June 2024 Newsletter
Contact Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 148 - Thedford, NE 69166
Email: s.albertus@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/centralsandhills/
Location: 503 Main Street, Thedford, NE, USA
Phone: (308)645-2267
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralsandhillsarea/
June Edition
In this edition:
- Important Summer Dates
- Grab and Go Workshop Bags
- Crafts and Co. Workshop
- Foods Workshop
- Cloverkids Colleges
- Wildflower Workshop
- Enrollment
- Fairbook
- Activity of the Month
- State Programming
Please be sure to like us on FB!
Nebraska Extension in the Central Sandhills
Don't forget to visit our Extension website at:
Nebraska Extension in the Sandhills
PLEASE SHARE WITH US YOUR NEWS so it can be included in our newsletters! Forward any 4-H news, events, or activities to s.albertus@unl.edu.
Important Dates Coming Up
Here are the dates we have started to assemble for the summer. This list will grow so be sure to check back!
- May 16- Thomas County YQCA 1-2 or 2:30-3:30 at library
- May 18- Hooker County Dog Clinic
- May 29-31 – LOG-N Next Level Leadership Camp @ Lincoln (FEE)
- June 7- YQCA Grant Co. 10 AM MT
- June 7- YQCA Hooker Co. 1 PM MT
- June 7-8 –Heart City Cattle Battle @ Fairgrounds, showmanship & fitting clinics
- June 12- Crafts and Co Sign Workshop
- June 13-14- Design Camp in Valentine
- June 15- State Enrollment Deadline and YQCA Certificates
- June 19-
- July 1-2 – LOG-N Leadership for Grades 5-7 @ Cedar Point (by Ogallala) (FEE)
- July 1- Fair Entries Due (Livestock and Horse IDs)
- July 8- Cloverkid College-
9:00 am – 11:00 am in Dunning
1:00 – 3:00 pm in Thedford
July 9- Cloverkid College
8:00 am -10:00 am MT in Mullen
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm MT in Hyannis
July 17- Morning- Muffin Mania Workshop : Brenda Aufdenkamp
- July 17- Afternoon- Lets Get Veggie Workshop: Brenda Aufdenkamp
- August 1- Horse Advancement Levels due to the office. If your show is before August 1st, they are due the day of the show.
- July 22nd - Small Animal Show 8:00 AM
- July 22nd - Style Revue Judging 12:00 PM
- July 23rd - Horse Show @ 9:00 AM
- July 24th- Livestock Show @ 9:00 AM
- July 25th- Static Entries @ 9:00 AM
- July 23rd - Horse Show w/TC
- July 30th- Static Entries and Style Revue Judging
- August 1st - Livestock Show
- August 1st - Small Animal Show
- July 29th- Small Animal @ 8:00 AM
- July 29th- Style Revue Judging @ 1:00 PM
- July 30th- Horse Show @ 8:00 AM
- August 1st- Static Entries @ 8:00 AM
- August 3rd - Livestock Show @ 8:00 AM
- July 31st- Style Revue Judging @ 2:30 PM
- August 7th- Horse Show @ 8:30 AM
- August 8th- Small Animal @ 9:00 AM
- August 9th- Static Entries @ 9:00 AM
- August 10th- Livestock Show @ 8:30 AM
We are still looking for fair judges! If you know someone who might be interested, send them our way!
Grab and Go Workshop Bags
We are trying something new!
Grab and Go Summer Workshop Bags can be ordered via this form. https://forms.office.com/r/Xbcxt4S5wj
Please contact Shaniya for any questions. Bags are $15 and include materials and instructions for four workshops. One bag has materials for one 4-Her. Check MUST be made out to UNL and mailed to PO Box 148 Thedford, NE 69166. We also accept cash. Shaniya will deliver orders to one location per county to be picked up. Locations will be decided after orders are confirmed. If you can not access the form, please call the office and we can get you on the list.
Due to short staffing and impending maternity leave, workshops offered this summer will be more concise than Shaniya has offered previously. Workshops offered are those that Shaniya can handle alone or that volunteers in each county have asked to host themselves. This grab bag is an effort to allow for more opportunities for our youth with less commitment needed from families and volunteers. All projects can be shown at fair.
Crafts and Co Sign Workshop
Register now!
- Homepage
- Kiddo Signs
- Fill in appropriate info
- Select Correct Workshop
- Checkout
Foods Workshop
Call the office to sign up!
Cloverkids Colleges
Call the office to Register
July 8
- 9:00 am – 11:00 am in Dunning
- 1:00 – 3:00 pm in Thedford
July 9
- 8:00 am -10:00 am MT in Mullen
- 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm MT in Hyannis
Wildflower Workshop
June 19th- Mullen Extension Office
YQCA Training
Please register for YQCA trainings on https://yqcaprogram.org/.
The YQCA training is under Thedford Session 1 (1-2pm) and Thedford Session 2 (2:30-3:30). Choose ONE session. All students must take the pre-test after signing up for an instructor-led course. Instructors will not be able to mark students as complete before they take the pre-test. Students will access the pretest by signing into their YQCA account and then clicking on the blue username. In the drop-down menu, students will select “Enrolled ILT Trainings” and click the Pre-Test button. After Instructor-Led training, students then must complete a post-test in the same area.
