News from the Nest
March 1, 2024
News from Mr. Hartmann . . .
This month we're focusing on the important character trait of honesty! Being honest means being truthful in what we say and do. When we practice honesty, it helps us build trust with others. It also reduces stress, since we don't have to worry about covering up lies.
As we go through this month, I encourage you to discuss honesty with your child. Share times when telling the truth, even when it was hard, made you feel good after. Remind them that even though being honest can feel risky, people will trust them more when they are truthful. Modeling and rewarding honesty at home will help reinforce this valuable trait.
Together, through emphasizing honesty, we can help our children grow into ethical, trustworthy individuals. I know they will rise to meet our high expectations. Let's make this a meaningful month of learning!
Important Dates:
Mar. 11-15: No School / Spring Break
Mar. 29: No School
Apr. 1: No School for Students/Staff Grading, Parent Communication, Content Development
Apr. 2: Spring Book Fair 9am-8pm
Apr. 3: Spring Book Fair 9am-8pm
Apr. 4: Spring Book Fair 9am-8pm
Health Office Reminders
We have been seeing an increase in illnesses throughout the building. Symptoms we are seeing include fevers equal to or greater than 100.0 degrees F, cough, sore throat, chills, body aches, GI symptoms and headaches.
We ask that you continue to be vigilant in monitoring your children for symptoms of illness and that they stay home when they are feeling ill. As a reminder, students must be fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
How can you keep yourself and your family healthy?
Clean your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Avoid close contact with people who are sick, if possible. Avoid sharing personal items. Cover your cough and sneeze. Promote self-care!
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Blue Heron Elementary Health Services office at 763-792-6226.
Thank You!
The Blue Heron teaching staff would like to say THANK YOU to the PTO and to the families who provided food, drinks, and monetary donations for our spring conferences. A special thanks to Erin Weber, Paige Pletscher, Erin Nigbor, Laura Cayton, and Jessica Sorenson for coordinating and delivering the meals.
Spring State Testing Dates
Reading: Grade 3-5
- Tuesday, April 16th & Wednesday, April 17th
Math: Grade 3-5
- Tuesday, April 23rd & Wednesday, April 24th
Science - Grade 5 only
- Tuesday, April 30th
High School Concert Choir Spring Concert
Calling all 4th grade students to perform with the Centennial High School Concert Choir.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 6pm in the Centennial High School Performing Arts Center.
Please view document linked below for more information.
Field Trip Fees
It is important to log into Parent Portal and pay any field trip fees that are outstanding. Currently we have many students with have not paid for their field trip. All fees including donations and field trips must be paid online through your Parent Portal Account.
- Log into the Parent Portal
- Click on the three lines in the upper left corner
- Click on Fees in the drop-down menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Optional Payments
- Pick which student you are paying for in the "Person" drop-down menu
- Scroll thru the list and choose the correct fieldtrip
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact the school office.
Are You Moving?
Planning for the next school year begins very soon. If you are moving or not returning to Blue Heron Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year, please call the office at 763-792-6200. Thank you!
Clothing Donations
Blue Heron is looking for pants donations for sizes 5-10. If you have new or gently used pants that you would like to donate, you can send them with your student or bring them in anytime between 8am-4pm. Thank you for your support!
"EYE"tastic Opportunity
by Olivia
Read on about a fantastic opportunity you shouldn't miss... You can donate your no longer used eyeglasses to help people of all ages who can't get any glasses to help their poor vision. You can be the person to help someone get the glasses they need to have a better life.
People who need glasses but don't have the resources to get the glasses they need have trouble learning at school or performing at their jobs. These people wish they could see better, and with your help, their wish will come true. Donating your no longer used eyeglasses can help one person, maybe more. What you will do with your donation shows you care about people who can't get eyeglasses. Donating that pair of old eyeglasses to someone in need gives people a new opportunity in their life.
Mr. Gutbrod's Grade 5 class and the Circle-Lex Lions' Club are working together with you to get those needed eyeglasses to people in developing countries. This is an opportunity you should think about participating in this year.
Please send your no longer used eyeglasses to Blue Heron Elementary c/o Mr. Gutbrod's Grade 5 Classroom. We'll do the rest. By taking the time to do this, you are making wishes come true. Thank you.
Blue Heron Elementary Yearbook
Yearbook Photos Needed
We are looking for your pictures to put in our yearbook. Click on the link below to add your pictures. Please make sure the pictures only feature students from Blue Heron Elementary. Thank you.
USER ID - 0TXbkr6X9Dd-4tY5ni64eHQ
Community Education
Cougar Cup Soccer (gr. K-6)
Experience a 30-minute training sessions with high school soccer players and coaches and then enjoy the excitement of taking part in two games at Centennial Stadium! All players receive a medal. Cougar Cup Soccer is held Saturday, April 27 at Centennial High School Stadium.
Here’s what’s happening soon:
Mar. 15- Deadline to register for spring swim lessons!
Mar. 19- Youth Spring Volleyball League (gr. 4-5) More BHE players needed!
Mar. 23- Spring Open Swim schedule begins!
Mar. 25- The Summer Activity Guide opens for registration!
Mar. 29- DASH Multi-Sport Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Apr. 6- RevSports Basketball (ages 2-9)
RevSports Ninja Warrior (ages 2-9)
Apr. 7- Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. K-7)
Apr. 8- DASH After-School Track & Field Camp (gr. K-5)
After School Youth Soccer (gr. K-5)
Apr. 20- Tenicity Parent/Child Beginner Tennis (ages 5-12 with adult)
Apr. 23- Skyhawks Baseball Camp (ages 8-12)
Go online to view all activities and to register,
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Browse the Digital Backpack.
Blue Heron Elementary
Location: 405 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.6200