SAISD Secondary R-LA: The 4 + 1
Newsletter for Secondary Reading Language Arts Stakeholders
What's the 411 on the 4+1?
Updates and Announcements
English III and IV APA Vetting
In May of 2025, Academic Performance Assessments (APAs) will be administered to all students enrolled in English III and IV. The APAs are end of course assessment used for the Master Teacher Initiative.
Teachers of these courses will have the opportunity to vet a portion of the APA on the Monday, March 17 50/50 Day. There will be two three-hour windows, 8:30 AM-11:30 AM and 1:00 PM-4:00 PM, when APA vetting will be available. Please review the attached memo for additional information. If you are interested in vetting, you must complete this Google Form by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 5.
Teachers who sign up to vet will receive additional information regarding the vetting process on Thursday, March 6.
Blueprints for all APAs will be posted to the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment website on Friday, March 7.
AI Education Tools Review Committee
Call for R-LA Teachers!
To ensure the responsible and effective integration of artificial intelligence in SAISD, an AI in Education Tools Review Committee will be established. This committee will serve in an advisory capacity and will support the thorough evaluation of AI-powered educational resources, considering their potential impact on classroom dynamics, teaching methodologies, and student learning outcomes. Their expertise will provide invaluable insights into the practical application of these tools, ensuring alignment with pedagogical best practices, the needs of both teachers and students, and effective cyber and data security protocols.
Principals are asked to nominate a teacher or instructional staff member to serve on the committee by completing the Instructional Materials Committee Nomination Form and submitting via this link by March 3, 2025.
There are up to three meetings and they will be held virtually.
- March 6, 2025 - Introduction and Scope of Work (Virtual)
- March 18-19, 2025 - Product Presentations (Virtual)
- March 31- April 2, 2025 - Product Ranking
- April 3, 2025 - Final Committee Recommendation Meeting (Virtual)
TCB Greenlight Locker Support
Texas College Bridge wants to ensure the success of your students. We have over 22,000 students that have completed either one or both TCB courses, but have not registered for their GreenLight Locker. Those students received an email with instructions on how to register for a GreenLight Locker and how to share their certificate of completion on Friday, February 14. HERE is the email students received.
Please help us to help your students. If your students need extra assistance with accessing TCB certificates of completion, please have them reach out to us at texascollegebridge@commitpartnership.org.
Reviewing Interim Data
From Ms. Meyer in Data Operations and Services:
- Campuses have been given a summary for their campus by grade level and a district summary.
- Campuses can schedule PLCs w/ Teachers for their updated STAARList / EOCList to go over the data as well. Request Form
- For interim, students will get a predicted STAAR performance level, which indicates if a student is likely to achieve Masters Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, Approaches Grade Level, or Did Not Meet Grade Level performance on the same spring STAAR summative assessment.
- STAAR Interim Assessments- https://tea.texas.gov/student-assessment/test-administration/staar-interim-educator-guide.pdf
How to use the ISRs - https://txassessmentdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ODCCM/pages/2793216785/How+to+Use+Individual+Student+Reports+ISRs+Detailed+Student+Report
- How to view Test Results Broken Down by Demographic Subpops - https://txassessmentdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ODCCM/pages/2793216681/How+to+View+Test+Results+Broken+Down+by+Demographic+Sub-Groups
Professional Learning Opportunities
Student Opportunity!
Updated STAAR Resources!
Please use these tools to enhance your alignment to standards and STAAR assessment.
Anchor Charts of Genre Characteristics
Updated Assessment Items (find on Control Panels)
Reminders from Previous Newsletters
NoRedInk Update--AI Scoring and Originality Insights!
AI Grading Assistant
Does AI Grading Assistant assess accuracy from the text?
While Grading Assistant has been rigorously tested to ensure a high level of accuracy in scores and comments based on the provided rubrics, it can not currently assess student accuracy according to a text.
Can we use our own prompts with Grading Assistant?
Yes! Keep in mind that prompts that ask a single clear-cut question will receive the most reliable feedback. Here are some examples of prompts that are well and not well suited to Grading Assistant.
Originality Insights!
In a GenAI world that can complicate assessment of student writing, this tool equips teachers to confidently engage in conversations about academic integrity, critical thinking, and original work. Learn more here.
Sirius Online Now Available for High School Students!
It's here! Please begin using Sirius to get our high school re-testers ready for the December retest administration! Here are some initial start up resources.
Accessing Secondary R-LA Resources
Please see below for access information, introduction, and troubleshooting for support for our amazing resources!
Book Swap!
Please use the teacher-sourced SAISD novel list to post novels you wish to giveaway or novels you need!
Tips for Reviewing Data on Formative Assessments
- Use items and passages to see the full context of student responses. Directions here.
- Follow these directions for printing all students' SCR and ECR responses in one document
- In Eduphoria, use Analysis, Single Test, use:
- Learning Standard Summary tab to see performance by standard
- Item Response Analysis tab to see individual item performance (click on a question's bar and scroll down to see the question, correct answer, and answer distribution across students).
More Eduphoria support for teachers here.
Survey for Journalism and Yearbook Teachers
We are collecting information about technology used in journalism and yearbook classes. If you teach journalism or yearbook, please complete this form!
