Somewhere in the Middle
MS Counseling - EHSS February 2024
Full Steam Ahead!
WARNING: Lots of important information & dates in this edition
As we near the end of February, with Spring in sight, along with it comes future vision and planning for the next school year. In the counseling office, we are gearing up to tackle scheduling and registration. While this is a process that consumes a lot of time we still have all our daily tasks that cannot be left undone. Student supports are very much a priority. Plans are forming as well to formulate some short term groups to support rising anxieties for the upcoming school year.
Hold on tight, it's a busy time of year!
End of Tri 2 - Right around the corner!
Important Dates:
- All Late work due to teachers NO LATER than THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29th
- End of Trimester 2 - FEBRUARY 29th
- No School for students - Teacher Work Day for grading - MARCH 1st
- Report cards finalized and sent/emailed home - MARCH 8th
Building Better Habits for Success
Habit Stacking
Take a look at this article to explore a habit building routine that starts with habits we already have in place. Small steps can lead to big change!
Registration Dates are SET for Next Year
8th Grade (Rising 9th graders)
For those students moving on to WRHS (as well as those who are undecided at this point) the counselors from WRHS have two sessions planned for current 8th graders. During these times they will walk them through what high school registration and course selection looks like, what is available to 9th graders and will introduce 4 year plans. Information will be sent to parents linking the WRHS Planning Guide tool that has all course descriptions and prerequisites listed. The second session will involve students putting their course requests into PowerSchool. During this time students are encouraged to ask questions and to email both myself as well as their designated High School counselor with any confusion, questions or wonderings.
Registration Dates (will take place in 6th period on both days):
Session 1 - March 7th
Session 2 - March 19th
7th Grade (Rising 8th graders)
Registration will take place in individual Advisory classes. I will go through TWO sessions that outline what is in store for next year in terms of elective offerings and selection guidelines. During the first session students will be given a paper copy of the elective choices and will use that to make their selections. This will also have a space to indicate if your family has other plans for the next school year that is already decided and in place. If you are undecided we ask that students still complete the process so they are ready to go and have full access to their selections if they remain a part of our EHSS Husky crew. Parent signatures are required. In the second session, students will be shown how to enter their elective requests into PowerSchool.
Registration Dates:
Session 1 - March 13th
Session 2 - Tentative - March 19 (subject to change to after Spring Break depending on schedule conflicts)
6th Grade (Rising 7th graders)
Registration will take place in individual Advisory classes. I will go through TWO sessions that outline what is in store for next year in terms of elective offerings and selection guidelines. During the first session students will be given a paper copy of the elective choices and will use that to make their selections. This will also have a space to indicate if your family has other plans for the next school year that is already decided and in place. If you are undecided we ask that students still complete the process so they are ready to go and have full access to their selections if they remain a part of our EHSS Husky crew. Parent signatures are required. In the second session, students will be shown how to enter their elective requests into PowerSchool.
Registration Dates:
Session 1 - March 14th
Session 2 -Tentative - March 20 (subject to change to after Spring Break depending on schedule conflicts)
Change Can Be Hard
Group Opportunities are AVAILABLE Now!
Anxiety Group Experience
New Group Forming NOW! We are looking for recommendations for 6-8th graders who would benefit from exploring skills to better handle the normal, everyday anxiety. If your child tends to get highly anxious and doesn't have the best coping strategies, this is an experience perfect for them. Please fill out the request form included. Learning appropriate skills now will pay off BIG in the future!
High School Transition Group - 8th GRADE ONLY
Coffee and Conversation for Parents - Updates
We have had a great response with our Coffee Talks this year and are very excited to continue with them. Personally I have enjoyed building stronger connections with parents and families...I learn just as much from you as you might from the presentations.
We have one talk left to plan and prepare before the year comes to a close and we want your input! Please take the time to vote on a variety of topics in the poll below that are intended specifically for Middle School parents. The topic with the highest number of votes will be our focus this spring.
**As a side note I have added a Coffee Talk section to my counseling webpage. Past presentations will be posted there and can be accessed anytime! Click the button below the Poll to find these on the website.
What topic would interest you for our last talk this year?
Spring Sports - Be in the Know!
We are a few weeks away from Spring Sports starting at Wood River Middle School (which are all available to EHSS students). Participation in these Athletic programs requires sports registration which includes:
- a sports physical
- proof of insurance
- health questionnaire and consent form
- code of conduct signatures
- a $15 activity card fee payable to WRMS.
Registration can be done online on Big Teams.
Further information regarding sports at WRMS can be found on the WRMS website under the athletics tab and the appropriate sports tab. **This includes a calendar that can be referred to for bus departure information and game times.
WRMS & EHSS sports opportunities available
Our spring sports information is as follows:
**(all tryouts, practices and home games will take place at WRMS)
The track team starts on March 18th after school at 3:30 pm and will go until 5 pm. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to join and no tryout is required. There will not be practice during spring break.
Baseball is open to 7th and 8th graders. Baseball will begin tryouts on March 18th on the east side of the WRMS gym after school at 3:30 pm. Come prepared with indoor gym shoes. If you or someone you know are interested in coaching we have openings. Pre-registration link, not to be confused with sports registration.
Softball Tryouts will be on Monday, March 18th on the west side of the WRMS gym at 3:30 pm. Softball is open to 6th,7th,and 8th graders. Bring indoor gym shoes.
Cheer Tryouts for the 2024-2025 season happen this spring the dates and are TBA.
Mountain Bike Team is a club sport and not ran through WRMS Athletics. Registration opens April 1st and there are limited spots. For more information contact Camron Newton (cnewton@blaineschools.org). No early registration accepted.
If you have any questions please email me at dwilson@blaineschools.org
Contact Amanda Silvis
Email: asilvis@blaineschools.org
Website: https://www.blaineschools.org/domain/1446
Location: 111 8th Street West, Ketchum, ID, USA
Phone: (208)578-5054