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Patrick Henry Post
Special Edition: First Day of School, August 23rd, 2021
Happy First Day of School!
Today was such a special day - we finally got to welcome back every single one of our 244 Patrick Henry students to the school year IN PERSON! We were so happy to see everyone and begin this school year in a safe, fun, and exciting way. Take a look below for some of the highlights seen around the school on our very first day of the 2021-2022 school year!
Highlights around Patrick Henry
New Related Arts Team
This year, we welcomed Ms. Sara Gonzalez, Ms. Kellie Godfrey, and Mrs. Morgan Ralphs to the Patrick Henry family. Ms. Gonzalez teaches music, Ms. Godfrey teaches art, and Mrs. Ralphs teaches Physical Education. This week, they introduced not only themselves to our students, but also a consistent set of expectations to each classroom. That way, all students know what to expect from their music, art, and PE teachers at all times. These expectations will remain high throughout the year so that all students get to participate in the magic and fun of each specialized content area!
Ms. Godfrey
Students reentered the art room this year and learned how to use the materials responsibly.
Ms. Gonzalez
Students were reintroduced to the music room this week and got the exciting news about learning musical instruments this year!
Ms. Ralphs
Students are finally back in the gym and able to fully participate in physical education!
Building Relationships
The most important part of our work as elementary educators is building relationships between staff and students, and between students as peers. Some of our students have been virtual for the past 18 months, which means that they might feel out of practice in the regular school day. Our staff will be working with all students every day to make connections and build a strong foundation for a positive, safe, welcoming school environment.
Ms. Ivory
Our 3rd and 4th graders played games, sang songs, and got to know one another on the very first day of school. It was so beautiful watching students affirm one another and build connections based on common interests!
Ms. Brown and Ms. Butler
Our fifth grade teachers collaborated together to build out their expectations for students in both classes so that everyone understands what is expected of our oldest students. Laying out clear expectations from the beginning sets everyone up for success!
Ms. Smith
Ms. Smith worked with our youngest students in Early Childhood to sing songs and learn each other's names. Students not only had fun and began to feel comfortable, but they also learned a new song, rhythm, and routine!
Ms. Willard
Our kindergarten students were true leaders even on their very first day of school. They learned routines and procedures together and supported one another when they did not understand the directions. I can already see the friendships forming!
Ms. Evans and the Support Team
We know that the Covid restrictions can be very difficult on students and parents. Not being able to walk your child to their classroom on the first day of school is tough! Our support team ensured that every single child was walked to class today so that they always felt safe and welcome at every turn.
Making it a game!
Learning rules, procedures, and expectations doesn't sound all that exciting, but here at Patrick Henry, our teachers know how to make just about anything feel fun! Our youngest students are pictured here learning the structure of Physical Education with Mrs. Ralphs and having so much fun while they do it!
New Reading Spaces
Patrick Henry is such a special building with wide open spaces that are calling for reading nooks! Our team has been hard at work this summer to build new furniture, repurpose vintage furniture, find new books, and organize our spaces so that they support our students' learning. It was an incredible undertaking, but with the help of our Leadership Team, Special Education Instructional Care Aides, Related Arts Team, and Reading Specialist, we transformed blank and empty rooms and hallways into beautiful, comfortable, and inviting literacy areas.
Upper Elementary Hallway
The second floor south hallway got a facelift so that students can enjoy a beautiful chapter book in a comfy space. There is also a guided reading table and even more comfortable furniture on the way!
Reading Room
Room 208 is open once again for whole class reading sessions, and it is comfier and cuter than ever! Visit the beautiful space for a relaxing reading adventure!
Lower Elementary Hallway
The first floor hallways have been transformed into miniature libraries open for any and all to enjoy. The comfy furniture, warm spaces, and infinite numbers of books are available to any class who needs a break with a good book!
Cheers to you, Staff!
Thank you to each and every Patrick Henry staff member who worked this summer, during Professional Development weeks, and during your "free time" to prepare for the first day of school. You all did an incredible job building a kind, happy space ready for our students. Thank you for your work, you are ESSENTIAL to our children and their futures!