St Teresa's School Newsletter
Thursday 9th May 2024
Nau mai, haere mai
Welcome to the latest edition of our school newsletter!
Today, we commemorate the Feast of the Ascension, a significant event in the Catholic calendar marking Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven. It's a time for reflection and spiritual growth for our Catholic community.
It's been a bustling start to the term here at St T's! Our cross country training is in full swing, and we're thrilled to announce the opening of our new playground, providing even more opportunities for fun and physical activity.
As part of the Booktown Young Readers Programme, our students have had the opportunity to join lots of super events this week and we welcomed author James Russell to our kura today. Tomorrow, your child will receive a $20 voucher to purchase a book at the Booktown event, with an additional opportunity at our school sale on Monday morning. We encourage you to support our classroom stalls at Booktown, where funds raised will benefit individual classrooms. We have a second-hand book stall, a variety of delicious curries for sale, the best ever preserves (world famous in Featherston), yummy slices, tea and coffee. Plus a fabulous Mother's Day Raffle and a raffle for two beautiful quilts.
A quick reminder: this Friday is photography day! For studio or sibling bookings, please email Lisa directly today on smile@lisaprestonphotography.co.nz. And mark your calendars for next Friday as we celebrate Pink Shirt Day, promoting kindness and inclusivity within our school and beyond.
Ngā mihi
Lindsey Dailly, Tumuaki
Term 2 Community Calendar
Weeks 3 and 4
Saturday 11th May
Booktown Class Stall Fundraising
Tuesday 14th May
Board Meeting 6pm
Thursday 16th May
Otago Challenge
Friday 17th May
Pink Shirt Day
Tuesday 21st May
Takitimu school mass - Hub 10am please join us
Welcome to St T's
A warm welcome to all students beginning this term at St. Teresa's. Manuera has joined the Wairongomai class, while Sineth and Fletcher are now part of the Remutaka class.
This week, a group of students played their first basketball game on Wednesday afternoon. They played well against some tough opponents. A special thank you goes out to our two Year 6s - Tyler and Christopher - who joined the team for the game to make up the numbers this week.
Young Readers Programme
This morning James Russell a best-selling and award winning author visited our School. James has created a wonderful world of adventures that can be experienced through eight books so far. Three are his The Dragon Brothers series of picture books and five are The Dragon Defenders series of junior novels.
James read stories, answered questions and shared his new children’s novel ”Children of the Rush” with us. He will be at the Featherston library this Saturday at 12.30. We thank the Booktown team for organising this wonderful event for our tamariki.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
At St Teresa’s School, we teach positive behaviours that help our students learn in a range of places and environments.
Every two weeks, we introduce a new PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus. Currently, our attention is on crafting a Care Code for the special places and objects within our school environment, such as the bush and garden areas, playground, playground equipment, and quad. Alongside this, we delve into the concept of stewardship, understanding that it's our responsibility, as stewards of God's creation, to care for the environment and its inhabitants.
In the upcoming weeks, we will expand on this theme with the focus shifting to "A Wet Day Won’t Ruin Our Play." This unit will guide students on positive indoor play behaviours for rainy days and in shared covered spaces, preparing them for the approaching wet winter weather. Topics will include suitable indoor activities, integrating into ongoing games, sharing toys and equipment, maintaining cleanliness, appropriate noise levels, and utilizing the covered quad area effectively.
We eagerly anticipate sharing our students' achievements and progress in our forthcoming newsletter.
Spotlight on Attendance
Is my child well enough to go to school?
We know that going to school every day is important for all students. But as a parent or caregiver, it can be difficult deciding if your child is well enough to attend school.
Here is some advice to help you decide when it is okay to send your child to school, when you should keep your child at home, and when you should contact a health professional for advice. This advice is based off in-depth guidance prepared by Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand, which you can view here.
School Policies
SchoolDocs is a website for our policies and procedures. We invite you to participate in the Term 2 review:
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Teacher Relief Cover
- Police Vetting
- Classroom Release Time
To take part follow these steps;
- Visit the website https://teresas.schooldocs.co.nz/
- Enter the username (teresas) and password (ontrack).
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
Attendance Dues
The Archdiocese of Wellington attendance dues team are in the process of sending out school fee notices, but due to the implementation of a new software system (CathConnect) , some may experience a delay or inaccuracies. We appreciate your patience as the team works diligently to distribute all statements and address your inquiries promptly. Thank you for your understanding during this transition.
Kelly Ross, Vicar for Education
Mother's Day Raffle
Get ready to make Mum's day extra special with our fantastic Mother's Day Raffle! Don't miss out on this chance to win big while making a difference in the lives of our little ones and honouring the amazing mums in our lives!
📅 Date of Draw: Monday, May 13th, 2024
🎟️ Ticket Prices: $2 each or grab a bargain with 3 tickets for just $5!
🌳 Supporting a Good Cause: Funds raised will go towards a brand-new sandpit, and exciting outdoor play equipment for endless fun and learning opportunities!
Contact Us
Email: office@teresas.school.nz
Website: https://www.teresas.school.nz/
Location: St Teresa's School Bell Street, Featherston, New Zealand
Phone: 06 308 9064
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/St-Teresas-Featherston/100057033717170/