2019-2020 Annual Report
Edward B. Shallow Library - Olga Nesi - Librarian
A Shifting Landscape...
Pre-COVID-19 Pause
Brooklyn Public Library Librarians Visit Shallow
Found Poetry
Origami Session
Applying What Was Learned
Sixth Graders Learn About Lanyard
Thank You BPL!
Seventh Graders Learn About Lanyard
AM Library Program, Class Visits and Library Lunches
- The AM Library Program was in session a total of twenty-five days before we went out on the pause. A total of 449 students attended these twenty-five sessions, making the average daily attendance eighteen students. This program gave students the time to work on projects, print and complete assignments with assistance from Ms. Nesi.
- All the sixth grade classes visited the library for a Library Orientation. Ms. Michelangelo brought her classes in several times to work on note-taking and Main-idea/Supporting Details lessons. Mr. Gleason brought all his classes in for a lesson on innovation in preparation for the STEAM fair. Ms. Corbett's ENL classes came if for a lesson on how to use Playaways.
- Any day that the library was not being used for workshops, Ms. Nesi ran the library lunch program for each grade during the three lunch periods. An average of twenty-five students signed up for each of these sessions. They used this time to work on assignments, book check out and return, crafts, printing and, of course, independent reading!
Library Orders & Collection Maintenance
Classroom Libraries
Miscellaneous Pre-COVID-19
- Set up a lanyard and origami maker space in the back office of the library.
- Sale of 400+ triboards for Science and History Day Fairs.
During the COVID-19 Pause...
Phone Calls to Student Homes
Emailing Students About Reading
Teacher Collaborations During the Lockdown
Created a Going to the Ballet ThingLink for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s classes to extend the reading of a short passage about a young girl and her mother going to see a ballet.
Created a screencast for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s classes to go with the reading of the folktale: Stone Soup. The screencast explains how to complete the assignment properly.
Created the screencast: Accessing a Particular Story in Scope for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s classes when she explained that the students were having a hard time figuring out how to access articles she was assigning them to read.
Attended several of Ms. Klioutchnikov’s meets with students to discuss reading options including: How to access all the e-book options available during the lockdown (on the Stay Home and Read page), and how to use the Summer Fun Page, apply for a public library card and download the Libby e-reader app.
Created the ThingLink: Thank You Ma’am for Ms. Miyashiro’s classes to extend the Langston Hughes story and assist with vocabulary instruction.
Created the ThingLink: China’s Major Rivers for Ms. Miyashiro’s classes to extend the reading of the folktale: The Four Dragons.
Created a wakelet entitled Postcards from Denmark for Ms. Kinal’s students in 615. The wakelet features postcards created by the students.
Worked with Mr. Rabkin, Ms. Dinkins and the Peer Mediators – attended most of the meet sessions and assisted with planning several sessions.
Creating Digital Content for Our School Community
- Nine library website pages
- Nine screencasts
- Five ThingLinks
- Twelve Wakelets
Links for each of these are embedded below.
Website Views from 9/4/19 to 3/13/20
192 Days: 2,348 Views
Website Views from 3/14/20 to 6/19/20
96 Days: 5,433 Views
Tutorial: Applying for a BPL Card
Tutorial for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s ENL Classes: Stone Soup Assignment
Tutorial for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s ENL Classes: Accessing a Particular Story in Scope
Tutorial: Accessing Books on MyOn
Tutorial: 12 Story Library
Tutorial: Comics Plus
Tutorial: Audiobooks
Tutorial: Lerner Sports Books
Tutorial: Summer Fun Library PageFive ThingLinks Created
Going to the Ballet – Created for Ms. Klioutchnikov’s classes to use with a reading assignment.
Thank You M’am – Created for Ms. Miyashiro’s classes to use with class reading.
China’s Major Rivers – Created for Ms. Miyashiro’s classes to use with class reading.
2020 Summer Reading at BPL Grades 6 & 7 – Created for Summer Fun library page.
2020 Summer Reading at BPL Grade 8 – Created for Summer Fun library page
ThingLink Statistics
96 Days: 2,036 Views
Twelve Wakelets Created
Pear Deck Resources from Teq PD
Postcards from Denmark created for Ms. Kinal’s students to feature their work
Summer Reading Book Recommendations
Wakelet Statistics (6/8 to 6/19)
11 Days: 596 Views (no visual of analytics available with free subscription).
Professional Development
- Completed sixty assorted Teq OTIS for educators professional development sessions. Submitted all certificates to Carol Pizzuto.
- 5/15 9-10 am TeachingBooks Overview
- 5/15 1-2 pm Brooklyn South PD: Scaffolding Remote Learning Through the Lens of Advance Literacies
- 5/18 Bklyn South - Making a Remote Connection: Best Practices on Instructional Design
- 5/19 3-4 pm Saddleback Webinar: Accelerating English Language Learners’ Literacy Skills.
- 5/21 1-2 pm Don Johnston eLearning for ELLs: How to Make a Difference With the Right Tools and Strategies
- 5/26 Magination Press Preview
Miscellaneous on COVID-19 Pause
- Tracking and working on finalizing deliveries of all classroom library materials.
- Tracking and working on finalizing delivery of spinner racks to the building.
Goals for 2020-2021 School Year
- Transition to blended learning model
- Collaborations with at least five more teachers
- Master at least three new technologies