First Grade Weekly News
Week of May 20-24
This week....
End of Year Assessment ( Some will be completed throughout the month of May.)
The courtyard is closed for the rest of the year.
All iPads and chargers need to be turned into your child's teacher.
If you haven't paid or turned in your child's school pictures, please do so. These need to be turned into the office.
Important iPad information
All iPads will stay at school starting Monday, May 13th.
Please send in students iPad and Woes charger on Monday. We will be getting these ready to turn in to the technology teacher.
If the Woes charger has been lost / misplaced there is a replacement fee. Please contact your child's teacher and let them know.
Yearbook Information
There are no more pre-orders for yearbooks. Extras we be on sale in the lobby sometime around the last week of school. They will be $30 each and on a first come first serve basis only.
- Please check and sign your child's agenda nightly.
- Students must bring agendas and take home folders to and from school everyday.
- Whenever there is a transportation change it MUST be hand written in their agenda.
- Library- Please make sure your child brings their library books back to exchange for new books.
- Please bring in a snack and water bottle daily, even if they are buying a school lunch.
- Please make sure you charge ipads nightly and return them to school each day.
- Excuse notes must be submitted within 2 days of your child's return to school.
- If your child is absent for sickness or a trip, they will receive missed work when they return to school. This is a schoolwide policy.
- The courtyard is open. You can come and eat lunch with your child. Check with your teacher for your classroom lunch time.
Homework ( all work due at the end of the week)
- No more homework for the year.
What we are learning...
We will be learning about synthazing information. We will continue to practice using punctuation when writing sentences.
We will be reviewing all math skills we have learned this year. We will be completing our county wide assessment.
We will be adding suffix -es, -s, -ing, -ed to basewords.
Here are parent letters about what we are working on.
Lunch Reminders
Breakfast $1.50 Lunch $3.00
Money can be added to students accts. by using the linq app (student number will be needed).
If you send in (cash/check) with your child, please put it in a zip-lock bag with their name on it.
Dates to Remember
Mon., May 27: Memorial Day - No School - holiday
Friday, May 31: First grade end of year picnic - Teachers will provide pizza. Students can bring a towel to sit on during our picnic.
Wed., June 5: PBIS Water Day
Fri., June 7: Last Day of School - Early Release Day - dismissal at noon