Dakota H.S. ~ Meadowlark News
December/January 2024-25 Newsletter
Dakota High School
David Burkman, Principal
Ila Hegg, Adm. Asst.
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Dakota
Location: 1305 9th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2800
Dakota High School Motto
Dakota High School will provide a student-centered alternative instructional program to allow students to obtain a high school diploma and to learn skills necessary to be productive, responsible citizens.
Dakota HS ~ Makes you Feel Safe & Welcomed
My name is Amy Stoa, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the Positive Behavior Technician here at Dakota High School. This month, we celebrated Hispanic Heritages as well as Native American and Indigenous Heritages. In the spirit of this celebration, I’d like to say, “Wiich Ke Yig” (Friends Who Walk With Us) to everyone! My role is to support our students in fostering positive behaviors and creating a nurturing school environment. I'm excited to share some of the fantastic opportunities we have for our students to get involved and make the most of their high school experience!
Get Involved at Dakota!
We believe that engagement is key to a successful school year, and we have a variety of activities and programs lined up:
- Cooking Classes: Whether you're a budding chef or just looking to improve your culinary skills, our cooking classes will help you whip up some delicious meals!
- Crafting Opportunities: Join us for bracelet making and leather crafting sessions. Unleash your creativity and make something special to take home!
- School Store: Don't forget to check out our school store, where you can find unique items crafted by our talented students.
- Student-Cooked Meals: Enjoy nutritious and delicious full school meals prepared by our very own students. It's a great way to support their skills while enjoying a tasty lunch!
Celebrating Diversity
As we enter January, we want to recognize and celebrate Hispanic Heritages and the importance of Native American and Indigenous Heritages. These cultural celebrations allow us to appreciate the rich histories, contributions, and traditions of our Hispanic and Native American communities. I encourage all students to engage in learning activities, discussions, and events that honor these diverse cultures throughout the month.
Join Us!
I’m looking forward to meeting many of you throughout the school year. Together, we can create an engaging and positive environment at Dakota High School. If you have any questions or ideas for activities, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Amy Stoa
Positive Behavior Technician
Dakota High School
Here is the breakdown of our daily schedule:
- AM1 ~ 9-10:05 am (10 minute break)
- AM2 ~ 10:15-11:20 am (Lunch)
- Lunch ~ 11:20-11:40 am ~ Serving in the Cafeteria
- Lunch Over~ 11:45 am Cafeteria Closes (12:05 Back to Class)
- PM1 ~ 12:05-1:15 pm (10 minute break)
- PM2 ~ 1:25-2:30 pm
Purchasing Breakfast & Lunch
These meals can be purchased by putting money into your student's SchoolPay account or you can apply for free & reduced meals. Both options can be found in your Parent PowerSchool account or the forms are in the main office.
We do accept cash money or checks in the main office to put into your student's lunch account as well. Please call the main office for more information at 701-446-2805.
2024-25 Meal Prices for lunch
High School Breakfast $1.85
High School Lunch $2.95
Dakota Community Leaf Raking
Dakota High School students participated in leaf raking for the neighbors around the Agassiz building.
DKHS Advisory Day ~ February 6
We would like to invite parents to their student's Advisory Day (which is similar to Parent Teacher Conferences) on Thursday, Feb. 6th. Your student has signed up for a time with their advisors, either in the morning or the afternoon, and parents are welcome to attend. No regular classes will be held that Thursday after 11:20 am other than this advisory appointment. The advisors would love to visit with you on your student's graduation progress.
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
For the 2024-2025 school year, Fargo Public Schools (FPS) will implement four “early release” school days for students. On these days, students will be dismissed two hours early at each building. The early dismissal will allow our teaching staff to gather in an extended Professional Learning Community (PLC). Principals will send out specific building schedules.
During these early release days, our teachers will be focusing on analyzing student data, setting goals for student learning, and reviewing and planning research-based instructional strategies for students who need support and those who need enrichment. Teachers will collaborate with grade or content-level peers to review, reflect, and learn from each other in meeting students' needs.
We understand that early release days may cause some inconvenience for parents and guardians, but this is an important step towards improving our teaching practices and ultimately benefiting our students' learning outcomes. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
The dates of the early outs are:
Friday, December 20
Friday, February 14
Friday, March 14
Dakota High School: There will be no afternoon classes on the above dates. Dismissal will begin at: 12:30 p.m.
Thank you for your continued support.
