Englewood Hills Bolts News
October 21, 2024
Thunderbolts Are Stronger Together
Message From The Principal
We are moving right along into the 2024-2025 school year! The 2nd quarter is underway!
We have had the following events at E.H. over the past several weeks:
*Progress Reports Are Available Online
*1st Quarter No Office Referral Celebration Was On Friday, October 18th
*Over 4000 BOLTS BEST Tickets Have Been Passed Out To Students During The Month Of October So Far!
*EH PTO - Fundraiser Celebration Was Held - Snow Cones/Video Game Truck/Foam Party
*The Great Apple Crunch - All Students Received An Apple During Lunch On October 10th
*3rd/5th and All New Students Had Hearing & Vision Screenings On October 16th
Check out the E.H. Daily Focus located at the bottom of the newsletter for upcoming events & information.
To stay informed on Englewood Hills Information:
Follow us on:
Facebook - Englewood Hills Elementary School
Website - https://englewoodhills.northmontschools.net/
We are here for our students and our families each day. If at any time you have a question please let us know and we will do our best to find the answer for you.
We are having a great year at E.H.!
Lynnette Roeth
Englewood Hills Elementary Principal
6th Grade Class Picture - October 25th In AM
2nd-6th Grade Picture Retake Day - October 25th In AM
Candid Pictures Will Be Taken For The Yearbook - Oct. 25th
Englewood Hills Elementary School Website
Check Out Our School Website
Direct Link To The Englewood Hills Elementary Page
Third Grade English Language Arts Ohio State Test
Third grade Fall English Language Arts Ohio State Tests will be given on the mornings of:
Tuesday, October 29
Wednesday, October 30
1st Quarter No Office Referral Celebration
Englewood Hills held their first No Office Referral Celebration on October 18th!
A BINGO PARTY was held on Friday, October 18th with students who did not receive an office referral for the 1st quarter!
92% of our students attended the BINGO PARTY!
Each quarter every student begins the quarter with no office referrals so students have the opportunity to be part of the No Office Referral Celebration 4 times during the year!
Keep Being Amazing Bolts!
PTO Tasty Traditions Fundraiser Information
What an amazing fundraiser we had at Englewood Hills Elementary!
Thanks to our PTO!
As a building we raised over $11,000!
Friday October 18th was our prize day for those who sold items for our PTO Fundraiser.
Enjoy the pictures from our prize day!
Snow Cones / Video Game Truck / Foam Party
1st - Trinston Johnson (65 items)
2nd -Gerrit Himes (51 items)
3rd- Gryffin Andrews-Arnold (46 items)
Friday, November 8th At E.H. 8:30am-6:30pm
*If you pick-up from 8:30-4:00 pm please come to door #2 to be buzzed in during the school day.
*If you pick-up from 4:00-6:30 pm please come in the front doors and go to the library
*NOTE - Candy Bar and the additional prizes for top sellers and those who sold 30 or more items will be passed out during pick-up day on November 8th.
The funds raised from the fundraiser go to support EH staff and students in curricular, PBIS, Quarterly Awards, assemblies and field trip cost and any other needs we may find along the way.
Thank you again for supporting Englewood Hills Elementary!
Bring A Water Bottle
Englewood Hills - Start Time and End Time
Englewood Hills Elementary
Students may enter the school for breakfast at 8:45am
ALL students who eat breakfast should enter through the front doors of the school.
School Start Time
Doors Open - 9:00am
Tardy Bell - 9:10am
Students arriving after 9:10am will be counted tardy and the student will need to report to the front office.
School Day End Time
Bus Pick-Up 3:30-3:35pm
Walker/Pick-Up 3:36-3:40pm
Office Closes At 4pm
Before School Drop-Off / After School Pick-Up
Reminder To Families You Cannot Drop-Off Or Pick-Up Students In Front Of The School Where Buses Park.
