Bi-Weekly Central School Newsletter
Feb 10-28
Mon, Feb 10
100th Day of School - gr 1 Celebration
Tues, Feb 11
Hot Lunch - Chicken Burgers
Basketball 4/5 ~ 3:30-4:30
Wed, Jan 12
Thur, Jan 13
Fri, Jan 14
No School
Winter Break
No School - Mon, Feb 17 - Fri Feb 21
Teachers Convention Feb 20-21
Mon, Feb 24
Division Wide PD Day for Teachers - No School
Tues, Feb 25 - Kindness Week Begins
Basketball 4/5 ~ 3:30-4:30
Wed, Feb 26
Pink Shirt Day
Assembly @ 2:30
Thur, Feb 27
Fri, Feb 7
Early Learning has School for M/W Group
No School for any Kindergarten
Important Reminder
Handicapped Parking Stalls
These stalls are reserved 24 hours a day in all parking lots and stalls around our school, WR Myers and DA Ferguson. They service both students, staff and parents who have mobility barriers.
Taber Police Services staff will be ticketing those who do park there. Thanks for your cooperation in helping reduce barriers for those in need.
Coldest Night of the Year
Kindness Week ~ Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day
Our grade 5 Spirit Committee, along with Family Connections, Counselling team and admin, have organized many activities for Kindness Week. These include a Kindness Bingo, Staff Bouquets, and pink Crush floats just to name a few. On Wednesday, February 26 we will have our February assembly and kick-off our Jump Rope for Heart campaign. Students will wear pink shirts on this day to honour the history of Pink shirt day, where a student was bullied relentlessly for simply wearing the colour pink.
Throughout the month of February there will be a strong focus on kindess and anti-bullying (repeated and targeted behaviour), through classroom lessons and school-wide Kindness activities. Bullying is never okay at Central School and we want to remind students how important it is to follow the 'golden rule.'
Snow, Snow - It's Everywhere!
Early Childhood Services
Children Turning 3 & 4 in 2025:
Register for Early Learning at Horizon School Division
Book in for a Spring Developmental Check-up
Children Turning 5 in 2025:
Register for Kindergarten at Central School
Book in for a Spring Developmental Check-up
Hockey Day
Love a Shelter ~ Valentine's to Safe Haven (Gr 4Clark)
Resiliency Scale Masterclass
Open to Parents & Guardians ~ Mon, Feb 24
Two, half-day sessions offered (8:30-12:00 or 6:00-9:00)
Pre-registration required by Feb 18.
Held at WRM School (District PD Day)
Resilience can be defined as the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity. The 3-hour Resilience Scale Masterclass explores how adversities, positive supports, and acquired skills and abilities interact to influence resilience and impact lifelong health and mental health outcomes. It provides foundational knowledge and a common language that are accessible across populations and disciplines, including policy makers, educators, practitioners, and the public. The Resilience Scale itself acts as a metaphor to communicate key concepts around resilience, and an effective visual tool to facilitate communication about life experiences, identify areas of support for children and families, and build connections to promote capacity for resilience.
Green Shirt Day ~ Hockey Games in Taber
Horizon Assurance Annual Survey
School + Parents = Student Success
-For those who did NOT already complete the survey at our Open House
-As a school, we use the data to help set goals and make informed decisions.
-If you would like an interpreter (any language), call the school to book a time to come in when we can help with this.
Learning Commons Centres ~ Kindergarten
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)
Free supports for residents in and around Taber
Supports include:
-children and youth
-general interest courses
Easy to Use Website - can filter by support or month