The Big Cat Courier
Your Source for Big Cat News, Right Meow
September 9, 2020
Dear Henry Barnard Families,
An iPad in the hands of every student here in Enfield is an incredible opportunity. While I agree that very little good has come out of the last six months, Enfield's 1:1 device initiative is a bright spot. As with any giant leap forward, there have been some challenges, specifically distribution and setup.
1) You may set up an appointment to pick up the iPad during the school day by calling the main office. Miss Gina and Miss Sarah will be happy to assist you.
2) We will send your child's iPad home with them at the end of the day if you send in a completed Technology Loss/Damage Waiver with your child. We can only do so if the waiver is complete and submitted. The waiver is on the last page of the Technology Handbook, which can be found here: http://www.enfieldschools.org/tech_support/handbook2
If you are still having difficulty setting up your student's iPad and need help, please contact EdTechHelp@enfieldschools.org
Student Attendance
One very important exception is that we realize over the course of the next few days, everyone will be trying to iron out technical issues. Please let the office know if you are still experiencing technical issues and we will make sure your child is marked present.
Student Arrival
Because students are disembarking buses differently this year, to maximize social distancing, the front doors to the school are being reserved to receive only bus students. All other students, will use the doors in the back parking lot between the library and gymnasium.
Student Dismissal
Students being picked up will be dismissed directly from the back door of your child's classroom. Your child's teacher has shared the door number and room number so that you can find the right door. Please be aware that the room number and door numbers don't necessarily match. Please remember to bring a picture ID on the first day and as well as your child's dismissal card on subsequent days (they will be sent home with your child on their first in-person day of classes).
In order to accommodate the unusually larger number of families picking students up at the end of the day, as well as the extended amount of time we expect our bus dismissal will take due to our new loading procedures, we have expanded the window for student pickups. Students can now be picked up starting at 3:00. This change is to help facilitate traffic flow on campus as well as out on Shaker Road.
Students taking the bus will continue to be dismissed through the front doors. Because buses need to be dismissed one at a time, the front doors are being reserved for bus students only. If a family has business with the main office during dismissal, we appreciate your patience as we complete the dismissal process. We will assist you as soon as possible.
Daycare vans and small buses are located in the back lot and side lot, respectively. Building staff are assigned to those locations to ensure students safely board the correct vehicle.
In-person Business for the Office/Nurse
We ask that during arrival and dismissal, our families refrain from conducting any in-person business with the main office and our nursing staffing. We will be happy to help you once the students are safely in/out of the building.
If your child forgets something or you need to drop off paperwork, please call the main office from your phone and a staff member will meet you at the table at the front door to help you.
Lunch and Snack
Staff members are more than happy to help students open lunch and snack items. However, to help minimize contact between staff members and your child's food, please try your best to send them with items they can open themselves.
Live Lesson Schedules
This morning, my second grader sat next to me during his classroom's live math lesson. The teacher did not realize that the students could not hear her and continued through the entire math lesson while the students and families at home tried to get her attention. Unfortunately, the teacher couldn't see the students because of the view selection she used while sharing her screen. We received an email shortly after the live lesson explaining what happened and that the lesson would be repeated tomorrow. I share this story to illustrate that we are all in the same boat!
The Principal's Q&A is on YouTube
Some Personal Thoughts About Social Media
Social Media is a very effective tool to stay in touch with friends and family and over the last several months it's been a godsend for that purpose. Unfortunately , what Social Media is terrible at is solving problems. If something school related ever comes up that you are unhappy with, don't understand, or otherwise need help with, please contact the school directly so we can help. Whether you reach out to your child's teacher, a specialist, an interventionist, our nursing staff, the front office, or any of the other people who work in the building, we are all here to help.
A large majority of staff in the building are parents ourselves and we understand the frustrations associated with hybrid/remote learning. Trying to balance work and home learning days is monumental, as are all of the safety-based changes to the daily running of the building. Your frustration is real and present AND we'd like to try to help any way we can.
Please know that as a school, we cannot respond to concerns expressed on Social Media platforms. While every school would love to, we cannot due to student confidentiality. As is typically the case in any Social Media post, there is more to the situation that we, unfortunately, cannot address in a public forum.
We ask that if you find an individual expressing some kind of question or concern regarding our school on Social Media, please refer them back to the school so that we can assist them in bringing the issue to a positive resolution. We are always here for our students and their families.
The Big Cat Courier
Enfield Public Schools
The Back Playground
Henry Barnard School
Email: jgraham@enfieldschools.org
Website: https://henry.sharpschool.com/
Location: 27 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: (860) 253-6540
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldPublicSschools/
Twitter: @EnfieldPS