal information (phone numbers and emails).
2. Tardies:
***Per district, all families are now required to sign in their child/ren if they arrive later than 8:30am.
3. Absences:
Please remember that you must either call or go into ParentVue to excuse your child's absence. Excessive absences will require a home visit from school personnel.
4. Early Sign-Out:
Ensure that appointments are made afterschool and limit any early sign outs due to instructional time missed.
From the Health Office
Please make sure all health records are up to date. If your child requires medication on site, please come to the health office and drop it off. Children are not allowed to be in possession of medicines or self-administer.
TUSD Code of Conduct
See the attached TUSD Code of Conduct available in English and Spanish below.