St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura
Term 2 Week 10 - 8 July 2021
Me Whakakotahi, Kia Maarama, Kia Pono, Ki Te Karakia
Together We Learn, We Pray, We Serve
Kia ora koutou katoa
We are cruising down to the finish line as our term draws to a close tomorrow. It's been a wonderful term, full of new and exciting learning, great progress and lots of fun. All teams have proudly shared their term's learning with me and I am over the moon to see the excellent work and the interesting learning that has taken place!
Children excitedly visit my office almost every week to show me what they are working on. Their vocabulary is developing beautifully because of the authentic learning experiences that they are having at school. Even better, our children are growing in confidence by sharing their discoveries. This is also enhancing the quality and content of their writing.
I would like to commend our amazingly skilled teachers for pushing out the boat and creating wonderful contexts for learning and making our curriculum so exciting and engaging for our children. It's been worth every extra minute spent planning and preparing for these learning opportunities. We are beginning to see the impact that these efforts are having on our children.
On Friday you will receive your child's Mid Year progress report.
Please note that the report is a checkpoint to give you an idea of how your child is tracking against the curriculum expectations for reading, writing and maths. We are planning to include science and digital technology achievement in our End of Year reports.
Also included is some information about your child's progress against the Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum. These are the capabilities for living and lifelong learning - the soft skills needed to function effectively in the modern world. We hope that this section will generate effective learning conversations with your child.
Below is a short presentation explaining how to understand your child's achievement against the curriculum expectations for their year level.
We hope this helps. Please celebrate even the smallest achievement and progress made by your child. Small steps well celebrated, lead to giant leaps!
Please feel free to contact us if you require further discussion.
Thank you again for your wonderful support of our awesome little school.
We wish everyone a warm, safe and happy winter break and we look forward to having your children back with us again next term.
Audrey Kippen
From our Board of Trustees
What a year it has been so far!
We are already halfway through the year and our school has had so much happening with so many different learning opportunities and activities that our blessed children are experiencing. We hope that our children are relishing in the experience of the broadened school curriculum that we offer at St Mary’s.
Catholic Character
We are pleased to see so much happening around our Parish and the connection our children have had so far with Team Masses, School Family Masses and the connection our Emmaus Team are making with their mini working bees at the parish!
We hope you are using your God’s Word daily reflections books and the prayer support bag sent home with your children and that your whole family is enjoying this great gift provided to all our families to further enrich our Catholic Character.
Our children have been enjoying using our STEAM Room for a range of arts and digital technology purposes and we are pleased to see the development of our new Music Room which will soon be operational, thanks to the commitment of our principal and staff to our broadened curriculum. This is another much needed resource and is a result of the parent survey on our curriculum, completed at the end of 2018.
Property Matters
We are hoping all our children are enjoying the new multi sports posts that have been erected on the top field. I have heard that the daily lunch time football game rivals some scenes in the European Cup!
We have recently conducted a safety audit on all our playground equipment. We are working on any areas that needed addressing from a risk perspective.
You would have noticed all our new signage that is being erected around the school, both for identification and wayfinding. We believe that this is creating a more vibrant look to our school and better reflects our cultural connectedness as well as our school values and our school crest. We are eagerly awaiting our LED signage that will ne erected during the school holidays.
The Board has been working for some time on plans to renovate Rooms 15 to 19 (Jerusalem and Emmaus spaces) into Integrated Learning Environments. We will be moving closer to achieving this over the coming months with Government Funding recently being approved for Integrated Schools to receive much needed funds for projects like ours. We are pleased that this project can soon become a reality with the use of this government funding, along with existing funding which we have saved in our School Diocese account, as well as further school fundraising to enable us to deliver such a project.
Finally, I would like to encourage all our caregivers and parents to look at joining the PTFA as either a member of the committee or a friend of the committee. As a friend of the committee, you may have a skill that is unique that you could offer the PTFA in times of need. As a Mission School, we are blessed to be able to serve our families and our community and the more hands available to be involved with the various activities we run around the school is appreciated. From my own experience, it is the best way you can get to meet and get to know the wonderful families we have at our school. The work is highly rewarding and lots of fun, especially knowing the work you do is enriching our student achievement and Catholic character.
