IFNSS Principal Newsletter
For Sunday, October 20th, 2024
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ خَرَجَ فِي طَلَبِ الْعِلْمِ كَانَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ حَتَّى يَرْجِعَ 2647 سنن الترمذي كتاب العلم باب فضل طلب العلم
Hadith of the Week:“The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever goes out seeking knowledge is in the way of Allah until he returns.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2647
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Assalamu alaikum respected parents,
I pray you and your families are doing well. Please be aware that TOMORROW, Sunday OCT 27th, IFNSS PSG (Parent Support Group) is organizing an exciting and educational Fall event for students during Lunch/Recess - "FALL FUN WITH SMORES & TALK BY GUEST SPEAKERS" - Br Imam Azfar and Sr Asil Elkhatib. They will be talking to students on the topic of Halloween and its history/origins. All students and staff will eat lunch outside along with making s'mores under supervision of staff and IFNSS PSG members. Please make sure to dress students according to the weather as it is going to be a bit chilly. Also, students CAN WEAR WARM FALL COLORS (red, orange, brown, yellow, green etc) IF THEY WANT to celebrate the beauty of Fall, SubhanAllah.
Last Sunday, we had our First monthly Raffle for October where my special assembly helpers, Alayna Chaudhry and Zara Chaudhry pulled names of three students from the "Race to Jannah" coupons jar. Congratulations to the following students who won Coldstone gift cards. Keep up the great work ma Sha Alllah!
1. Zaviyar Feroze
2. Zoha Ali
3. Rameen Raheel
MORNING ASSEMBLY: Our morning Assembly on 10/20 was led by Sr Asma Fazal and Sr Eman Enaya, on the topic of "Masjid as Centers of Learning". They talked about the importance of seeking knowledge and the role of masjid in spreading knowledge to people Please refer to the attached ASSEMBLY FLYER for more information. For any parents who would like to come and lead a morning assembly at Sunday School, or get involved in other volunteer opportunities at Sunday School, please fill out THIS FORM and we will reach out to you with next steps.
PHOTO GALLERY "a glimpse into Sunday School"
Assembly by Sr Asma Fazal & Sr Eman Enaya
4th graders make Tajweed Booklets
Learning Tajweed through creative projects
Assembly 10/20
Girls playing volleyball during recess
Outdoor fun!
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PLEASE NOTE that our 1st, 2nd, and 6th grade Classes are already FULL and we apologize that we are NOT accepting any more students in these grades. Any new students in these grades will be put on a waitlist moving forward.
Tomorrow, Sunday, October 27th. Students will have fun outdoors and learn about the history and origins of Halloween. Please dress warm as they will be outside for 30 minutes. Students are encouraged to wear Fall colors (red, orange, yellow, brown, green) to celebrate the beauty of Fall!
Assalamu alaikum IFN Community!
Dar Al Arqam Club is pleased to announce that we will be joining Jannah Circle for a “Muslim Kids’ Night at the Museum” on November 1st from 5:30-8pm! Club kids are for *free*!! For parents, siblings, friends and other family members we have a discount code that brings tickets to only $15. This is not a drop off program, a parent must be present. Please follow the link and register by Oct 30th and use code IFNJC
This is open for all family and community members! They have reserved all of Kohls Children Museum for us and there will be many fun extras such as calligraphy art, face painting, photo booth, pizza, chai and finger treats!
Inshallah we see you all then!!!
Any questions, please contact Mona via Text or what’s app @ 2485679215
Jazakum Allahu Khairan!
Sent from my iPhone
Meet our Staff!
Sr Shamim Khaja! Our Dean of IH/IS, Curriculum Coordinator and 7th/8th grade GIRLS Islamic Studies Teacher ~ an extremely dedicated, passionate & diligent professional, with amazing leadership, creativity and organizational skills! So blessed to have her partnership Alhumdulillah!
Alhumdulillah we have added some excellent teachers and TAs to our team this year. Please refer to this list of TEACHERS & TA's for the 2024-25 school year along with their contact information. Our goal is help parents gets to know their children's teachers in sha Allah. Hence I will be introducing one teachers or TA's every week in my Newsletter Teacher Spot Light Section. See image below.
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Join Our Parent Announcements WhatsApp Group to Stay Informed!!
Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is essential for students development, leads to increased student achievement and success and offers many benefits. We highly encourage our parents to get involved at IFN Sunday School which is why we are offering several opportunities for parent involvement this year. These include the following:
1. Join Parent Support Group (PSG) by completing this form
2. Become a Teaching Assistant
3. Become a Lunch/Recess Supervisor
4. Lead a Morning Assembly at Sunday School
5. Be a Substitute Teacher or TA
Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you are interested in any of the above opportunities and we will contact you regarding next steps. Learn more about the above opportunities on THIS Document.
Alhamdulillah, IFN Sunday School has successfully run the Arabic program for the past 8 years which has been integrated within the Sunday School as an After School Program.
**The goal of this Arabic program is to provide children with proper building blocks to learn how to read, write and understand the Arabic language so that your child may gradually learn to read and understand the Qur''an in the best of manners, Inshallah.
**This program is optional for all grade levels.
This program started on Sunday on 9/8/24 and takes place every Sunday from 1:30-2:45. There is a small fee of $50 to cover books and materials. Sister Eman and Zainab are overseeing the program. For registration or If you have any questions about the Arabic Program, please contact Sister Eman at 312-813-0526 or via email, emanenaya@yahoo.com.
IFN Sunday School team proudly partners with MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs) Non profit Program to support and include all students with specific needs. This year, the MUHSEN program is offering two programs to provide a continuum of serivices to support students with special needs including a) an exclusive 1:1 support program in a separate classroom for students needing a higher level of support and b) an inclusive level of support where students will get push in support from MUHSEN TAs inside their regular classroom. For specific questions, please feel free to contact MUHSEN Facilitators, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi <sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com> and Br. Shaaz Adeel <shaaz.adeel@ifnonline.com>
Tarbiya Circle High School Youth Program is back for another great year! Registration is ongoing right now and classes will begin on October 6th, in sha Allah!
📋 📋 IFN Sunday School Forms to Complete 📋 📋
Parents, Please complete the following three forms if you have not already done so.
IFN Sunday School Parent/Student Handbook - please review.
1. Link to Handbook Acknowledgement Form
2. Link to Photo Consent Form 2024-25
3. Link to Medical Emergency Form
Resources for Parents
Other Helpful Links for Parents to Keep Handy
You can call the IFN main phone number 847-406-3730 and then Dial Extension 222 for Sunday School Office
Principal - Sr. Saddaf Raheel - ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com
Vice Principal - Sr. Samina Anwar - samina.t.anwar@ifnonline.com
Office Manager - Sr. Saba Fuad - ifnss.office@ifnonline.com
Registrar - Br Siraj Khaja - ifnss.registrar@ifnonline.com
Education Committee Chair - Dr. Sarwar Nasir msnasir53@gmail.com
Education Committee Vice Chair - Dr Haris Jamil haris.jamil@gmail.com
IFN President - Br Ahmed Nader - ahmed.nader@ifnonline.com
IFN Vice President - Br. Mohamed Eslam meslam.mohamed@ifnonline.com
MUHSEN Facilitators, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com & Br. Shaaz Adeel shaaz.adeel@ifnonline.com
Sunday School After School Arabic Program Coordinator - Sister Eman Enaya 312-813-0526 emanenaya@yahoo.com.
Tarbiya Circle High School Youth Program Lead - Taha Tayyabi tarbiya.circle@ifnonline.com 312-804-5206