Hello Phenix Firebirds!
News from the Nest for December 2024
Dear Families,
As we embrace the holiday season, we celebrate the growth and achievements of our students so far this year. December is filled with exciting learning opportunities and special events, so please check our calendar and join us whenever you can. Thank you for your continued partnership in making our school a joyful and supportive community for every child!
Please see our school website calendar (linked below) for December events!
Spirit Week
School Nurse Tidbits
The holidays are a busy time of the year. Everyone is rushing around and it never feels like enough hours in the day. This is why sleep is so important.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults receive 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
Here are some ways to help you achieve this goal:
1. Set a relaxing bedtime routine. Read a book or take a warm bath before bed.
2. Keep the same sleep schedule 7 days a week.
3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise.
4. Create a sleep friendly bedroom. Put the phone down and turn the TV off.
5. Sleep in a cool, dark room.
6. Avoid caffeine before bed.
Counselor's Corner
December's focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership. Want to have some fun using empathy as a family? Try these 2 activities: 1) Schedule a family movie night so that you can specifically watch for feelings and emotions. Let everyone know that you’d like them to point out how the characters in the show are feeling and that you will pause periodically to discuss Empathy. As emotions are identified, invite one another to Empathize by sharing about a time they felt that way or imagining how they might be feeling in that moment. 2) Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice Empathy. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Empathy as you listen to each other. Prompts: What is 1 way a family member has shown you Empathy lately?, Share about a time when you felt like someone really listened to you.
Phenix Elementary Website
Don't forget to stay up-to-date with our PES Website! Our school related events can be found in the Calendar tab and there are resources located in the Parent & Student Reources tab. Please be sure to check in regularly at the link below!
PTO Updates
- December 13- PTO Movie Night
- The Krispy Kreme fundraiser will be moved to February
Food Bank Drive
Monthly Inspiration
Contact Information
Email: richardsondt@ccpsmail.com
Website: https://pes.ccpsk12.org/
Location: 400 Red House Road, Phenix, VA, USA
Phone: (434)542-5570
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccpsk12/