AIG Parent Newsletter
September 2024 Volume 4
Next week....
4th grade math: Students have been working hard on using rounding as an estimation strategy and are going to take a test on it early next week. Then students will build fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers of up to 6 digits by using the standard algorithm. Our end goal is for students to be able to add and subtract to solve two-step and multi-step word problem with accuracy.
Please make sure your child is practicing their addition/subtraction/multiplication facts. I highly recommend utilizing Xtra math a few times a week at home.
5th Math- Students have worked really hard on multiplying and dividing large numbers with accuracy. Next, they will apply this to solving multistep word problems. They will take a short test on that and move on to writing and evaluating numerical expressions.
**Family information for both 4th and 5th grade current math topics are linked below.
4th/5th ELA- Most students have started their Google slide presentations about their enneagram type. They are really excited to learn about themselves and compare themselves to others! Students may work on this project at home but it is not required, unless they get behind. Students have received detailed instructions about the project but I will attach them just so you are aware. I have linked several websites on my Google classroom that students may use for researching.
5th grade should have their Enneagram presentations complete by this Wednesday. 4th grade will have longer due to some scheduling conflicts we've had this week.
Just a reminder, students receive their math assignment on Monday and it is due by Friday. Students can choose if they want to complete it all at once, or a little bit each day. It can be turned in before Friday. It will be graded,. but students can always make corrections and I will regrade it for them.
From time to time, students may not finish a math assignment in class and they will need to finish it for homework. I usually try to announce this via Class Dojo so you are aware.
Xtra Math
Math fluency is a integral part of student success in math. Students who are fluent with their addition and multplication facts can expend more mental energy on the actual math concept, instead of computation.
We will continue to use Xtra math a few days a week at the beginning of class. It would be EXTRA helpful if students practiced at home once or twice a week as well. I will send log in information with students on Monday.
Gifted Advisory Council Meeting
The Gifted Advisory Council is meeting on Monday, Sept. 23 at the Spencer building from 6-7.
The purpose of GAC is to monitor the timely and accurate implementation of all components of the Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program, as well as advocate, communicate and liaise with businesses and the community at large with respect to AIG. The Council also advises and makes recommendations to the New Hanover County Board of Education on AIG matters.
All parents are welcome to attend any meetings! This is an important way for your to advocate for your gifted child.
Parent presentation
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the AIG program, both in NHCS and here at Alderman, check out the attached presentation.