If your student arrives to school past 9:10am they need to go to the back of the
building door #2 and push the button to be let into the building.
School Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and Lunch
Elementary Student Breakfast and Lunch Prices 2024-2025
Elementary Breakfast - $1.90
Elementary Lunch - $2.80
Individual Milk - 60 cents
Englewood Hills Elementary Pledge
Hallway, Cafeteria & Playground Expectations
At E.H. Positive Recognition Is Our Goal
At E.H. we want to recognize positive behavior in our students!
We have multiple ways in which we are recognizing our students this year for making positive choices.
Students can receive a BOLTS TICKET for positive behaviors. Our students have a chance each day can be recognized by the staff at E. H. for their behavior that go above and beyond our daily expectations of following directions and receive a BOLTS TICKET. These tickets go into their grade level container and each Friday we randomly draw out names for prizes.
Students can be recognized in their homeroom by their teacher(s) each month beginning in September in the following areas: Kindness, Leadership, Most Improved, Perfect Attendance, Citizenship, Excellence In Specials, Special Recognition From Intervention Specialist/Related Service Personnel, Student Of The Month, Academic Excellence and BOLTS BEST award.
Students who do not receive an office referral during a 9-Weeks period will be treated to a reward such as a dance party, BINGO, popsicle, etc. The students start over with no office referrals every 9-Weeks.
Each night the custodian picks 4 classrooms at E.H. who are the cleanest classrooms of the evening. Those classrooms receive the golden dustpan outside of their room. Every 2 weeks we celebrate the 2 classrooms in the building that have received the most golden dustpans during each 2 week period and the students receive a treat.
Positive Student Recognition Is Our Goal At Englewood Hills!
Thunderbolts are stronger together.
Embrace The Journey!
Englewood Hills Bolts Focus - Upcoming Events 2024-2025
Events Will Be Added Throughout The Year
*Notes events/times are subject to change.
25 - 6th Grade Whole Class Picture Day
25 - Fall Picture Retake Day
29 - 3rd Grade State Assessment
30 - 3rd Grade State Assessment
31 - Makeup Testing 3rd Grade State Assessment
1 - Halloween Party 2:15-3:15 (2:10pm Parade Down The Sidewalk)
1 - Makeup Testing 3rd Grade State Assessment
8 - Tasty Traditions Fundraiser Pick Up 8:30-6:30pm at E.H.
25 - No School Students - Staff Professional Development Day
26 - No School Students - Staff Professional Development Day
27 - No School Staff/Students
28 - No School Staff/Students
29 - No School Staff/Students
20 - End Of 2nd Quarter
22-31 - No School Staff/Students
1-3 - No School Staff/Students
6 - Teacher Work Day
20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School Staff/Students)
10 - Parent Teacher Conference Night
12 - Parent Teacher Conference Night
13 - Professional Development Day
14 - Parent Teacher Conference Day Off
17 - President’s Day (No School Staff/Students)
14 - End Of 3rd Quarter
14 - HERO DAY BREAKFAST (Community Breakfast)
21 - EH Career Day (In Gym)
24-28 - Spring Break (No School Staff/Students)
2-22 - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th ELA STATE TESTING WINDOW (Official Days TBA)
21-5/9 - 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th MATH STATE & 5th SCIENCE TESTING WINDOW (Official Days TBA)
1-9 - 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th MATH STATE TESTING WINDOW (Official Days TBA)
18 - HS Graduation
22 - Last Day Students
Englewood Hills Elementary
Lynnette Roeth - Principal
Michelle Gagnet - School Counselor
Nicole Stose - School Nurse
Crystal McDowell - Secretary
Shanelle Rowe - Assistant Secretary
Email - lynnette.roeth@northmontschools.net
Website - https://englewoodhills.northmontschools.net/
Location - 508 Durst Drive Englewood, OH 45322
Phone - 937-832-5950
Facebook - Englewood Hills Elementary School