Scott Middle School
January 13, 2025
Scott Middle School's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
What Has Been Happening in Mrs. Carlson's Classroom?
Students in Ms. Carlson's 6th grade class are just starting their module on Ancient Egypt. We will be studying the process of mummification and learning to write some words in Hieroglyphics as well as admiring the ancient ruins. This is a fascinating unit that will take us through the next couple of months. Our online textbook is available through the Canvas page if families would like to explore along with their student.
Students in the 7th grade classes are exploring the origins of World Religions after completing a long module on Ancient Rome. This month we will finish up the Module on world religions and begin our Module on Medieval Times.
Science Fair
We held our 2025 Science Fair last Thursday in our Library. Six scientists shared their presentations with the judging panel. All of the students did an amazing job and we are very proud of them. I also want to thank Ms. Kaptur who worked as our Science Fair Coordinator.
Congratulations to our students who placed.
Elizabeth Abbott and Katie Scheivert placed 3rd with their project that tested juices for Vitamin C.
Mia Hand placed 2nd with her project that testes which carbon works best for water filtration.
Callen Boyer placed 1st with his project that tested whether the diameter of a marble affects the way it runs on a marble roller coaster.
Ms. Kaptur will continue to work with the students that will move onto to the county fair.
Giving Back to Coatesville Youth Initiative
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, we would like to give back to an organization that does so much for Scott Middle School students and families as well as all of the Coatesville Community.
The Coatesville Youth Initiative has a resource closet that is used by students in need, and we are collecting to help them fill it. Please send in any of the following items during this week. We have boxes in our main office to house donations. We will take the donations over on Friday after school. Thank you for helping us give back!
Items Being Collected:
New Only Hygiene Products (For the homeless youth):
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Shampoo, conditioner, and soap
- Deodorant
- Feminine hygiene products
- Hairbrushes and combs
- Socks and underwear
School Supplies (For Back To School event and Resource Outlet)
- Notebooks
- Pencils, pens, and markers
- Crayons and colored pencils
- Backpacks
- Folders
PTO Meeting Time Survey
We are looking to see if we need to change the time of our PTO meetings to make sure more families can attend. Please let us know what time works best for you to attend a meeting. They usually run about an hour.
School Expectations Reminder
As we head into 2025 and the second half of our school year, we will be reminding students of the expectations for success at Scott. Students are expected to show respect, ownership, courage, kindness, and safety while at Scott Middle School each day. Over the coming weeks Mr. Altland and I will be speaking to teams during team meetings, and staff will be discussing details in classes.
A few reminders that seem needed:
1) Cell phones should be off and away. This includes headphones and ear buds as well. Students will be reminded by staff to put something away. If the student does not listen, Mr. Altland or Mrs. Lamothe will come to take it away. The 1st time it will be giving back at the end of the day. The 2nd time it will be given back to a family member that comes to school to pick it up. The 3rd time, the student has lost the privilege to have their phone at school and it will either be kept at home or handed to the office at the beginning of the day and picked up at the end of the day.
2) Students should not have hats, hoods, or head coverings on their heads in the building except for religious reasons. Students were doing well with this expectation the first half of the year. I appreciate the support and reminders from home to keep this up.
3) Respectful language is mandatory. Cursing at staff will not be tolerated, and students will be suspended. The adults at Scott care about our students and want what is best for them. If a student is upset, our teachers want to work with them to understand the issue and create a solution. However, the student must stay calm and respectful or advocate that they need some time or space NOT use obscene and disrespectful language in a classroom.
4) We all want to feel safe- physically and emotionally. There is never an appropriate time at school for students to be pushing each other, jumping on each other or "playing around." Staff often remind students that everything is fun and fine until it is not, and it can turn dangerous very quickly. Please continue to remind your student to keep their hands to themselves while at school. As far as emotional safety, using school appropriate language as mentioned previously is a huge part of it. However, another large part is remembering to lead with kindness when speaking to each other in person and online. A good acronym to remember is THINK. Is it TRUE, Is it HELPFUL, Is it INSPIRING, Is it NECESSARY, and Is it KIND. If you cannot answer yes to these questions, then it should not be said. Middle School is tough. Students easily get caught up in trying to fit in, and lose sight of leading with kindness when interacting with others. I appreciate your support in your conversations with your students and reminding them to "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
Scott R.O.C.K.S.
Nurse's Corner
Donated gently used or new clothes, especially pants , would be greatly appreciated by the nurse.
1.If your student needs medication in school, please have their doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring the medication to the school nurse.
2. 7th grade students require a Dental Exam. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
3. 6th grade students require a Physical Exam by their Primary Care Physician. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
4.7th grade students were given Mobile Dentist Permission slips last week. The dental program is scheduled for Scott MS 2/11/25. Please register your student or fill out your consent and return it to the school nurse to participate. This program meets the criteria for 7th grade health mandate.
If you have any questions, please email:
Upcoming Dates
January 15- Early Dismissal/ PM Staff Professional Development
January 20- No School/ Martin Luther King Day
January 21- PTO Meeting at 5:00 in Library and via Zoom
January 23- End of 2nd Marking Period
Contact Information
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary
Attendance Email
Attendance email-