24-25 Curriculum Day Materials
District Resources
Sirius! Coming Soon for 24-25!
Sirius Online EOC Prep resources should now be available in Classlink for all teachers and rostered for all courses. This is what the Sirius Classlink icon looks like the icon on the right.
If teachers do not have access or if there is any issue with rostering, please have them complete a support ticket in the green SAISD Support Folder or the SAISD IT Support Portal in Classlink.
Please be aware that Sirius may not be available to students who have already passed all of their EOCs.
Support and Resources
SAVVAS Realize Resources (Grades 6-8)
Online tutorials on:
- SAVVAS Realize: Explore, What's New, Navigating Content, Assigning Content, etc.
- SAVVAS SuccessMaker: Getting Started, Progress Monitoring, Prescriptive Scheduling Report, etc.
- Directions for adding SuccessMaker to SAVVAS account
Texas College Bridge F.A.Q.
Direct link to student registration information here.
Completing the learning pathways in Texas College Bridge (TCB) provides students with a TCB certification, which may be used as a TSI waiver for our local higher ed partners Texas A&M, UTSA, and Alamo Colleges.
Updated TSIA2 Blueprint and Resources!
***New TSIA2 ELAR Canvas Course available! Direct link here.
Cross-Content Literacy Strategies Toolkit
Get Your New Pacing Guides and YAGs Here!
This site contains important curriculum information and documents that are used as tools to guide instruction, monitor pacing and foster the development of all students in SAISD. All curriculum documents are designed to reflect the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Statements (TEKS).
It is the district expectation that teachers adhere to the curriculum, as district assessments and professional learning will follow its scope and sequence.
Secondary Reading Language Arts Instructional Framework
Contact Information
SAISD Secondary Reading-Language Arts Department
Becky Anderson: Specialist, randerson4@saisd.net
Emily Aguilar: Specialist, eaguilar3@saisd.net
Lucy Gray: Specialist, lgray3@saisd.net
Michael Cortez: Specialist, mcortez6@saisd.net
Rosie Boblett: Specialist, rboblett1@saisd.net
Website: https://www.saisd.net/page/english-home%20-%20secondary
Location: 514 West Quincy Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 2105542530
Twitter: @RLASAISD
ECR Assessments
Reminder! The district ECR window is open through February 10th. This includes time for scoring!
Window: January 30-February 10 (all ECRs must be scored within this time frame)
Administration Guide (preparation, student lock-down browser instructions, instructions for scoring)
New! Scoring Guides:
Reminder! District Curated Book Lists: Call for Book Recommendations and Committee Members
Purpose of District Curated Book Lists:
To curate instructional literary texts to provide a sound list of engaging and grade-appropriate longer texts (i.e., novels, novels in verse, graphic novels) for our students. This curated list does not represent the only books teachers may use in classrooms, but represents the best selections vetted by a committee of educators and community stakeholders, in accordance with our SAISD Board Policy for Instructional Materials: Library, the SAISD Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Framework, and our district values. Criteria and process have been vetted by the SAISD Literacy Advisory Committee in the 23-24 school year.
Action Items ✅:
Update on STAAR ECR Automated Scoring
We are working to get more information about the implication of automated scoring on ECRs during STAAR administration. TEA has released more clarifying information, emphasizing that scoring is a hybrid system involving humans and automated scoring engines (ASE). More information here: Hybrid Scoring Key Questions and 2023 STAAR Hybrid Scoring Study.
Findings from SAISD Pearson Visit 3/25:
Biggest takeaway:
The AI is working as far as we could tell
Students can no longer expect points for writing anything—they will get a zero even if they have something written
On the zero’s we saw, the reason why they are zeros:
Off task:
Not understanding the writing prompt
Wrong genre: summary (so many summaries! That didn’t answer the prompt), narrative, description
Did not understand the question: academic vocabulary/ideas
Inaccurate response—there’s an answer and the kids are missing it (misreading the passage?, not seeing the importance, right answer)
Refusal: song lyrics, don’t want to write this, etc.
Too much copied directly from the passage
Just a few words
Duplicated text
Another language
Relevant news articles:
STAAR Countdown Resources
The Power of Close Reading
- Close Reading Process
- Close Reading and Multiple Reads One-Pager
- Rubric for Close Reading
- Grade-Level Close Reading Prompts by Genre: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, English I, English II
SCR to ECR Writing
Our SCR and ECR Instructional Supports:
- Support for Writing SCR/ECR Prompts: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, English I, English II
- Pathways for Instruction: SCR and ECR
- SCR Rubric Template
- ECR Rubrics
Secondary RLA Professional Learning: Two Ways to Learn!
We are excited to announce our Secondary RLA Professional Learning Series! We will be offering educators two ways to learn and collaborate on timely topics and strategies:
Canvas Course, complete with videos, collaboration opportunities, and resources
- Sign into Canvas from Classlink and then use this link
- Or use course code 66A449 to join
Videos posted to Twitter and YouTube
- Follow us on Twitter @SAISDRLA and search #SAISDSecRLAPL
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
Please plan on using these as points of collaboration in PLCs or to process on your own.
We will be adding Canvas modules and videos this fall! Please use this survey to let us know what topics you would like to see represented.