The following video has been developed to help walk families through the process for ILT. These are available on www.yqcaprogram.org and here is a direct link to the video:
Help Video: Instructor-Led Training
YQCA is required for youth showing the following food animals:
Beef Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Market Rabbits
4-H Enrollment 2023-2024
Have you enrolled for 2024?
The opening date for statewide 4-H enrollment was October 16th.
Starting in the 2023-2024 program year, project selection is now optional. By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by the June 15th deadline, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
Please note:
o Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
o Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
All leaders and volunteers also need to be enrolled on 4honline. There is no fee for adults to enroll. All volunteers in our 4 counties will need to be screened through the DHHS. Call the office if you need more information.
The 2024 Fairbook is posted on our website at the link below. PLEASE NOTE: The fair entry forms look different this year in an effort to streamline the process and make it easier for horse, livestock, and small animal entries.
4-H Activity of the Month
Build a Nest for Native Bees
Bees need homes too! See how you can repurpose different household materials to create your own nest for cavity nesting bees.
Native bees are important pollinators of many food crops like tomatoes and blueberries. Like other pollinators, they need flowers for food but they also need habitat for making their nests.
Some native bees make their nests in tunnels beneath bare, undisturbed ground. Other native bees make their nests in cavities like the stems of dead plants.
In this activity, you’ll make a nest for cavity nesting bees that you can place outside to observe native bees in your own backyard.
State Programming
Horse Participants Please Complete This Survey
There is a study available on evaluating the Nebraska Equine 4-H Advancement Level Program towards positive youth development. Youth are invited to take part in this research study through the completion of the Nebraska 4-H Equine Advancement Level Survey. The goal of horse programs is to develop important life skills in the youth who participate. In order to determine if there is an association between Positive Youth Development scores and the Advancement Level program, we are asking that you allow your child to complete online survey.
Your child/legal ward will be asked to complete 1 survey using an internet-based Qualtrics survey. The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and they may complete them from a home computer or on a computer at the Extension office. If you allow your youth to participate, please continue by clicking on the link below.
State Horse Show
Ages of youth for the State Horse Show has changed so here is the update!
Elementary Division: 8-9 yrs old with Level 1 & 2 only
Elementary Division: 10-11 yrs old with Levels 1, 2, & 3
Junior Division: Ages 12-14 yrs old
Senior Division: Ages 15 & Up
Innovative Youth Corn Challenge
Innovative Youth Corn Challenge for 4-H and FFA Members
We are delighted to announce the Corn Yield Challenge, a prestigious contest open to 4-H members (aged 8 and older as of January 1st) and FFA members (in-school members). This competition is designed to guide participants through a comprehensive exploration of all facets of corn production, including aspects related to agricultural careers associated with corn production.
Key Features:
Team Participation: Teams comprising two or more youth participants will collaboratively embark on the challenge.
Innovative Practices: Youth will be tasked with implementing a production practice differing from the norm, with the goal of assessing its impact on increasing corn yield.
Data Collection: The Corn Challenge management summary will systematically gather crucial information, including yields, cropping history, and production details.
Recognition and Rewards: Outstanding achievements will be duly rewarded with cash prizes and plaques for the top three teams:
First Place: $1,000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $250
Special Awards: In addition to the top rankings, commendable efforts will be acknowledged through the "Extra Mile" and "Ag Literacy" Awards, each carrying a value of $200.
This competition not only fosters a spirit of innovation in corn production but also serves as a platform for recognizing dedication and excellence within the 4-H and FFA communities. We encourage all eligible participants to embrace this opportunity to showcase their skills and contribute to the advancement of agricultural practices.
For detailed guidelines and participation information, please refer to the https://cropwatch.unl.edu/youth/cornchallenge webpage or contact Brandy VanDeWalle at brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu.
More details at: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/youth/cornchallenge
We are excited to announce the fourth year of the Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program. This additional opportunity for enrolled livestock project youth, is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve in their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
The program
recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas, including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry.
The program
consists of three levels that require 4-H members to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate and project-related accomplishments. For each level, the Livestock Achievement Program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H members choose their goals. Each accomplishment is worth a specific number of points. Junior 8-10 submits pictures, poster, presentation, and other learning activities to receive the distinction of Junior Member of Excellence, no point value, Intermediates, ages 11-13, must complete 100 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Intermediate Member of Excellence. Seniors, ages 14-18, must complete 150 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Senior Member of Excellence. The Plan and Reports, linked on the webpage, show examples of the project related accomplishments they can choose, or they can identify their own with approval of their local educator.
up are due June 15th through the application form link on the website. Plan and Reports, as well as Project Records will be due August 1 via the completion form on the website.
completing the achievement program and receiving member of excellence recognition in the various species will be recognized during the Parade of Champions, 4-H weekend at the Nebraska State Fair.
For more
information or to apply, go to: Livestock Achievement Program | Nebraska 4-H (unl.edu)
Ashley Benes ashley.benes@unl.edu
Brett Kreifels brett.kreifels@unl.edu
Cole Meador cmeador2@unl.edu
- Nebraska 4-H has launched a new volunteer orientation. This online training serves as an introduction to the 4-H Youth Development program in Nebraska and covers a few essential topics for volunteers. While the orientation is required for new volunteers and those going through the re-screening process, any interested individuals, including current and prospective volunteers, are welcome to complete the course. Learn more at 4h.unl.edu/volunteer-orientation.