Vector Prep and AZ Compass
April 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Congratulations to all of our Juniors for completing their ACT testing last week!
This week begins our state assessment AASA Writing, Reading and Math. We are encouraging attendance for the testing and students being on time with charged Chromebooks (7th and 8th grade)
Some testing tips:
1. Get plenty of sleep the night before testing.
2. Eat a good breakfast that morning (for our students that eat breakfast at school eat prior to playing on the playground)
3. Bring a snack to make sure you can stay fueled up throughout the day.
4. Take your time and try your best!
ENROLLMENT 2024-2025
Enrollment is open for the 24-25 school year. To save your spot please login to your parent portal to complete. If you do not currently have an active parent portal, please contact the front office to obtain an activation code.
Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on Wednesday, April 3rd. To be eligible for kindergarten the follow age requirement must be meet.
Per the Arizona Education Code 15-821 (C), “a child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if the child is five years of age. A child is deemed five years of age if the child reached the age of five before September 1 of the current school year.” Children who will turn five between September 1 and October 31 may apply for an age exception to enter kindergarten early.
Habit 8 - Find your Voice
We want to hear from all families, by providing your feedback in our annual survey it will help us to continue to strive for greatness. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this confidential survey. If you have not completed the survey please follow the link below.
Vector K- 6 Families
AZ Compass 7-12 Families
Rachael Lay, M.Ed.
Vector Prep and Arts K-6 (AZ Compass Elementary K-6)
AZ Compass Prep School 7-12
Kinder Round-Up - April 3rd
Art Walk - April 24th
PK-2 Showcase - April 30th
7th-12th Showcase - April 30th
Hello Seniors,
Here is the latest FAFSA update. There are major changes and improvements coming to the 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. This redesigned and streamlined FAFSA form will be available by Dec. 31, 2023. This date was just changed. You can still go onto the link below and create a FAFSA ID. Your college uses your FAFSA data to determine your federal aid eligibility. This will ensure you'll be ready when the update take place on Dec. 31st.
*Free Application for Federal Student Aid (Link to create a FAFSA ID is below)
Please see Mr. Jenkins id you have any questions or need any assistance.
Thanks. Mr. Brett Jenkins
Dress Code Reminders
Polos and/or collard shirts are required for all k-6 students.
PJs are not allowed in any grade level and this includes dress down days unless otherwise noted.
We are asking parents to please help us to provide an educational environment by speaking to their students about bringing blankets to school, this has become popular amongst the high school students. As a school we have asked the students to not wear blankets in classes.
SRO - Chandler PD on campus
As many families have noticed we have had the pleasure of having Chandler PD on campus to support a positive learning environment.
AZ Compass and Vector Prep received grant money to provide an officer on campus daily, their number 1 job is to be a positive role model for all students.
As a positive role model for students and the school community, the SRO should:
• Set limits by being clear about what is acceptable and what is not; letting students
know the consequences of unacceptable behavior and the rewards for acceptable
• Set an example by modeling how to handle stress, resolve conflicts, celebrate
successes, and be a friend.
• Be honest by providing accurate information.
• Be consistent with students, staff, and parents in applying rules and regulations.
• Encourage responsibility by helping students to think through options and consequences of decisions, set personal goals, and develop a plan to make the desired changes.
• Show respect by treating students with respect and expressing high expectations for
• Always strive to be a positive role model because students learn from every
observation of or interaction with the SRO.