Evergreen Middle School
September 13, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
This was our first full week of school and our scholars were amazing. On Mondays and Thursdays, we have our Advisory classes. This week our scholars were introduced to our Character Strong lessons. Through the use of the Character Strong curriculum, we have an opportunity to help our children learn the value of empathy, service, and connection. Along with strong academics, our goal is to teach students to be capable, compassionate people, and to empower them to become the best versions of themselves. When our students feel safe, supported, and part of a community, they perform better, act with more kindness, and want to show up to school each day. We believe this curriculum will have a powerful and positive impact on the climate and culture of our school, and it is our hope that families will join us in this work to build a kinder school culture and, ultimately, a kinder world. We started off the lessons by introducing Character Strong to our scholars, they learned the why of these lessons. The next lesson consisted of starting a conversation of Bullying what it is and how to report it.
Again, I can’t express enough how incredible the first full week of school has been! The energy in the building and the level of enthusiasm and excitement in the students and staff were off the charts. As I made my way around to different classrooms, talked with numerous students in the hallways, cafeteria, and conversed with the faculty, the sentiment was overwhelmingly positive; it’s great to be back! Ms. Daniel and Mr. Tirhi, our Assistant Principals, and I look forward to seeing our students engaged throughout the year in meaningful work connected to supporting them to achieve academic success. Students and teachers are doing a fantastic job of settling into their daily routines. I'm proud to say that our students have done an excellent job of following through on our Middle School procedures and expectations, which has helped create a safe and productive learning environment. It has been a strong start, and I am excited about the wonderful year of learning ahead. Thank you for a great start to the school year!
As our students continue to work through the year they will enter classrooms that will challenge them to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills in collaborative settings. Students will continue to reinforce their communication skills, both in written and oral form, through classroom activities. We will work with students to enhance their understanding and application of authentic research while further developing their self-management skills.
Next week we will conduct our iReady assessment. i-Ready is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your student’s teacher(s) determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction. They will be tested in reading and math.
We are inviting everyone to come to our Open House. It is going to be Wednesday, Sept. 18th 5:00 pm-6:30 pm. Please come out to meet your child(rens) teachers and see their place of learning.
Parents and Guardians, checking out students before the end of the instructional school day harms your child's education, as they miss valuable instructional time. The content that your scholar is learning is more difficult than ever; therefore, it is very important for them to stay at school the entire day. Please plan all appointments after school hours, early release Fridays and during school holidays and breaks. PLEASE KEEP OUR STUDENTS IN SCHOOL.
For safety reasons, we ask that all checkouts happen before 2:30 PM.
Thank you again for a great start to the school year. I look forward to working together to help all students achieve their learning goals. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email or phone.
In Partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Fundraiser packets go home on Mon. 9/17! Sell & win fantastic prizes!
Open House
We’re excited to have your child back in the classroom!
To help scholars and families learn more about the school year, Evergreen will host a School Open House Night on September 18, from 5-6:30pm. **Presentation from Principal Collins starts at 5pm.
This is a valuable opportunity to connect with your child’s school community and start the school year with information to support a successful school year.
At the event:
- Hear from your child’s principal
- Visit your child’s class(es) to attend an information session
- Find out what your child will learn this school year
- Learn about school clubs and extracurricular activities
- Ask questions and build relationships with your child’s teacher(s) and school staff
- Connect with other families
- And, more!
Attend Today. Achieve Tomorrow!
At Federal Way Public Schools, we encourage our scholars to start the year strong by being on time, every day.
When student-scholars aren’t at school, they may miss out on important learning to help them be successful at school. Lesson plans are built upon foundational knowledge from previous exercises, and missing one day can impact a scholar’s ability to grasp future lessons. It can be difficult to realize how much class a student has missed until the end of the school year.
A student who misses 10 days or more during a school year is 20 percent less likely to graduate from high school and 25 percent less likely to ever enroll in college. Help your student be on time, every day.
At Federal Way Public Schools, we encourage our scholars to start the year strong by being on time, every day.
When student-scholars aren’t at school, they may miss out on important learning to help them be successful at school. Lesson plans are built upon foundational knowledge from previous exercises, and missing one day can impact a scholar’s ability to grasp future lessons. It can be difficult to realize how much class a student has missed until the end of the school year.
A student who misses 10 days or more during a school year is 20 percent less likely to graduate from high school and 25 percent less likely to ever enroll in college. Help your student be on time, every day.
Early Release Fridays starts NEXT week on 9/20. School is out at 1:15pm
Multicultural Night & Community Resource Fair
Join Evergreen Middle School in celebrating the cultures that make up our Grizzly Community!
**Friday, November 1, 2024. 6-8pm
The night includes music, food, community resources, student work display, a performance program, and a cultural dress fashion show. Come dressed in your cultural attire!
Important Dates
**** Yearbook $25 & ASB cards $15 on sale now. Purchase online or in person: https://evergreen.fwps.org/resources/fwps-payment-portal
Sports have begun...all athletes must have a sports physical turned into the office, register on Final Forms, and pay $15 for an ASB card.
09/16 Mon- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off! Sell cookie dough and win cool prizes! (fundraiser ends 9/30)
09/17 Tue- Fall Sports Picture Day. Order your sports pictures online at: bbprepay.com
09/18 Wed- Middle School Open House- 5-6:30pm. Presentation from Principal Collins begins at 5pm.
***09/20 Fri- Early Release Fridays begin. School ends at 1:15pm
09/24 Tue- Cross Country- Illahee @ Evergreen
09/24 Tue- Softball-Varsity- Evergreen @ Illahee
09/25 Wed- Football- Varsity Evergreen @ Illahee
09/30 Mon- Last day to turn in Fundraiser Orders & Money
10/01 Tue- Cross Country- Evergreen @ TAF/Saghalie
10/01 Tue- Softball-Varsity- Evergreen @ TAF/Sgh
10/03 Thur- Cross Country- Lakota @Evergreen
10/03 Thur- Softball-Varsity- Lakota @ Evergreen