RVHS Newsletter
February 2nd , 2025
Principal's Message
Happy Sunday!
I just wanted to thank everybody that came out to our Jersey Mike's Fundraiser this past Thursday evening! We had a good number of Rancho Vista students, families, and staff who supported the event! THANK YOU!
Jersey Mike's is a much sought after fundraiser--and I'll be interested to see how much it brought in for our school! Whatever it was--we really appreciate you supporting us!!!!
And finally, can you believe that we're now in February? We've already gone through four weeks of school...Quarter 3 is well underway!! I want to encourage all of our students and families to keep an eye on the calendar! This quarter is going to go quick!
Quarter 3 ends: Friday, March 14, 2025
Quarter 4 begins: Monday, March 17, 2025
Spring Break runs from Monday, March 24 - Friday, April 4. Two weeks off!!!
Students return to school on Monday, April 7th.
Our goal is that students take advantage of the time remaining in Quarter 3 to attend all classes, complete all assignments, and work with teachers to complete and turn in any missing classwork! You got this!!
Have a great week, Everybody!!
David Schlottman
Welcome to our TVUSD Web Store! To get started... 1. Create an account. 2. Add your student(s) to your account under "My Family". 3. Begin shopping for products. Note: Student ID#'s are located on the student's Infinite Campus page. Drop any leading 00's in the student ID.
Community Service: 30 Hours Required to Graduate This Year
Prom, Knott's Berry Farm, and Graduation Info
Here is some important information about qualifications to attend the prom at TVHS and the RVHS senior trip to Knott's Berry Farm. Also included is a graphic about info (coming soon!) about caps and gowns for graduation.
Graduation day is: Friday, June 6, 2025, at Great Oak High School Stadium
We've also shared all of this information with our students!
New RVHS Website
We have a new website (screenshot above)!
To be honest...It's still "under construction"!!! So please bear with us as we get all the details ironed out! Here's the link to our new Rancho Vista Website. (Just so you know, you'll see some older "banner items" on the main page that are OUT OF DATE! We're working on it! )
Even though this new site is not exactly ready...we wanted you to know about it because the old site (that you may have saved as a shortcut or as a bookmark) NO LONGER WORKS!
A short tutorial has been created by our district to help navigate not only our school website but also the district one as well. Check it out here!
Stay tuned for more details and for a fully updated RVHS website!
EBike Safety Guidelines
We know that a lot of our students ride a bike or ebike to school!
Please check out the NEW SAFETY GUIDELINES put out by our district office in coordination with local law enforcement. If your student is riding a bike to school this is a must read! There are different laws for each type of bike. Check out those rules linked above.
And, regardless of the type of bike, please know that all students under 18 MUST WEAR A HELMET! That's a good starting point for safety while on a bike! Please review the link above and talk with your student about safe biking to school!
Senior Picture Time!!!
Info about the RVHS Yearbook
Place Your ID Card 2-3 Inches from the Video Doorbell Camera--AND HOLD!
Video Doorbell
Tips to Using the Video Doorbell
a) hold your ID card 2-3 inches from the screen
b) hold it steady so we can see it
c) Remember that there's a time lag...Hold the card there until you hear us buzz you in!
Students PLEASE take a picture of your Student ID with your cell phone!
This is so you will always have a copy in case you forget to bring it!
Students: If you come to the front door of the school and don't have a school ID, we'll be asking for you to get one as soon as you enter the school! It only takes a few minutes!! That will make it easier each time you need to be "buzzed in" through the video doorbell system!
Students may NOT order food to be delivered to school through Grub Hub, Door Dash, Uber Eats or any food delivery. If a parent brings food in, it can only be for their student and it must be left with the front office and the student may pick it up during lunch time only.
Attendance Matters
Report Your Student's Absence To:
951-294-6302 or email cavalos@tvusd.us
Have a student that is having difficulty attending school? Would you like to talk with someone about that? Please speak with Julia Carrillo, our Student Support Specialist (pictured at left) by calling the main office number and asking to be transferred to her. Or, you can email her at jcarrillo@tvusd.us.