Take Classroom Attendance
Teacher Overview
Take Classroom Attendance Entry Point
Under the Teacher Menu, click on Take Classroom Attendance. Recording accurate classroom attendance is critical because attendance information is tracked by district and state entities. The Take Classroom Attendance entry point is used by teachers to locate a list of their class rosters quickly.
✨ Teacher Aides: Full access to the Take Classroom Attendance entry point can be granted to a teacher aide assigned to a course section to enable the aide to assist the teacher with attendance tasks for the course section. If access is granted, the aide will have the ability to perform all tasks for the course section, including entering attendance, adding notes, and posting attendance. This option is set in the Course Sections entry point.
Accessing Class Rosters
If you are a teacher, the system recognizes your role from your login information and displays rosters for your classes, or if the current time falls within a class period on the current day code, the system will display the roster for the current class period. You can mark attendance using either a class roster or a seating chart view.
To access class rosters, select the Take Classroom Attendance link. One of the following pages is displayed:
Class Roster List
If the current time falls with a class period on the current day code, the Class Roster List page is displayed with the class roster for the current class period.
Classroom Attendance
If it is not during a current class period, more than one periods fall within the current time, or you teach more than one class and they are not connected, the Classroom Attendance page is displayed with a list of your current class rosters.
Working With the Classroom Attendance Tab
When you click the Take Classroom Attendance link, the Classroom Attendance page with a list of your course sections is the first page you will see if the current time is not during a current class period, more than one periods fall within the current time, or you teach more than one class and they are not connected.
Searching for Class Rosters for a Past Date
The Attendance Date field defaults to the current date. If you want to change the date, enter the date to search or click the icon to select it from the calendar, and click the Search button. The system displays a list of your class rosters for the selected date. This display is governed by the value set for the days allowed for posting/reposting classroom attendance as set for your campus.
✨ Click the View All button to see all class rosters for the fiscal year.
Accessing a Class Roster from the Classroom Attendance List
Highlight a roster on the list and click the Select button. The Class Roster List is displayed with the selected class roster.
✨ In the Google Chrome Web browser, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Alt + Enter" to highlight a class roster to select it on the Classroom Attendance list.
Viewing Multiple Days Attendance
You can view attendance for a course/section/period for a selected date range, and if necessary, update a save absence reason to another reason designated for teacher use.
Working With Students on the Class Roster
In the Take Classroom Attendance entry point, the Class Roster List page is displayed when you select a class roster on the Classroom Attendance page or if the current time falls within a class period on the current day code.
Use the Class Roster List to mark attendance, add notes to the attendance record, and view additional student information. After attendance is marked, you can post the information to the database.
Student Roster Overview
You have the following options for working with Student Roster:
- Use the View field to select how you want to display the class roster. If no seating charts have been added for the class, the Class Roster List View is the default. For information about adding a seating chart, see Working With Seating Charts.
- Use the Course/Section drop-down list to quickly display the class roster for another course/section without having to return to the Classroom Attendance list. If attendance for a course section in the drop-down list has not been posted, the course information is highlighted red. If attendance has been posted, the course information is highlighted green.
✨ If you have defined a Section Alias for a course section in Maintain Teacher Gradebook Category, the alias is included with the course information in the Course/Section drop-down list.
Classroom Attendance List Buttons:
- Click the thumbnail of a student's picture to display the Student Picture box.
- Click the notes icon in the Note column to add a note about the student’s attendance.
- Use the Person, S, A, G, and H buttons to view additional information for the student.
- Click the Print button to generate the Student Class Roster report for the course section. The report will be generated as a PDF in new browser window. The report created by the Print button is generated by the SIS Report process, and you cannot print the report until the reporting batch process finishes.
- Click the Quick Print button to print a student class roster for the class you are viewing without accessing the SIS Report process. You do not have to wait for the reporting batch process to finish before you can print the information. Output is displayed in a new browser window with a standard Print dialog box so you can quickly send the roster to the printer of your choice. Output generated with the Quick Print button is not accessible in your Report Queue in the My Report Profiles entry point.
Marking Attendance on the Class Roster
On the Class Roster List page, you can mark absences and as well as mark students as tardy. Once all attendance information is complete, you can save it to the database.
If an attendance clerk has recorded tardy or absence information in other attendance entry points, the information is view-only in the Take Classroom Attendance entry point and cannot be modified.
Selecting Default Options
On the Class Roster List, you can use options at the top of the "P", "A/R", and "T" columns to quickly select a default setting for all students on the roster. With the "All" link, you can quickly assign a default absence attendance reason. You can then modify individual records for students who are exceptions to your selected default.
- Select "P" to mark all students Present for in-person instruction.
- Select "A/R" to mark all students Absent. The system displays the default absence reason code for your campus in the Reason column.
- Select "T" to mark all students Tardy. The system displays the default tardy reason code for your campus in the Reason column.
Marking a Student as Absent
To mark a student Absent, select the "A/R" option, then complete the items below to enter an absence reason.
- Click the absence reason link in the Reason column to open the Attendance box.
- Select the Absence Reason from the drop-down list.
- U - Unexcused
- In the Note field, add any notes about the absence.
- Click the Ok button. The absence reason you selected displays in Reason column and your note displays in the Note column.
Marking a Student as Tardy
To mark a student as tardy, select the "T" option, then complete the items below to enter a tardy reason.
- Click the tardy reason link in the Reason column to open the Attendance box.
- Select the Tardy Reason from the drop-down list:
- T - Tardy
- SW - Sweep
- In the Note field, add any notes about the tardy.
- Click the Ok button. The tardy reason you selected displays in Reason column and your note displays in the Note column.
Posting Attendance Records
Once all attendance information is complete, you can save it to the database. Although some aspects of an attendance record may be edited, there is a limited time frame for edits, based on district-defined regulations.
The posted attendance record contains the following elements:
- Section Period
- Attendance Date
- Attendance Posted Date-Time
- Attendance Posted By
Reviewing and Posting Attendance Records
To review and post attendance records, review the page on which you are working to verify that all students have been marked properly. (If you are in the Class Roster List view, you are working on the Class Roster. If you are in the Class Roster Seating Chart view, you are working on the Class Roster Seating Chart page.)
Click the Post button. The system displays the Attendance Confirmation page.
Review the Attendance Confirmation page to verify that the record is correct:
- The Summary panel lists the numbered of Scheduled students for the section and the number of Present (in-person), Absent, and Tardy students.
- The Absent Students panel lists students with an assigned absent reason that is not designated for remote attendance.
- The Tardy Students panel lists students with a tardy reason.
If you are ready to complete posting, click the Ok button to complete posting. The system saves the attendance record, and the Classroom Attendance page is redisplayed. The section you just posted has dropped off the list.
If you are not ready to complete posting, click the Cancel button to go back and make changes to attendance.
✨ If no students are absent or tardy, “Perfect Attendance” is displayed in red text in the Summary panel.
Viewing Posted Sections from the Classroom Attendance Page
Here are actions you can take on the Classroom Attendance page to view posted sections:
- Click the View All button on the Classroom Attendance page to see all your course sections. Any sections that have been posted are displayed with a checkmark (✔) in the Posted column.
- If you highlight a posted course section on the Classroom Attendance page and click the Select button, the Course/Section field on Class Roster or Class Roster Seating Chart page will display the course section in the field with green shading.