Fredericktown Middle School
October 2024
Washington DC Parent Meeting - 8th Grade
October 15th at 6:00 pm in the HS/MS Commons.
CCP Meeting - Grade 7 & 8
* Grades 7-8: College Credit Plus (CCP) Night will be held on Tuesday, October 22 from 5-6pm. (please note this date is subject to change). This event is MANDATORY for all students that wish to take a CCP class for the first time.
October Menu
Above the Line Students of the Month
High School Student
Andrew Meade, Briannah Burger, Ayla Berger, Noah Smith, Isaac Craig, Maria Sturgell, Ember McGrew, Pink Payne
Middle School Students
Winsten Snyder, Remi D'Andrea, Dominic Harris, Calynn Estep, Laken Hunter, Reatta Jonsson, Brooklyn Briegel
Cell Phone Policy
Attendance Information
General Policies
Regular attendance is key to success in school and is a positive factor that develops habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. Students who attend class regularly generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school, and are more employable after leaving school.
Excused Absences:
Personal illness of the student (A doctor’s excuse stating for what days specifically the student should be excused from school may be required by the school for every absence over 72 hours. Once a doctor’s excuse is required, it is required for all absences for the remainder of the year).
Illness in the home (student must be 14 years of age or older).
Quarantine of the home by local health officials.
Death of a relative (limited to three days unless reasonable cause can be shown for a longer absence).
Observance of a religious holiday (consistent with the student’s established creed or belief).
Alternate learning experience approved in advance by an administrator.
A maximum of two (2) college visits for juniors and seniors to take place during the regular school year. These are extensions of the school day and are not counted in the attendance record. These absences must be approved five days in advance.
Reporting Absences:
- The morning of the absence, a parent/guardian should inform the office of the absence and the reason.
- An absence note or email, containing the dates and reason for the absence, signed by the parent or guardian or physician must be presented to the office within three (3) days of the student returning to school.
- Failure to produce an acceptable note from a parent or guardian within three (3) school days following an absence will result in an unexcused absence.
Important Dates
October 11th - End of the Quarter 1
October 14th - No School
October 15th - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip Informational Meeting at 6:00 PM in HS/MS Commons
October 22nd - 7th Grade attends Yes Concert in Mt. Vernon
October 22nd & 24th - Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25th - No School
October 28th - No School
Classroom Updates
6th Grade Math - Ms. Briggs
Students are finishing up our unit on decimals and then moving into factors and multiples. We will round out the month looking at extending the number line to include negative numbers.
6th Grade ELA - Mrs. Sherman
Students are beginning their novel study of Wonder (general) and Pay It Forward Young Readers Edition (Honors)
6th Grade SS - Miss Pound & Mr. Davidson
Students are working through our unit on Ancient Mesopotamia
6th Grade Science - Miss Gniewek
Students will be starting the unit on matter.
7th Grade Math - Mrs. Pletcher
Honors: We will be working on rational numbers and equations. It will include 7th and 8th grade standards.
7th Grade Science - Miss Gniewek & Miss Tate
8th Grade Math - Mr. Dibling
Students are working on writing and solving multi-step equations.
Algebra I - Mr. Dibling
8th Grade Social Studies - Mr. Davidson
We have just finished up our unit on the American Colonies. We are currently studying the causes of the American Revolution.
8th Grade English - Mrs. Meyers
8th English: Students will finish reading the novel Touching Spirit Bear and will focus on creating a totem pole that reflects their past, present, and future. Students will also work collaboratively on writing a theme analysis of the novel.
8th Honors English: Students will finish reading the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and will continue conducting socratic seminars and writing a theme analysis of the novel.
8th Grade Science - Miss Tate
Students are working on forces and motion! They should be wearing their seatbelts and able to explain why! Inertia!
Band - Mr. Hollenbaugh
PLTW - Mrs. Webb
Students have been utilizing systems thinking in relation to engineering. We specifically looked at the process the emergency services would go through to alert a coastal region to evacuate due to an incoming tsunami. Students looked at scenarios that result in ethical decision making and how to make an objective decision backed by factual data. They are currently connecting the scientific process to engineering by designing an experiment. By the end of October, students will be working in groups to develop actionable plans to efficiently provide basic supplies to area victims after a disaster has occurred and normal supply chains can be restored.
Physical Education - Mr. Miller
Middle school will be going bowling at Trio Lanes the last week of the 1st quarter. We have been enjoying the nice weather and going outside to play softball, soccer, flag football, and kickball this quarter.
Choir - Mrs. Dearth
Fredericktown MS/HS Choir Fall Showcase
Tuesday, October 15th - 7:30pm
Elementary Stage
Admission is Free
Any choir parents who have not been receiving update emails - please send a message to kdearth@fredschools.com
6th Grade World Music - Mrs. Dearth
Students have been learning drumming patterns from West Africa as well as creating their own small group Rhythm Complements. They have played Tubano drums, Shekere rattles, Gankogui bells, Cowbell, and Xylophone so far, and we hope to add more before the end of the quarter.
FMS Students
Counselor/Social Worker Update
Supporting Our Freddies
Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. We encourage everyone to actively participate in creating a nurturing environment that promotes open communication, empathy, and understanding. If you know a student who may need support, or if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our social workers or school counselors. Working together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of our students.
Hannah Art, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Cindy Truex, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Karen Barta, HS/MS School Counselor
740-694-2726 ext 3411
Melissa White, Elementary School Counselor
740-694-2781 ext. 3410
Middle School Yearbook
We will have a Middle School yearbook this year for students. You can purchase them throughout the year. They will be delivered in May before the students leave for the summer.