Leslie Bell Elementary Newsletter
January 2025
From the Desk of Mrs. Smith
Welcome back to school and second semester! Grade cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 15th in students' backpacks. Please be on the look out for your child's grade card.
Students were very excited to be back this morning! We had a great number of smiling faces that were excited to be greeted by staff and get back into their daily routine.
As the weather continues to be cold please make sure to send appropriate clothing for your child to wear outside each day.
Recess offers important time for physical activity and social development. Weather permitting, students are given outside recess each day, so please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately. The District has established the following guidelines for recess during cold months:
∗ +20º F and above may have full outside recess
∗ +19º F to +1º F may have a shortened recess
∗ 0º F and below must have indoor recess
*These guidelines are based on the wind chill index.
As inclement weather happens often in January and February, please see the below information regarding inclement weather days per our District Parent & Student Handbook to be best prepared.
School Cancellations and/or Early Dismissal
School will be closed or dismissed early when weather conditions are such that buses are unable to run safely. A broadcast will be made utilizing television and radio stations, Textcaster, email, phone, and on the District’s Facebook page, to notify students and parents/guardians. In addition, you can download the district app on any Android or iPhone searching Lexington School District.
Any decision regarding school closings for the District will be made by 6:00 a.m. so that the announcement can be placed on the air as soon as possible. We know that canceling school or dismissing early can inconvenience some people, however, we try to base our decision on what is best for our students. Our students’ safety is our number one priority. Please do not call the administration or radio/TV stations for this information.
Link if needed to sign up for the TextCast Minutemen Alerts.
At times, school may dismiss early during the day. In the event such a closing should occur, a
broadcast will be made and media notified. Information should be given to your child as to what s/he should do if this situation arises. Please keep a watch on the weather, especially in the winter months. If the school needs to send your student to another destination or phone someone to pick her/him, please have this information on file in the office. Time is short in emergency situations and every effort will be made to keep students safe.
Important Upcoming Dates
Positive Behavior Support 3rd Quarter
Students will be reviewing building wide positive expectations as we start 3rd quarter. Additional to classroom teachers reviewing expectations, our students will also refresh expectations in the bathroom, hallway, cafeteria and on the playground. We will have lessons on being respectful, responsible, safe, and kind. These lessons will occur when we are back in the building from the snow days.
As we begin 3rd quarter, students will also have the opportunity to earn their 3rd quarter celebration.
In order for a student to receive:
- 8 positive behavior tickets
- 3 or less recovery room visits
- Positive behavior on the bus (if applicable)
Counselor Smith Update
In January, students will be meeting with Counselor Smith for lessons regarding problem solving and career exploration.