December 2024

From the Principals' Desk
Hello Wayland Middle School Families!
Dear Middle School Families,
As we enter the final month of 2024, we want to take a moment to thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. December is a busy yet exciting time at our school, filled with opportunities for learning, connection, and community.
This month, we are focusing on fostering responsibility as part of our Capturing Kids’ Hearts initiative. Responsibility means owning our actions, meeting expectations, and contributing positively to our school community. We encourage students to reflect on how they can show responsibility in their academics, relationships, and daily choices. Together, we can help them build habits that will serve them well both in and out of school.
Please keep an eye on our calendar for important dates, including upcoming winter performances. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need support.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!
Ms. Rachel Cimek
Morning Drop-Off
If you are dropping off in the morning, you have noticed Ms. Cimek in the front of the school helping traffic flow. By pulling all the way up (and not stopping near the front door) you are supporting the flow of traffic on Wildcat Dr. THANK YOU!
Note: Did you know there is a shuttle offered daily from the High School to our Middle School?! Please spread the word. We are looking to improve traffic flow and need your help. Decreasing the amount of vehicles traveling between buildings will help tremendously.
Middle school Spirit Week December 16-20.
From the Nurses' Desk
My Child is Sick. What Do I Do?
The cold and flu season is approaching. Middle School is already seeing an influx of sickness in the classrooms. Please help us stop the spread of these nasty viruses by following these guidelines.
- If you need to call your student in ill, it is helpful if you give a brief list of symptoms, rather than "my student is sick". Reporting symptoms helps us identify possible outbreaks.
- Please keep your student home if they have a fever. Students are welcome to return to school once they are fever free without medication for 24 hours.
- Please keep your student home if they are vomiting or have diarrhea. Students are welcome to return once they are vomit/ diarrhea free without the use of medication for 24 hours.
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
5--6th grade Band/Orchestra/Choir "Informance" 7pm
7--Wayland Christmas Parade/Snow Fest 11am
(MS and HS Bands in parade, HS Strings in venues)
10--7-12 Band Concert 7pm
11--7-12 Orchestra Concert 7pm
12--7-12 Choir Concert 7pm
Winter Break
Dec 23- Jan 3
6-24-NWEA testing
15-Freshman parent night, more information to come!
17-Trimester 2 progress reports published,
17-HS counselors will be at MS for 8th graders to get ready to sign up for high school classes
21&23-Parent Teacher conferences. Information coming soon!!
From the Counseling office
What is Responsibility?
Responsibility is the willingness and ability to take ownership of our thoughts, words, and actions. We have a responsibility to our school, family, and community to be accountable for our choices and how they impact ourselves and others.
Why focus on Responsibility?
- Responsibility teaches resilience.
- Responsibility empowers us to own our actions.
- Responsibility teaches us to manage our time and resources.
Looking for support during the holidays? Many people experience an increased sense of loneliness and isolation during this time of year. Students who are 12+ or have been opted in by parents can still chat with a live coach during the winter break. Coaching is available Monday - Friday 8am - 10pm. Download the Clayful app or go to chatwithclayful.com.
December is known as the Holiday Season, as well as the time when Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) "Winter Blues
To find out more about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), including prevention and causes, please click here.
Sports information
Winter II sports
iPad Insurance
If you have not purchased insurance for your student(s) iPad yet, we highly encourage it.
Lets Get It Covered!
- 1 Year - $30
- 2 Years - $40
- 3 Years - $50
What does coverage do for you?
- Fixes damaged screens at no cost AS LONG as damage is deemed unintentional.
What does coverage not do for you?
- This coverage does NOT cover lost or stolen Devices.
When is the coverage void?
- iPads that are damaged and NOT in the provided case. Taking the case off the iPad will void the coverage on the device for that instance, and damage will need to be paid for out of pocket. Coverage continues after the damage is fixed, and case is reinstalled.
- Damage is deemed intentional and/or excessive.
What are the out of pocket costs for repairs?
- Case Replacement- $30
- Screen Repair (case intact)- $50
- Screen Repair (case removed)- $110
- Lost or Stolen Devices-$250
- Devices that have excessive unrepairable damage-$250
WIPTO Information
Community Events
Comm Ed classes:
Resiter online at http://wayland.revtrak.net/
Community Indoor Hall walking at the Middle School:
Monday-Friday 6:00-8:00 PM. **Please note there will be no walking when school is not in session**
Winter Children's Chorus: Ages 8-11
Dates: Tuesdays-January 14-March 4.
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Steeby
Fee: $48 for 8 sessions
Volleyball Skill Building: Grades 4th-6th
Dates: Thursdays January 9-30
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Location: Middle School Gym
Fee: $45
Wayland Union Middle School
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Location: 701 Wildcat Drive, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Rachel Cimek, Principal
Email: cimekr@waylanduion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Andrew Augustin, Assistant Principal
Email: augustina@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Cheri Ritz, Athletic Coordinator
Email: ritzc@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1