As our little gem of a school continues to grow and our children continue to flourish, I look forward to enjoying the pleasure of being part of this wonderful community.
George Khoury
BOT Chairperson
CARITAS - MUFTI MANIA - Friday 9 July 2021
From the Desk of our DRS (Director of Religious Studies)
A huge thank you to all our families for contributing generously to all our charity fundraising events throughout the term. Students engaged in lessons and discussions about each of these events so that they know exactly what the purpose for each event is. As a mission school we are committed to support charity organisations in the work they do in different ways. Please check out the Caritas website (see above) for Mufti Mania and other events. Our next charity event will be Daffodil Day in August.
Grandparents Day - Thursday 29 July
A reminder to return the slips for catering purposes. Every year we are so excited to have our grandparents at our school.
If you are able to support our PTFA with provision and serving of morning tea for our grandparents, please contact the school office on 90 2684450 or email ptfa@stmaryspapakura.school.nz
Sunday Mass
Once again our students stepped up on a very short notice to represent our school at Father James’ first Mass as our official parish priest. Please remember that EVERY Mass is a special celebration of the Eucharist and an opportunity to share in the sacred meal at the table (altar) of our Lord. Receiving the precious Body and Blood of Jesus is an opportunity not to be missed. It strengthens us to face our daily challenges and helps us to grow closer to God. We look forward to seeing more of our students and their families at Mass more often.
Altar Servers
We are always short of altar servers. Please encourage children who have received their First Holy Communion to serve at the altar. This is a beautiful way to develop their relationship with Jesus and serve the parish in a special way. Please contact me if you would like your child to train for service.
Sacrament of Baptism
Please contact the school office if you would like to have your children baptised. Discuss this Sacrament prayerfully as a family. Preparations will commence in Term 3 and we will celebrate as a whole school in September.
Blessings and aroha.
Mrs Bernadette Paulse
Director of Religious Studies
Team Bethlehem
Sharing their learning with Mrs Kippen and Mrs Buckley
Team Nazareth
What an awesome term of great learning we have had!
Sea Jars
We made sea jars to capture our exciting learning about our world "Under the Sea".
We invited Mrs Kippen for a cuppa and the students shared how the coffee beans come all the way from the Rainforest. They ground the roasted beans and served a fresh cup of coffee from the plunger.
Problem solving during Maths lessons. Rich conversations and collaborations during problem solving activities.
Team Jerusalem
We are very proud of our Jerusalem team who planned and painted our Jerusalem buddy bench. We are so lucky to have Mrs Devoy who supported this group in this painting adventure. We look forward to using this bench next term during our play times.
Our new Te Reo Māori online programme
We have had so much fun with our new Education Perfect Programme.
We have been learning the Māori names for colours and many different greetings. We even have some students who are highly ranked globally and New Zealand wide.
Troy Al-Haddad is first globally and NZ wide for greetings and māori colours.
Blake Leaitua is second in the country for Māori greetings. Marco, Eva and Lachie are also highly rated. These can change daily and we are having so much fun following this programme. Well done everyone.
Enzo's Planet Earth Poster
The Kowhai students had to create a poster as part of a writing lesson based on Oliver Jeffer's book 'Here we are: Notes for living on Planet Earth.'
Well done on your great work, Enzo!
Jerusalem students working on their purerehua.
Thanks to Mr Murray for his help.
We would like to acknowledge all the students who participated in the 40 Hour Famine this year. We are very impressed with Alexis Walker who managed to raise $1,120 from her family and friends.
Alexis, we are very impressed with your effort and the fact that you did not talk for 40 hours!
Wow! What a quiet weekend that must have been!
