Granger School Weekly Newsletter
September 30-October 4, 2019
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Happy Homecoming Week!
Sept. 30 SHAC Meeting *6:30 in cafeteria *Note new time please
Sept. 30 PTO meeting 7:00 pm in cafeteria
Sept. 30 Last day to get the yearbook for only $25!
Oct. 1 Pink Out T-shirt orders due
Oct. 4 Homecoming Vs Hays Johnson
Oct. 7 Open House for Grades 5-12 from 6-7 pm
Planning Ahead:
Oct. 16 Juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT
Oct. 23 8th grade will be taking the PSAT 8/9
Nov. 11-15 Scholastic Book Fair
Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25-29
Christmas Break Dec. 23-Jan. 7 (for students)
Friendly Reminder: All students in grades 7-12 have laptop dues of $35 for the 2019-20 school year. Please pay in the library. Checks can be made out to GISD
Homecoming 2019 Particulars
Parade lineup is 5:30, Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019.
Voting will be Thursday at lunch.
Organization awards will be pregame Friday.
Playing against Hays Johnson High School
Pictured: 1979 Homecoming
Dress Up Themes
Monday--Home Run--Wear your favorite sports jersey
Tuesday--Make yourself at home-Wear your favorite Pj's
Wednesday--Homies twin with your friend
Thursday--Home away from home--Dress as a tourist
Friday--There's no place like home--Wear your school colors
Pictured: 1969 Homecoming Queen
Homecoming Traditions
Picture from the 1949 Granger School Yearbook
Homecoming Blast From The Past!
Banners & floats...
Dress up days & pep rallies...
Tuesday: Soft Tacos
Wednesday: Shrimp Poppers
Thursday: Chef Boyardee Ravioli
Friday: Cheeseburger
Riddle Me This
Answer: Hole
Image From 1949 Yearbook
Glory to thy name
Now and forever
loyal and true
With faith undaunted
we'll ever be
True to the school we love
Here's our pledge to thee
Mr. Irisawa's Homeroom Class
More Roaring Readers
What Parents Can Do
Interest levels (IL) are important! Just because it says a third grader can read it, doesn't mean they should!
Pictured below: Granger seniors visiting the College Fair in Taylor.
Say Cheese! Picture Day!
First Graders
Third Graders
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Elementary Awards Dates
1st 9 weeks, 1st semester Friday, October 25, 2019
2nd 9 weeks, 1st semester Friday, January 10, 2020
3rd 9 weeks, 2nd semester Friday, March 20, 2020
4th 9 weeks, 2nd semester Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Oct. 16 Juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT
Oct. 23 8th grade will be taking the PSAT 8/9
Renaissance Universal Screening
Sept. 23-27 Reading BOY
Sept. 30-Oct.4: Math BOY
Jan. 13-17 Reading MOY
Jan. 20-24 Math MOY
April 6-10 Reading EOY
April 13-17 Math EOY
STAAR Testing
April 7 Grade 4 Writing
May 12 Grades 3-4 Math
May 13 Grades 3-4 Reading
Secondary Bell Schedule
Jr. High Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
Lunch 11:16-11:46
5th 11:50-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
High School Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
5th 11:20-12:06
Lunch 12:06-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
7th 1:30-2:16
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
· Pre K 10:25 – 10:55
· Kinder – 1st 10:30 – 11:00
· 2nd-3rd 10:35 – 11:05
· 4th 10:40 - 11:10
· 5th 11:10 - 11:40
· 6th - 8th 11:16 – 11:46
· 9th - 12th 12:06 - 12:36
8:50-9:36 Ivicic
12:40-1:26 Mr. Irisawa 3B
8:50-9:36 Chapman
12:40-2:50 5th Grade Classes
2:50-3:20 Pre-K
8:50-9:36 Steffek
12:40-1:26 Marek
8:50-9:36 Repa
12:40-1:26 Michalik
1:30-2:16 Lewis 3A
12:40-1:26 Vanek
1:30-2:16 Sessums
Ninth grade every other Friday during 2nd, 4th, 7th Periods
Go Lady Lions! You are awesome!
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/GrangerISD
Twitter: @Granger_Lions