Preschool at Woodland Music Notes
Music and Movement Class Notes from Mrs. Crystal
The inaugural Christmas program put on by all students of the Preschool at Woodland will be held on Tuesday, December 16 at 11:30am in the church sanctuary.
Please mark this important date on your calendar and invite your family to join you at this important event in your child's life. For many children, this is the FIRST time they have ever stood on a stage, sung in front of crowd, or even participated in a group event. Please encourage them at home with lots of love and help build their excitement for the program day. We want them to have FUN. And rest assured that if they do not sing a note out loud that day they are still so important to our little production and may be singing loudly on the inside. And most importantly they are learning the story of the birth of King Jesus!
We would like to ask that you dress your child in the colors of red AND OR green on this day. If you have something red/green with white/colored accents that is fine and boys may wear whatever matching color of pants they have. We do not want this to be cost prohibitive so please let us know if this is not possible for your family.
If your child does not attend on Tuesdays please take them to their classroom at 11:00 on the day of the program.
Some of our Transitional Kindergarten and Pre-K children are learning lines for our program. If your child has a line, please work with them on speaking loudly (but not shouting) and slowly and just give them LOTS of praise for their efforts. They are doing an AMAZING job and we are so proud!
If you have any questions about the program or the music program in general, please feel free to stop me at school or email me at
Thank you again for the continued opportunity to move and sing with your child this year! We hope you enjoy the Christmas program! See you soon!
Tuesday, Dec 16, 2014, 11:30 AM
Woodland Baptist Church, 190 Woodland Church Road, Wake Forest, NC
Fall Music and Movement Themes
Psalm 98:4
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.