CFT Weekly Wildcat
Week of April 3 , 2023

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Message from the Principal
Wildcat Families,
As we reach the end of our second month of school, I’d like to share a few of the things coming up that are important in building the positive culture we want for students here at our school. First, 3rd-5th grade teachers will be asking students to complete our Student Climate Survey next week. This survey provides important information for us as a school that we use to make improvements to the student experience. If you’d like to learn more about or preview this survey, the information is provided down below in the newsletter.
One thing we learned from last year’s survey is that our students as a whole don’t feel that we do a great job of positively recognizing safe, respectful and responsible student behavior. In response, our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Team has been meeting to find new ways to celebrate students being safe, respectful and responsible, modeling the Wildcat Way. Here are some things we’ll be implementing soon to recognize students:
Teachers will nominate 1-2 students each month that consistently model a desired character trait. For October, we’ll recognize students who have demonstrated kindness (respect). We’ll honor these students with certificates and a little ceremony in their honor.
Students earn PAWS throughout the school day for doing things the Wildcat Way. Students can redeem PAWS towards school-wide rewards by placing their PAWS in buckets that identify an activity of interest (teacher pie in the face, recesses with music, special spirit days). We'll also introduce a PAW store later in the year with activities for "purchase."
We’re reintroducing our Golden Award assemblies to recognized a K-2 and 3-5 class that shows safe, respectful and responsible behaviors quarterly with the Golden Shoe (positive hallway behavior), the Golden Cone (positive recess behavior), the Golden Racket (positive behavior in PE/Music), the Golden Tray (positive behavior at lunch), the Golden Plunger (appropriate bathroom behavior) and the Golden Clock (highest attendance rate).
We’re excited to celebrate students in so many different ways and we hope students are too!
Tim, Principal
Mensaje del Director
Familias Wildcat,
Al llegar al final de nuestro segundo mes de clases, me gustaría compartir algunas de las cosas que se avecinan y que son importantes para construir la cultura positiva que queremos para los estudiantes aquí en nuestra escuela. Primero, los maestros de 3ro a 5to grado pedirán a los estudiantes que completen nuestra Encuesta sobre el clima estudiantil la próxima semana. Esta encuesta proporciona información importante para nosotros como escuela que utilizamos para mejorar la experiencia de los estudiantes. Si desea obtener más información o obtener una vista previa de esta encuesta, la información se proporciona a continuación en el boletín.
Una cosa que aprendimos de la encuesta del año pasado es que nuestros estudiantes en general no sienten que hacemos un buen trabajo reconociendo positivamente el comportamiento estudiantil seguro, respetuoso y responsable. En respuesta, nuestro Equipo de Intervenciones y Apoyos para el Comportamiento Positivo (PBIS) se ha estado reuniendo para encontrar nuevas formas de celebrar que los estudiantes sean seguros, respetuosos y responsables, modelando el estilo Wildcat. Aquí hay algunas cosas que implementaremos pronto para reconocer a los estudiantes:
- Los maestros nominarán a 1 o 2 estudiantes cada mes que modelen consistentemente un rasgo de carácter deseado. Para octubre, reconoceremos a los estudiantes que hayan demostrado amabilidad (respeto). Honraremos a estos estudiantes con certificados y una pequeña ceremonia en su honor.
- Los estudiantes obtienen PAWS durante el día escolar por hacer las cosas a la manera Wildcat. Los estudiantes pueden redimir PAWS por recompensas para toda la escuela colocando sus PAWS en un balde que identifique una actividad de interés (pastel en la cara del maestro, recreos con música, días de espíritu especial). También presentaremos una tienda PAW más adelante este año con actividades para "comprar".
- Estamos reintroduciendo nuestras asambleas del Premio Dorado para reconocer una clase K-2 y 3-5 que muestra comportamientos seguros, respetuosos y responsables trimestralmente con el Zapato Dorado (comportamiento positivo en el pasillo), el Cono Dorado (comportamiento positivo en el recreo), la Raqueta Dorada (comportamiento positivo en Educación Física/Música), la Bandeja Dorada (comportamiento positivo en el almuerzo), el Émbolo Dorado (comportamiento apropiado en el baño) y el Reloj Dorado (tasa de asistencia más alta)
Tim, Director
School Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year
7:45AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - School Starts
2:20PM - School Dismissal
Attendance Line: 503-431-4405*
*Even if you have told your teacher, please call the Attendance Line before 8:30AM the day of an absence. If the attendance line is not called by 8:30AM the day of the absence, the office might not be able to put the excused absence in the system before the automated phone calls go out to unexcused absent students.