Team Emmaus
Auckland War Memorial Museum - Thursday 7 July 2021
The Emmaus team enjoyed visiting the Museum on Thursday to experience our nation's treasures. The history of New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours were appreciated with informative and interactive displays. The museum provided an information session with two experts on Volcanoes and the children built upon the knowledge they had learnt this term with our Natural Disasters Unit.
Technology - STEAM
The children were challenged with a design project to sketch and create a standing 3D slot together animal. There were measurement requirements and they were not able to use glue or tape to secure the design. A design report was completed that reflected upon the design process by viewing and discussing other students' animals to understand how they could have improved their own end product.
Design Report By Izy Castro - Emmaus Team
'Rise+Shine' Josiah Mika Foundation
May Josiah Mika's legacy live on in our hearts, as well as the lives of the children he will be impacting through this amazing foundation. Please support this worthy cause.
Grandparents' Day Invitation - Thursday 29 July 2021
ALPHA - A Special Invitation to All Parents and Caregivers!
Alpha can help you understand why we believe what we believe, and give confidence to share your faith with your child. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore all the big questions about life and faith in a safe, friendly environment. Suitable for wherever you are in your spiritual journey.
Get to know others over a delicious meal followed by a short video and great discussion. Thursday evenings over Term 3.
Start date: Thursday July 29th; 6.30pm to 8.30pm, St Mary's Church Hall.
Ten sessions - come for one or two sessions, or for all. No cost, no pressure. Come and See.....
For more information or to register: alpha@stmaryspapakura.co.nz or phone Benita 2996056 or Jovita 2985773
The Catholic Caring Foundation
The Catholic Caring Foundation is looking for a community-focused database/grants and administrator co-ordinator to join their busy team on a fixed term 11-month (August 2021 to July 2022) contract period for 20 hours per week.
The Foundation is the philanthropic trust of the Bishop of Auckland, and annually gives out grants to social service agencies who care for the poor, the marginalised and the vulnerable. To help us with our mission, we need a co-ordinator who will make sure that our office runs smoothly and that our team are well supported in grant making, fundraising and donor care.
You’ll have great attention to detail, demonstrate excellent customer service, have experience of working with a CRM system, and have well-developed organisational skills to help us successful connect with our donors and provide grants to our partner agencies.
Please visit our website www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz, Diocesan Services, Staff Vacancies for a full position description and how to apply.
Thank you
Kind regards
Leanne Killgour
HR Manager
Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Email: leannek@cda.org.nz
Direct Dial: 360 3009
Mobile: 021 108 3658
We were thankful for the Auckland Transport Road Wardens who were present on Monday morning to assist with our Road Safety. Tickets were issued for illegal road activity. They will be back next term!
Thank you for continuing to be mindful of our tamariki and whanau's safety.
Thank you.
The Road Safety Team.
St Mary's Way Tokens
Gaining a St Mary's Badge is a huge achievement, which our students are working hard towards achieving. It takes consistency, determination and perseverence, as well as an inherent belief in our school values of Respect, Care and Responsibility to gain 160 tokens.
Congratulations to Finn Butler, Iraia Sialeipata, Issa Abdulahhad, Marco Omandam, Eva Ellery-Siaosi, Sofia Perry and Luka Khoury who have gained 160 St Mary's Way tokens. They have been awarded their badges.
Congratulations to the following students who have gained 100 tokens and a St Mary's Way Postcard: Alyssa Rowe, Kate Butler, Max Kilpatrick, Timmy Zhang, Troy Al-Haddad, Charlie Bluck and Carlin Walden.
Congratulations also to : Alana Story-Vaifale, Raymond Vakauta, Amaya Varghese, Thea Sheehan, Brydie Edge, Charlotte Bernauer and Isla Morrison who have gained 60 tokens and a St Mary's Way sticker.
Well Done All for Showing the St Mary's Way!
160 St Mary's Way Tokens!
PhotoLife Studios - Class/Team Photos - Access Key Codes Distributed
The Unique Access Key codes were distributed to students today, so you will be able to view and order On-line with PhotoLife Studios.
The Access Key will display all the photographs of your child. It is then an easy process for you to shop on-line and purchase the photographs you want.
