Weekly Update 1
August 19, 2024
Principal's Update
We’ve just wrapped up our first week, and I want to take a moment to congratulate each of you! I know it can be challenging to adjust to a new schedule, new classes, and new routines, but you've done an amazing job so far.
As we head into Week 2, I wanted to share a little inspiration from Damon West’s story, The Coffee Bean. Damon teaches us that life is like a pot of boiling water—difficult and challenging at times. But just like a coffee bean transforms the water around it, we can change our environment through our mindset and attitude. When faced with adversity, instead of being altered by it, we can transform it.
Remember, no matter how tough things might seem, you have the power to shape your surroundings with positivity and resilience. So let's take that coffee bean mentality into Week 2 and beyond.
Stay strong, stay focused, and remember—you can make a difference! Looking forward to another great week with you all!
Go Gophers!
Mrs. Feronti Williams
Follow Us!
Facebook: @StoneMS
Twitter (X): @stonemms
Instagram: @stonemagnetgophers
Parents join us this year for PTO!
Open House Thursday August 29th
Back to School Dance
Stone's Back to School Dance will be on August 30 from 3:15-5:30pm, immediately after school. Tickets will be on sale August 26-29 and at the door for $10. Price includes admission and free food and drink all night!
Attendance Calls
Starting this year, two automated calls will be scheduled to families regarding students' attendance. A morning call between 11:00 am and 11:15 am will take place to alert families of an absence in the morning to help verify a student arrived to school. An additional call will be generated between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm to share with families a student's overall attendance for the day. Please remember attendance is crucial for a student's academic success.
Attendance Matters!
Stone Magnet Middle School will adhere to the School Board Rules of Brevard County as cited in the Secondary Student Parent Handbook.
These are the portions most frequently referred to by parents, students, and school personnel.
The educational program offered by this District is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the school during the days and hours that the school is in session.
School attendance is the responsibility of parents/legal guardians and students.
- A student who is absent from class with an unexcused absence may need to complete supplemental learning opportunities.
- Excused absences may include medical appointment of the student, pregnancy related issues, court dates, religious holidays, illness with medical documentation and chronic and extended illness, insurmountable conditions, death in immediate family, and appointments for a therapy service provided by a licensed health professional.
- For excused absences, the student shall have a reasonable amount of time, up to ten (10) school days, to complete make-up work. Principals or designee may grant extensions to the make-up time limit for extenuating circumstances.
Front Car Loop
School Bell Schedule
Stone Magnet Middle School will not hold a rotating bell schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.
Stone Middle School Updates for 2024-2025
To honor the instructional learning environment, cellphones are not allowed to be used on campus at any time. Students are expected to have cellphones turned off or on silent and in their backpacks throughout the school day. Students will need to place cellphones in their backpack before entering school campus. Students may not have their phones in their pockets. If there is an emergency need to use a cellphone, students may go to the front office to call or text with permission.
Student Badges
Students were issued a school badge during registration. If you did not attend registration, please come to the front office to get your student badge. For safety and security reasons, students are required to wear their school badges at all times on campus. Replacement badges are $3.00. Student badges must be on when entering school grounds.
Food Delivery
Students forgetting lunch and needing an outside meal dropped off will only be accepted by an individual on the student’s contact list. No food delivery services (UberEats, etc.) will be accepted. Students will not be able to take the meal on campus.
Stone Magnet Middle School Upgrades
Picture Day August 20th
Cafeteria Services
BPS provides breakfast and lunch free of charge to students school every day. We still encourage parents to apply for Free or reduced (FRL) price meal benefits. Click here to fill out a FRL application: https://www.brevardschools.org/o/bps/page/free-and-reduced-lunch-applications
Families can also set up an online lunch account through the district system. Go to www.mypaymentsplus.com to create your account and add money for your student to use in our cafeteria. If you already have an account, you do not need to create another one for this year. This is a convenient way to keep lunch money in your child's account, so they do not have to carry cash to school. Your child's lunch account is connected to their student ID, so all they have to do to pay for lunch is scan their ID and go.
Dress Code
The following dress code developed by administrators, teachers, parents and students will be enforced at Stone Magnet Middle School. Student found in violation of the dress code must remedy the infraction to return to class. Repeat offenders may be subject to additional discipline.
- No hats or hoodies to be worn.
- Length and fit of clothing should be school appropriate.
- Patches, garments, and accessories that make comments or references to weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, obscenities, and innuendo are not permitted.
- Footwear is always required.
- Sunglasses and hats are not allowed indoors or inside the classroom, except in outdoor P.E. activities.
- Pants and shorts must be worn at waist level. If belts are worn, they must be at the waist and buckled.
- Undergarments may not be exposed. Strapless garments are prohibited.
Interested in Boys or Girls Basketball?
Tryouts begin August 19th. Please remember you must have your sports physical packet completed before tryouts. Email our AD Lacy hill at hill.lacy@brevardschools.org for more information.
Celebrating Stone's 70th Year!
Stone's Faculty and Staff
Fortify Florida
Meet Your Administration
Principal: Lauren Feronti Williams
Assistant Principal of Curriculum: Kierra Lang
Assistant Principal of Disciplines: Kelly Borck