Madison Memos
The Madison School Newsletter / November 3, 2016
Madison School
Email: memos@madisonschoolpta.org
Website: http://www.cusd200.org
Location: 1620 Mayo Ave. , Wheaton
Phone: 682-2095
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/653462651407851/
Children's Author Visit
Volunteer for Multicultural Day
We are in dire need of volunteers in all grade levels to help out with Multicultural Day on Friday, Nov. 18 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.. It takes many hands to make this day a success. If you have some time to give, please consider helping us celebrate diversity on this amazing day. If you are available to help, please email the MCD committee at mcd@madisonschoolpta.org.
Contribute to Christmas Sharing
It is Christmas Sharing time again! Christmas Sharing started over 25 years ago as a joint effort between the churches and schools in the Wheaton area with the goal being to provide for needy families during the holiday season.
Madison school is asking for your donations to assure the success of the program. Needed items include clothing (gently used is okay), new underwear and socks, blankets, winter coats, mittens, boots, paper products, baby wipes, diapers, baby food, baby clothes, toys, food, face/body soap, cleaning supplies, and other nonperishable goods. The program is also in need of cash donations. There will be Christmas Sharing tables set up near the main doors and we will be collecting donations through December 2.
Thank you so much for all your support and together we can make a difference.
Questions? Contact Shannon Prahl and Lisa Parrilli at shannon.prahl@cusd200.org
Pick a mitten off the tree
Please take a mitten to help our Madison families during the holiday season. The mitten tree is in the front hallway outside the office. Please wrap the item with the mitten on the outside of the gift and return the present to me no later than Friday, Dec. 9. *New this year: Please record your mitten number on the record sheet provided.
Questions? Contact Shannon Prahl at shannon.prahl@cusd200.org.
Thank you for a success Trivia Night
Also, a special thanks to our donors: Adelle's, Arrowhead, Bauer & Bauer Dentistry, The Bourne Family, Chicago Pizza & Beer Tours, College of Dupage restaurants, Joe Cortesi, Entree Kitchen, Fire it Up Wheaton, Glam Rock, H4 Training, Ivy, Jeans & A Cute Top Shop, Jorgio's Cigars, The Krejci Family, Michael Graham Salon, Katie Morris Veritrust Wealth Mgt., Orange Theory Fitness Glen Ellyn, Studio 110 Salon, Mike Szudarski, Vanilla Sugar Bakery, Vic the Wine Guy, Village Links, Weber Orthodontists, Wheaton Meat Company, Wheaton Sport Center, Kelly Wiedeman, Zanies Comedy Club.
Upload photos for 5th grade highlight video
As part of this year’s 5th grade celebration, we will be creating a highlight video that features pictures of the students during their years of K-5th grade at Madison. To include all the students, we need your photos. Please upload/share present and past photos of your 5th grader at the following Tree Ring link:
Tree Ring is the website that Madison uses for our yearbook orders. If you do not have an account yet, Tree Ring will ask you to create a free account. If you have already placed your yearbook order, then you will already have a Tree Ring account.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PHOTOS IS DECEMBER 9TH. Be sure to only include photos that were taken at Madison events or on school property. After upload, it would be very helpful if the year or grade of each photo could be included in the photo caption.
Questions about the 5th grade highlight video can be sent to Sarah Johnson at skjohnson75@gmail.com
Order your Madison Paw Prints Yearbook
Orders can now be placed for the 2016-2017 Madison Paw Prints. A yearbook costs $17 and will be delivered to the student before the end of the school year. Please use the following link to order and pay with credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Discover) or check. There is a 10% discount if ordered by October 31!
The Yearbook Committee would appreciate you sharing your Meet & Treat and First Day of School photos for use in the yearbook. Please upload your images using the following link:
Please be sure to share only high resolution images of Madison School students, teachers, and staff only on school property or at the bus stop.
Thank you Halloween Party volunteers
Friendly Reminder from the Health Office - When to Keep Your Child Home
Unfortunately, this is the time of the year when many viruses and germs are prevalent. Deciding when to keep your child home from school is not always easy. Unnecessary absences interfere with learning and time off work or childcare issues can be inconvenient; however, little learning takes place for a child when sent to school ill. When a child is truly sick, it is important they stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to limit the spread of germs at school. Illnesses can spread quickly in a classroom and sending a sick child to school puts other students and staff at risk for illness. Let’s work together to keep our school community and our homes as healthy as possible! Below are some guidelines to help you decide when to keep your child home from school.
When to Keep Your Child Home
Please keep the student home if:
- Skin rash from an unidentified cause that has not been evaluated by a physician. Please note that open sores should be covered until healed or evaluated by a physician.
- Oral temperature exceeds 100 degrees F. A student with such a fever should remain home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without the aid of fever-reducing medication.