If you place your order within three weeks of receiving your Access Key you will receive free delivery for your photo orders. PhotoLife has agreed to despatch all the orders back to the school and your child will bring their photographs home.
Any orders placed after this three week period will be sent directly to your specified delivery address and will incur a $6.00 postage and packaging charge. You will see this message when you go online to view and order your photographs.
McAuley High School - Enrolments Are Open Now
McAuley High School offers a high quality Catholic education that challenges students to strive for standards of personal excellence. We provide a supportive environment in which our students are helped and encouraged to develop academically, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Enrolments are open now. Contact us for an enrolment form and prospectus:
Telephone: (09) 276 8715
Email: office@mcauleyhigh.school.nz
Website: www.mcauleyhigh.school.nz
Rosehill College Enrolment Information for 2022
Monday 26 July – Thursday 5 August 2021
Principal visits contributing schools to distribute in-zone enrolment packs to Year 8 students.
For prospective students with their parents/caregivers. Please gather in the School Hall at 5 pm. The evening should conclude by 7pm.
In-Zone Enrolments
Friday 20 August 2021
Closing date for in-zone enrolment applications to be received by the College delivered either by hand or through the post.
Out of Zone Enrolments
Year 9: 30 places may be available for out of zone Year 9 students in 2022 who have a current sibling at the college. The exact number of places will depend on in-zone applications.
NOTE: Out of zone enrolment application packs are only available from reception upon request.
Wednesday 1 September 2021
Closing date for out of zone enrolment applications to be received by the College, delivered either by hand or through the post.
‘Young at Art offer Children’s, Teens & Adult Art classes in Pukekohe'.
Our Holiday workshops are open for booking. These holidays we are offering Acrylic Pour Art, Papier mache, Puppet making, Print making, Canvas painting and Weaving. Term 3 ART ADVENTURES classes are open for booking in groups for children aged 6-9yrs, 9-12yrs and 13yrs+ on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.
If there is no space in your chosen class please email Anna to join the waiting list we often have an odd spot come up at the beginning of term.
For more information or to book please check out: http://www.youngatart.co.nz/, email: admin@youngatart.co.nz or phone: 0297 712 923. Bookings are essential as places are limited’
Welcome to Treasure Island
Keep the kids Entertained at Treasure Island Adventure Golf these School Holidays.
At just $10 per student, your team can spend 1-2 hours entertained by our explosive cannons, captured wildlife, big waterfalls and scary pirates. The kids get to engage in a competitive game of golf on one of our 18 hole mini-golf courses.
If you're lucky, you might get the chance to feed Bob the Eel and his friends.
Travel through Blackbeards Cave or stumble on the Captains Pirate ship.
Decide to PLAY both and the Second round is Half Price.
We are open 7 days a week and have plenty of Free Parking onsite. 9am - 5pm
Enquire for more information by contacting us at info@treasureislandgolf.co.nz or
PH: 09 275 5370
The Uniform Shoppe - SAS Sport
We have been advised by The Uniform Shoppe - SAS Sport that they are very low on the St Mary's sweatshirts at the moment (only have size 12 and up available). The shipment is on the water and has been delayed a few weeks.
If you urgently require a school sweatshirt, we do have a few 'second hand' items in stock at school. Please enquire at the school office. Thank you.
Upcoming Events
Friday 9th July
MUFTI MANIA - (Gold Coin Donation Please)
Reports to go home today
Last day of Term Two - finishing at the usual time of 2.55 p.m.
Happy & Safe Holidays Everyone!
Term 3 - Day 1 - Monday 26th July
Thursday 29th July
'Grandparents' Day'
7.00 p.m. - BoT Meeting
Preference Certificates
Fr James is available to sign Preference Certificates on Thursdays from
10.00 a.m. - 12 noon AND from 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. at the Parish Office.
No Appointment Necessary.
