Quashnet School Blog
August 1, 2024

January 19, 2025
Special Days this Week
Monday, January 20 - No School (MLK Day & Inauguration Day)
Tuesday, January 21 - Special Day 4
Wednesday, January 22 - Special Day 5
Thursday, January 23- Special Day 6
Friday, January 24 - Special Day 1
Theater Performances this Week
Our after school school theater club has been working on putting together the performance of Treasure Island which they will showcase four times this week. Three performances take in place in school for students and the fourth is in the evening, and the entire community is invited. This team of teachers and approximately 45 students have been rehearsing for 16-weeks in preparation.
Additionally, they have established a fun partnership with the painting club that paints and assembles all the backdrops for the play. I hope many of you are able to attend.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 2:15pm: Show for KCCS Grade 2
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 2:30pm: Show for QS Grades 3&4
Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 2:30: Show for QS Grades 5&6
Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 6:00pm: Show open to the public
K-Kids Canned Food Drive
For the next two weeks our after school club, K-Kids is running a canned food drive to support the local Mashpee food pantry. Please consider helping the community by bringing in cans. There are prizes for the two homeroom classes that bring in the most cans.
Upcoming 5th and 6th Grade Social
The fifth and sixth grade social is coming up on Friday, January 31, 6:00pm-7:30pm. This is a really fun social event with games, music, and snacks. Last year the students had a fantastic time and most 5th and 6th grade students attended.
Drop Off: All students should stay in their cars until 6:00pm when the front doors open. Please utilized the usual parent pick up line circle in front of the school as we do for school drop off.
Pick Up: All cars should go in the parent-pick up line around the loop in front of the school as we do for parent pick-up in the afternoons after school. We will match students to cars as they pull up in the circle. Please DO NOT park and text your child to come to you. Everyone will come outside together at 7:30pm for pick-up.
Students are held to all the usual expectation of the Code of Conduct in the school's handbook while at this event with the exception of having their phone with them for appropriate use.
Students are permitted to have phones with them ONLY to contact their parent or guardian. Cell phones cannot be out otherwise. This means student's should phones in their pockets if they bring them while at the event. This avoids common problems often seen at events with students this age of:
1. Taking pictures/videos of other students without them being aware.
2. Sending hurtful messages or misinformation on social media.
Last Call to Sign Up for Session 2 Clubs
Quashnet Winter "Sweet Treats" Art Exhibit
Please come view beautiful artwork created by Quashnet Students. The exhibit will be open to families the same days and times as the concerts (January 28,29,30, 6:00-7:00pm).
Hat & Hood Fundraiser
The student council will be hosting their annual Hat & Hood fundraiser every Friday this month to raise money for their upcoming fifth and sixth grade social. For the fundraiser, students of all grade levels are invited to wear a hat or hood for the entire day in school. In order to wear their hat or hood, students must pay $1 to the student council and receive a bracelet for the school day signifying that they have permission to wear a hat/hood for the day.
This fundraiser occurs for the upcoming four Fridays in January, 10,17,24,31.
When students arrive at school there will be student council members stationed near all the doors selling the bracelets. All student's faces must still be entirely visible when wearing a hat or hood on these days. All the money goes back to the students, for them spend on prizes, decorations and other items for the fifth and sixth grade social.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Update
Exciting PTO Happenings!
Winter Break Movie Matinee: Join us on Sunday, February 25th at 1 PM for a cozy movie matinee to close out winter break! Got a movie in mind? Send us your suggestions—we’d love to hear them!
Putt for a Purpose Fundraiser: We’re gearing up for our exciting mini putt-putt golf course event at the school! We’re looking for event sponsors and hole sponsors to help make this fundraiser a success. Stay tuned for more details!
New Meeting Childcare Service: Starting in February, we’re thrilled to partner with the MMHS Honor Society to provide free childcare during our monthly PTO meetings. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6 PM in the Quashnet Library—we’d love to see you there!
Thank you for your continued support of our PTO events and initiatives!
PTO Website
Upcoming Events
January 10, 17, 24, 31- Student Council Sponsored Hat Fundraiser
January 13- Early Release Day- Staff PD in the Afternoon
January 20- MLK Jr. Day, Observed (Schools Closed)
January 21- KCC In-School Theater Performance 2:15-3:15
January 22-Grade 3 & 4 In-School Theater Performance 2:30-3:30
January 23- Grades 5 & 6 In-School Theater Performance 2:30-3:30
January 23- General Audience Theater Performance 6-7
January 28 - Grade 6 Winter Concert 6:00pm (Student Art Display)
January 29 - Grade 5 Winter Concert 6:00pm (Student Art Display)
January 30 - Grade 4 Winter Concert 6:00pm (Student Art Display)
January 30- End of Session 1 After School Clubs
January 31- Student Council Social-6:00-7:30 in cafeteria
February 3 - Early Release/NPFH Activity #2
February 3 - Quashnet Hosts Robotics Event in Gymnasium- ALL Day
February 4 - Session #2 Clubs Begin
February 6 - 100th Day of School!