David Burkman, Principal
Fargo Public Schools Annual Report 2023--2024
Fargo Public Schools 2023-2024 Annual Report
The Fargo Public Schools 2023-24 Annual Report is a summary of the District’s efforts to carry out its mission of “educating and empowering all students to succeed” during the 2023-24 school year. Read the report for an in-depth examination of the District’s students, staff, schools, departments, and programs and a celebration of their achievements. And view key statistics regarding staffing, budget, demographics, and assessment data. Thank you for supporting Fargo Public Schools and allowing the District to serve its students and families and provide an exceptional educational experience. Access the full document at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/AnnualReport
Community Friends Preschool Program
Fargo Public Schools' Early Childhood Special Education program is seeking Community Friends to join its preschool classrooms. Community Friends are typically developing peers who will join the ECSE classrooms alongside the students with developmental delays or disabilities. Students must be 4 years old by July 31 and pass a developmental screening to be eligible for the program. The program is free of charge for families, but parents must provide transportation. The ECSE sessions are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Click here to apply for the ECSE Community Friends program.
DKHS Frolfing Field Trip
Dakota students had a great time at a frolfing event.
There are several dates on our yearly calendar that you may like to be aware of such as, "No School" dates, Early Release dates, ACT & ASVAB Test dates and Advisory Days.
PARENTS: Updated immunization records if your student had updated their vaccines during the summer. Students beginning 11th & 12th grade must have their 2nd Meningitis vaccine or have a waiver signed within 30 days of registration.
For the school year 2024-2025, a second dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) is required for students entering eleventh or twelfth grade. This means your eleventh or twelfth grade student will need proof of two doses of MCV4 within 30 days of enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year.
Ideally, students should receive one dose of MCV4 when they are eleven to twelve years old and a booster dose on or after their sixteenth birthday. Please schedule with your child’s health care provider or your local public health. Please have your child receive this booster prior to the start of the school year. Also, remember to bring in the documentation of the immunization date to the school.
North Dakota Century Code 23-07-17.1 and North Dakota Administrative Code 33-06-05-01 requires any child admitted to school be required to receive the immunizations according to the recommended schedule set forth by the state department of health. Any child not adhering to the recommended schedule must provide proof of immunization or a certificate of immunization within thirty days of enrollment or may be excluded from school or early childhood facility.
Classes Available: Economics, Government, World History, US History & English 9, 10, 11 & 12th grade levels
Students meet with their school counselor to sign up for evening courses.
Evening Session Dates:
Session I ~ Oct. 7- Dec. 12 (Cancelled)
Session 2 ~ Jan. 13 - Mar.13
Session 3 ~ Mar. 24 - May 22
Night School Campus: Agassiz Building - Room #311 from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- Approximately half the FPS Night School class meetings are held in person at Agassiz. Attendance is required.
- Approximately half the FPS Night School class meetings are held asynchronous virtual. The teacher is virtually available to help students. Students are required to do a virtual check-in as per teacher expectations.
Night School Format & Attendance
- FPS Night School classes are self-paced independent learning with teacher support and availability.
- Multiple courses in social studies or English meet in the same classroom and use Edmentum as a backbone to meet district and state standards. This flexible arrangement is beneficial.
Co-Curricular Activities for DKHS Students
All Dakota High School students are welcome to join and participate in their home schools co-curricular programs (sports, music, dances etc…) which exist for the development of skills, attitudes, and self-esteem of students, and are intended to enhance the physical, social, emotional, artistic and intellectual growth of our young people. Parents are encouraged to be positive and supportive in their relationships with advisors and coaches. It is the prerogative of the advisor/coach to manage the activity in such a manner that sound human relationships are encouraged and the regulations of the North Dakota High School Activities Association are met. A team effort by parents, school officials, and the participants is needed.
Do you like to do crafts, play cards & board games?
How about hang out with friends? Check out this opportunity with Merrily.
The Dakota Game Day Mondays is the place for you. We meet the every Monday.
Dakota High School Attendance Policy
Please call the DKHS main office before 9:00 a.m. @ 701-446-2805 to report an absence.
Good attendance and being on time are very important life skills.
Students can earn P-R units (punctuality and reliability) towards advisory elective credit by having good attendance.
McKinney-Vento Act
1. Is your current address a temporary living arrangement?
2. Is this temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship?
If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, your child(ren) may be eligible for McKinney-Vento services.
Please call Jan at 701-446-1387
By Department