Muskrat Newsletter
May 2024
Happy May Day Families!
There are about 6 weeks left in this school year. That can be exciting and it can also be stressful for kiddos (and teachers!) as it can mean there is a lot to do in a short amount of time - see loads of details below. It can also lead to wonderings about missing friends and/or the routine of school. If you are able to, this is a great time to chat about those feelings and make any plans to support an easier transition into the summer months.
It may also be a good time to reach out to teachers and show your support in the classroom or with a few kind words... Education Appreciation Week is May 6-10 and I know they would love to hear how they have positively impacted your families this year. If you'd like to do more, reach out to the PTO about volunteering or donation options.
Enjoy the sun!
Principal Danforth
Fundraising Update
THANK YOU Benton Community Foundation
Our strongest music advocate, Jessica Larsen has done it again! She was awarded a $5000 grant from the Benton Community Foundation to fund our music program next year!! The BCF is a local organization dedicated to funding diverse and meaningful works in Benton County. We thank them and Ms. Larsen for helping bring the joy of music to our students 🎶
Chipotle Dine-OUT - May 11th
Come on down to the Chipotle on Circle, Saturday May 11th for a little South of the Border fundraising foodie funtimes! Mention our name from 4pm-8pm and we will receive 25% of your burrito, bowl, or salad purchase as a donation to our school. Online orders can use the code 46BVR4L in the promotion field. See you there! https://locations.chipotle.com/or/corvallis/550-ne-circle-blvd
Spring Plant Sale - MAY 10th
MCCS Students and Staff have been hard at work caring for their little plant babies in their classrooms, the garden, and the greenhouse. On Friday May 10th we will have our annual plant sale in the Pollinator Garden from 8am-4pm. In addition to before and afterschool times, the classes will all have scheduled shifts throughout the day so you can come out and help sell plants with your kiddos, or choose a flat together.
We will have veggie starts, flowers, herbs, succulents and (just in time for Mother's Day!) beautiful baskets. This year we will even have a "Create-Your-Own-Basket" station where you can choose from the beautiful starts and craft your own picture of porchy perfection! Email the office if you are interested in volunteering to help on sale day. All proceeds will go to supporting our school garden program 🌱
Spring Showcase - May 22nd
We are thrilled to announce the date and details for our Spring Showcase for Music+Art. We are including a traditional musical performace, an art walk, and a student talent portion. That makes the evening a little longer than usual, but we are building in some breaks so anyone who needs to stretch (or leave early) can do so discretely ;) Concessions will be available and will help support the arts at MCCS.
- ACT ONE (5:00-5:45) - The Beatles-Themed Musical Performance will feature all classes
- ART WALK (5:45-6:00) - "Twist and Shout" movement break, time for snacks, perusing art, and the like.
- ACT TWO (6:00-7:00) - Talent portion various students, various talents (non-beatles specific)
Thanks to our own Karen Anderson, Evangeline Shipe, and our PTO for organizing this event! I look forward to seeing all the students share their music and art with our community!
From The Office
✔ Please check with your kiddos and see if they need you to send more food in their lunch boxes. We do keep some emergency food at the office, but we have been going through it faster than normal 🍘
✔ Volunteers must have an approved background check + teacher permission to go on field trips or volunteer in the classroom. If you are planning to help out this spring, please take the time to fill out your application at least one week prior to the event 💻
✔ The Lost & Found rack is getting pretty full... if you are in the neighborhood please take a look throuhg and see if any of the items are yours 👕
✔ Our Dental screening event will take place on May 23rd. Please be sure to return the blue registration packets asap indicating YES you want your child to be seen, or NO THANKS. 🦷
Classroom Shout-OUTs
Getting Ready for the Hennies!
Our 4th grade students - along with Mr. Kalesh - have been preparing the new chicken coop and run! It's looking almost ready and has even been tested out by a few "loaner" chicks...
Eggs in 1st Grade
A few weeks ago our 1st Grade and Kinder teachers set up incubators in their rooms. They found fertilized eggs from a local farmer and started the EGG-citing process of growing some Muddy Creek Chicks. The new floofs are expected THIS WEEK!
Embryo Tracking in Kindergarten
The Kinder and 1st grade classes have been tracking their chick's development through daily "candeling" the eggs. They are observing, charting, and demonstrating their understanding through art.
Tulips Through Time
MCCS Poet's Society
You Wouldn't Want to be...
Collaborative Problem Solving for Parents
This year the Muddy Creek staff have implemented a behavior management system called Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS). This program/philosophy is a shift to a more child-centered and empathy-forward approach that we feel fits very well with our Muskrats. We are seeing a dramatic reduction in our number of office referrals, classroom disruptions, and suspensions from the beginning of the year to now. I wanted to invite anyone unfamiliar with the Collaborative Problem Solving philosophy/techniques to enroll in a FREE CPS parenting class being offered by Riverview Center for Growth for Oregon Parents, Grandparents, Foster Parents, and Caregivers. They are funded by Oregon Health Authority and the Early Childhood Learning Center of Lane County.
Their classes are mostly offered virtually and a few of them are specialized for Spanish speakers as well as for parents/caregivers who have children with Autism/DD. They are 8 week long courses with online meetings once a week and are run by Collaborative Problem Solving Trainers who all work in the social services field as Therapists and Counselors. If you are interested in how CPS may help you and your family, you can Learn More & Sign Up HERE.
Upcoming Dates...
5/2 - PTO Meeting, 7p
5/3 - All School Meeting, 8:40a
5/6-10 - Educator Appreciation Week!
5/9 - ICP Board Meeting, 7p
5/10 - MCCS Plant Sale, 8a-4p
5/11 - Chipotle Dine-OUT,
5/12 - Mother's Day
5/22 - SPRING SHOWCASE, 5-7p
5/23 - Dental Screening
5/24 - Benton Co. Safety Fair
5/27 - NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
5/29-31 - Outdoor School (5th only)
5/31 - Movie Night, 5p
6/6 - PTO Meeting, 7p
6/7 - Jog-a-Thon
6/13 - ICP Board Meeting, 7p
TBD - Step-UP Day
6/17 - Field Day, 12ish
6/18 - 5th Grade Graduation, 9a
6/18 - Family BBQ, 11:15a