- Experiencing nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. Students should remain home until symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
- Complaining of severe, persistent pain.
- Showing signs of an upper respiratory infection (cold symptoms) or any other illness serious enough to interfere with the student’s ability to learn.
- Signs of conjunctivitis (“pink eye”) present with symptoms such as secretions from one or both eyes, itching, and crusts on eyelids.
Reporting Absences
You must notify the school if your child is home sick and report any diagnosed communicable diseases. When reporting an absence, please indicate the reason for the absence. If due to illness, please report symptoms including whether your child has a fever, cough, or sore throat.
If you are not sure whether to send your child to school, you may call the school nurse for consultation. If you’re still in doubt, call or visit your physician.
Re-Admission after Contagious Illness
Re-admission following illness from contagious diseases may require a back-to-school permit signed by a physician. Guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Public Health are used to manage communicable diseases in school. Please have medical documentation of any school accommodations that are requested.
Head Lice
Parents are encouraged to check their child regularly for head lice. If a case is discovered, it should be reported to the school nurse, who will advise parents of the most appropriate treatments. Arrangements will be made to check siblings and close contacts for lice infestation.
Student health services guidelines can be found on page 10 of the 2016 Elementary School Handbook.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Join the Madison PTA
Madison PTA advocates for all children through literacy, math, science, problem solving, arts, music, social studies, character development, physical fitness, reaching out, and having fun. Your membership helps to support the numerous programs and activities that our children experience.
Your Family Membership includes our mobile app/digital directory, DirectorySpot, which will be launched on September 26 with updated information for this school year.
For convenience we offer online registration
Go to www.cusd200.org
· Select Madison School from drop down menu at top
· On left side menu, select ‘PTA’
· On left side menu, select ‘Join Madison PTA! – Family Membership’
· Click on the link to register and pay online
If you prefer to pay by cash or check, please select ‘PTA’ and then ‘Forms & Flyers’ to find registration and order forms. Print and complete the forms at home and submit payment(s) to the school office. Registration and order forms are also available in the school office. All checks should be made payable to Madison PTA.
If you have any questions regarding PTA membership, please contact Lisa Thomas at membership@madisonschoolpta.org
PACE testing requests due in January
In March 2017, the PACE Office will host testing for currently enrolled 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. This testing will qualify elementary students for participation in one of the following 2017-2018 classes:
- 3rd, 4th and 5th grade PACE Mathematics
- 3rd, 4th and 5th grade PACE Reading
- 6th grade Fast Paced Mathematics
- 6th grade Fast Paced Language Arts
Please Note – Students currently in PACE Program Classes do not need to re-test for 2017-2018
Students may be recommended for testing by their Teacher and/or Parent.
The deadline for a Parent to request PACE Testing is Friday, January 13, 2017.
Students currently attending a private school and/or home schooled, but reside in the
District 200 Attendance Area, are also eligible for PACE Program Testing.
Testing will take place at each elementary school around the first or second week of March, scheduled around mandatory PARCC testing. Parents who register their students by the Friday, January 13, 2017 deadline will be notified by mail about specific testing dates & times prior to testing.
Parent Testing Referral Forms can be found on the District 200 website www.cusd200.org under Departments > Student Learning > Gifted Education > Parent Referral Forms
Please contact the District 200 PACE Office at (630) 682-2024 or email PACE@cusd200.org with any questions
Screen Free Committee Chair Opening
Donate to the art room
The art teachers are looking for anything from the list to be donated.
Egg carton
Yogurt and any plastic containers
Large T-shirts for smocks ( please, no button down shirts)
Paper towels
Wet Wipes
Ribbon, string, buttons
Magazines ( appropriate )
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Murray at gayle.murray@cusd200.org.
Save General Mills Box Tops for Education
Please save General Mills Box Tops and turn them in to the LLC. Madison can earn ten cents for every General Mills Box top turned in. Thank you to Mrs. Spires for heading up this effort. Last year we purchased many copies of the new Rebecca Caudill, Monarch, and Bluestem Award Book Nominees. Thank you for your support.
Order from Amazon and raise money for Madison
The AmazonSmile program donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Madison PTA. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price. Please support the Madison PTA by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. Then search for Madison PTA (Wheaton, IL) and select it to be your charity. Or, get started by clicking on this link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/36-3662363. Once you select Madison PTA as your charity, Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.
CUSD 200 Facilities inspected buildings for asbestos
Save the dates
Click on the calendar on the Madison section of www.cusd200.org to view upcoming dates. See below for some highlights:
Nov. 4: No School
Nov. 15: PTA General Membership Meeting, Noon in Music Room
Nov. 18: Multicultural Day
Nov. 21-25: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 13: Winter Concert
Dec. 20: Winter Parties
Dec. 21 - Jan. 3: Winter Break
View the 2016-2017 school calendar here.