* Friday October 25th - No School!
If your family is in need of assistance this holiday season, please fill out this form. Although we cannot guarantee that your family will receive help, we will make every effort to connect your family with food. Unfortunately, this year we are only able to serve the first 75 families that apply, so it will be a first come first serve basis. There are no guaranteed gift donations, only food is guaranteed. Please turn this form into the school office by Friday, November 8, 2024. Our sponsor, The Tigard American Legion, will connect with you in early December to make arrangements for families to pick up over winter break.
Si su familia necesita ayuda en esta temporada festiva, complete este formulario. Aunque no podemos garantizar que su familia recibirá ayuda, haremos todo lo posible para conectar a su familia con alimentos. Desafortunadamente, este año solo podremos atender a las primeras 75 familias que presenten su solicitud, por lo que se atenderá por orden de llegada. No hay donaciones de regalos garantizadas, solo se garantiza comida. Entregue este formulario en la oficina de la escuela antes del viernes 8 de noviembre del 2024. Nuestro patrocinador, The Tigard American Legion, se comunicará con usted a principios de diciembre para hacer arreglos para que las familias recojan durante las vacaciones de invierno.
3rd-5th Grade Student Survey
***Please Read***
On Monday, October 28th, at Charles F. Tigard Elementary, students will participate in the PBIS Feedback and Input Survey during Morning Meeting.
The School Climate Survey is an anonymous survey used to identify school climate issues within our school. There are 25 questions asking about students' experiences at school, and they should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Students are also asked for demographic information about how they identify. Click here to view a copy of Feedback and Input Survey Questions. The data collected from this survey will be used to understand students' perceptions of school climate issues within our school and how student identity may affect their school experiences. School staff use the results to inform our efforts to improve our school climate.
Results are anonymous, but families are given the option for their students to opt out of taking the survey. If you want to opt out of your student, please contact your student’s teacher. Although we hope everyone can take the survey, some families may not want their students to participate.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Mrs. Huntley.
Thank you!
Los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Charles F. Tigard participarán en la Encuesta sobre el Ambiente Escolar de PBIS desde lunes el 28 de octubre hasta el viernes el 15 de noviembre.
La Encuesta del Ambiente Escolar es una encuesta anónima que se utiliza para identificar problemas del Ambiente Escolar dentro de nuestra escuela. Hay 25 preguntas sobre las experiencias de los estudiantes en la escuela, y no debe tomar más de 15 minutos para completarlas. A los estudiantes también se les pide información demográfica sobre cómo se identifican. Encuesta de Sugerencias y Comentarios: Primaria Haga clic aquí para ver una copia de las Preguntas de la encuesta de comentarios y sugerencias. Los datos recopilados de esta encuesta se utilizarán para comprender las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre los problemas del ambiente escolar dentro de nuestra escuela y cómo la identidad de los estudiantes puede afectar sus experiencias escolares. El personal de la escuela usa los resultados para informar nuestros esfuerzos para mejorar nuestro ambiente escolar.
Los resultados son anónimos, pero las familias tienen la opción de que sus estudiantes opten por no participar en la encuesta. Si desea excluir a su estudiante, comuníquese con el maestro de su estudiante. Aunque esperamos que todos puedan completar la encuesta, reconocemos que es posible que algunas familias no quieran que sus estudiantes participen.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la encuesta, comuníquese con el/la Sra. Huntley.
Parents of 3-5 grade students: Oregon Battle of the Books fliers are coming home this week! Please fill out the TOP sheet only and save the rest for your records. The deadline to return permission slips is Tuesday, Oct. 29th. We need 10-12 parent volunteers to run this extra-curricular program. Mrs. Stewart will offer an optional (but very helpful) parent training meeting in the library Wednesday, Oct. 30th at 9:30am. You can also print out permission slips from the school library website linked here.
CFT Merch
Interested in purchasing some CFT spiritwear? Check out our online store at cftpsp.org/spirit-wear/. Place your order by November 8th for pickup on December 11th or a classroom delivery on the 12th. And remember to include your student’s name(s) and their teacher’s name(s) as this helps with pickup and delivery.
Connect with Us
As a parent/guardian at CFT, you are a member of the PSO. To stay updated on what is happening at CFT, consider adding our calendar or connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram. For more information about the PSO, visit cftpso.org. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at hello@cftpso.org.
Message from Tigard Tualatin School District
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223
Charles F. Tigard Elementary School
Website: https://www.ttsdschools.org/cft
Location: 12855 SW Grant Avenue
Phone: 503-431-4400