Initiate Dance Holiday Programme - July 2021 - East Auckland
19-23 July 2021
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
Fencible Lounge (Howick Library)
$75 for the full week
Open to 8-12 year olds
Book online at initiatedance.wixsite.com/home
Dance away the holidays and join in the fun! Over one week 8 to 12 year olds learn a variety of dance techniques and routines with fun games and team building activities. The dance programme is about engaging young people in a positive way during the school holidays.
Students finish the week with a fun performance for family and friends. No dance experience is needed.
Sustainable Papakura - July Events
'Click' to download:
Catholic Schools Day - Wednesday 29 September 2021
Catholic Schools Day on 29 September 2021 is another opportunity to celebrate the taonga of Catholic education for which we are kaitiaki.
The poster (below) displays the oldest, continually used Catholic church in Aotearoa New Zealand. In the Archdiocese of Wellington, St Mary’s Church, Ōtaki and the parish school of St Peter Chanel stand alongside the Catholic marae, Te Marae O Hine, all overlooked by the sacred hill of Pukekaraka.
It is within school and parish, and Catholic marae, that tamariki, rangatahi, and their whānau, strengthen their sense of what it means to be Catholic and belonging to parish.
School and parish become Tūrangawaewae - A Place to Stand.
St Mary's will join with our South Auckland Catholic Schools Kahui Ako/ Community of Learning to celebrate Catholic Schools Day with a special Mass at St Therese Church, Mangere on Friday 29 October.
Look At What's Coming To St Mary's !
Have Your Contact Details Changed?
Please remember to download our school APP to receive regular updates and reminders.
Contact Us
St Mary's Parish, Papakura - Contact
Parish Priest - Fr James Mulligan
52 East Street, Papakura 2110
Parish Office - (09) 299 6056
Presbytery - (09) 298 5134
Email: office@stmaryspapakura.co.nz / www.papakuracatholic.org.nz
Facebook - search: St Mary's Parish Catholic Church Papakura
Preference Certificates to be signed at the Parish Office
Thursdays Only from 10 a.m. - 12 noon AND 4 - 6 p.m. - No Appointment Necessary
The Uniform Shoppe - SAS Sport Limited - Updated Price List Attached
Uniforms are available for purchase from the SAS Sport shop located at 28B Wood Street, Papakura. The shop hours are Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. AND Saturdays 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Shop Telephone: 296 6063 - or visit: www.theuniformshoppe.co.nz and click 'shop online'. WINZ Quotes are available through SAS Sport. Caps ($16) and 'Scrunchies' ($2) are available through the school office. PLEASE ENSURE ALL ITEMS ARE CLEARLY NAMED. THANK YOU.
See updated Uniform Price List below (which is also posted on our school website):
MusIQhub Music Lessons
At St Mary's Catholic School - SIGN UP NOW for Term Two 2021! Our friends at MusIQhub are happy to announce that there will be new spaces available this term for Drum, Piano/Keyboard, Guitar and Ukulele lessons during school hours! Also, there will be Singing, Recorder and Flute lessons available! Please enquire now to book in spaces for quality music lessons taught by experienced professional musicians.
Drums, Piano/Keyboard, Singing, Recorder and Flute - Paul Barry 022 198 0044
Email: paul.barry@musiqhub.co.nz
Guitar and Ukulele - Lih Foo 021 2076 231
Email: lih.foo@musiqhub.co.nz
NB: From Term Two, 2021 guitar lessons with Mr Lih will begin at the earlier time of 9.10 a.m, through until 10.40 a.m. Thank you.
Children's Community Dental Service - Information for Parents
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our services at each alert level.
Term Two - Monday 3rd May to Friday 9th July 2021
Term Three - Monday 26th July to Friday 1st October 2021
Term Four - Monday 18th October to Wednesday 15th December 2021
Good Friday - 2nd April 2021
Easter Monday - 5th April 2021
Easter Tuesday - 6th April 2021
7th April 2021
28th May 2021
22nd October 2021
Sunday 25th April 2021
Monday 26th April 2021 - ANZAC Day Observed
Monday 7th June 2021
Monday 25th October 2021