McCullough Family Update
September 8, 2024
Good Evening Mustang Families,
We are looking forward to another great week at McCullough! Students and staff will participate in their first fire drill of the year this week. Families are encouraged to remind their students to listen to their teachers directions during the drill and to exit the building quickly and safely.
Week of 9/9 Exploratory Schedule
Monday, September 9th: B Day
Tuesday, September 10th: Professional Development- NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 11th: A Day
Thursday, September 12th: B Day
Friday, September 13th: A Day
It is evident that families have reviewed the school wide norms with their students and we truly appreciate your support. Please continue to review the cellphone expectations linked below with your student. More specifically please remind them that cellphones should not be seen in hallways and should be stored away.
Tomorrow morning students will take the iReady Math Benchmark Assessment. In preparation for these assessments students have conferenced and goal set with their Math teachers and set goals based on their highest score from last year. Please ask your student about their goal, and ask them to try their best to meet their goal! Testing protocols will be followed during the benchmark assessment, so students will have to turn in all electronics to ensure a secure testing environment. Families should know that how students score on their benchmark assessments will determine how they are placed in their MTSS/Enrichment class (period 1).
Emergency cards were sent home with all students during the first week of school and many have already been returned. If you still have your students emergency card at home please return it as soon as possible. If your students emergency card did not make it home, please reach out to let us know that you need a new one. This week, students will receive a pink packet of papers that need to be signed (if applicable). Please review the pink packed and return the signed forms as soon as possible.
As a reminder, our doors open at 7:55 AM for students, advisory meetings in homeroom will begin at 8:15am and students are considered late if they arrive after 8:20am. All walkers and car riders will enter the building through the front door and buses will still drop off and pick up in the rear of the building. In order to ensure that we have safe arrival and dismissal we are asking that parents dropping off students be sure to...
- Pull up in single line along the curb
- Pull you car up as far as you can
- Be sure that your student is ready to promptly exit your vehicle in order to keep the line moving (arrival only)
Finally, we are having our first fundraiser of the year this Wednesday, September 11th at the Chipotle in New Castle from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. We encourage everyone in Mustang & Colonial Nation to order online using our promo code (see flyer below). Chipotle will donate 25% of the sales back to our school community!
Let's have an amazing week, and remember Mustangs Run Together!
Mrs. Hyacinth Lewis, Principal
McCullough Norms
Please discuss our school norms with your student and remind them to be Respectful, Responsible, & Ready each school day!
Do we have your correct contact information?
We want to ensure we have the most accurate and up-to-date information for your family! Please ensure that your email and mobile phone numbers are correct. These are the district's main channels for contacting you to share important information. To update the contact information you have on file, fill out the form using the button below and someone will be in touch with you.
McCullough Cellphone Expectations for Students
At McCullough, instruction and student engagement is our primary focus. Minimizing student cell phone usage in school will give students and staff the best opportunity to focus, reconnect, and build a culture that nurtures belonging and academic success. Cell phones & cell phone accessories (such as Airpods, smart watches/apple watches, headphones, etc. are also restricted throughout the day) are not banned at school, but the access to cell phones & accessories is restricted during instructional time. Airpods/headphones are to be kept in backpacks and not be visible.
Please review the parent letter and additional information using the buttons below.
Upcoming Events
9/9/2024: Fire Drill this week
9/9/2024: iReady Math Benchmark Assessment
9/10/2024: Professional Development Day- No School
9/11/2024: McCullough Fundraiser @ New Castle Chipotle from 4:00pm-8:00pm (see flyer below)
9/17/2024: STAR Reading Benchmark Assessment
9/19/2024: McCullough Open House & Food Truck Festival
Open House: 6:00pm-7:30pm (Food Trucks will be available from 4:00pm-8:00pm)
9/25/2024: McCullough Family Night at Texas Roadhouse (Bear Location) from 3:00pm-10:00pm
9/27/2024: Marking Period 1 Interims Close
McCullough's Chipotle Fundraiser Directions
McCullough Wellness Center
As a reminder, our Wellness Center is open for enrollment! Enrolling your student into our Wellness Center will not replace your primary care doctor, but will be in addition to. The services are free and can be done during the school day (parents will not have to leave work). Families may call 302.512.7500 to schedule appointments and sports physicals.
Families can complete the packet electronically using the link below or pick up a hard copy in the main office. If you opt to complete the hard copy you will return the completed packet to the main office. Once your child is enrolled, you can call and schedule their appointments. Parents/guardians may be present for the appointment, join via phone or video or have your student complete the visit on their own.
MC Wellness Center Helpful Hint
Now that the school year is back in the full swing, we would like to highlight the importance of sleep! While the amount of sleep needed changes as we grow many are not getting enough sleep.
Why is sleep important? During sleep the body repairs tissues, builds muscles and strengthens the immune system. It also helps regulate hormones that control hunger and stress resulting in increase in memory, learning and problem solving. In children and teens it help support growth and development- so yes you do grow in you sleep!
Without enough sleep you may having difficulty concentrating, thinking clearly and remembering. Long term poor sleep can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease and behavioral problems.
How much sleep is needed? School age students (6-13 years old) should have 9-12 hours of sleep, teenagers (14-17 years old) should have 8-10 hours of sleep and adults should have 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.
So, turn off the electronics and go to sleep!!!
McCullough Athletics
McCullough offers DIAA sports teams during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Please visit our athletics website (click link) to learn more about the sports that we offer.
Tryouts for Soccer (co-ed) and Field Hockey have begun. All interested students must have a sports physical on file to participate in tryouts.
Sports Requirements & Physicals
Student athletes must maintain passing grades in all 4 year long classes (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies).
2024-2025 DIAA Sports Physical Form (use this form if you are taking your child to their doctor for the physical.
McCullough Standing Reminders
Contact Information
The names and contact emails for our grade level assistant principals, student advisor and school counselors are listed below. They are your go-to contacts for supporting your student. Our school phone number is 302-429-4000 and our secretaries are Ms. Moore & Ms. Butcher.
- Principal: Hyacinth Lewis
- 6th Grade Admin: Stephen Walls 6th Grade Counselor: Kahlil Fitzpatrick (Last Names A-L) and Tonya Bailey-Smiley (Last Names M-Z)
- 7th Grade Admin: Aaron Lamb 7th Grade Counselor: Tonya Bailey-Smiley
- 8th Grade Admin: Nicole Sumner Grade Counselor: Kahlil Fitzpatrick
Home to School Connection: Do you have Home Access Center?
In order to ensure a strong HOME TO SCHOOL CONNECTION, we are encouraging all families to ensure that they have access to their Home Access Account (HAC) and Schoology accounts. These accounts will allow for you to monitor your child's academic progress, view grades for submitted assignments, and see assignments that still need to be submitted. If you need access to these accounts, please contact your students guidance counselor.
Follow us on Social Media
There are lots of amazing things going on at McCullough, so I encourage you to follow us on Facebook (click link) and on Instagram (click link) to see all of the wonderful things happening at school! Please review our weekly update that contains announcements and updates for families.
McCullough Middle School
Website: https://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/mccullough/
Location: 20 Chase Avenue, New Castle, DE, USA
Phone: 3024294000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McculloughCSD