Shorewood Hills Shark Tooth
March 22nd, 2024
We will develop a welcoming school community of global citizens through: Anti-racist practices, strong relationships, and high academic expectations.
We've had a great couple of weeks with some special visitors, a former Shorewood student (more info below) and actor David Daniel! Mr. Daniel has been doing an artist-in-residence week at Shorewood for a number of years now. He spends time exploring poetry with our 4th and 5th graders. We are so grateful to the PTO for supporting this special event next year. When we return from break, we will welcome the spring with parent-teacher conferences, Spring Sing, International Week, Science Night, and 5th grade Sharkade. Lots to look forward to!
I hope everyone has a restful and rejuvenating Spring Break!
In partnership,
Anne Gillespie
Nominations Needed for PTO 2024-2025 Positions
The Shorewood Hills Elementary School PTO is a nonprofit parent/teacher organization whose mission is to build and support a strong and inclusive community of parents, teachers, and students by advancing opportunities in the home, school, and the school community. The PTO sponsors programs and events for the school, and raises funds for teachers in the classroom, supplemental educational materials, and general school improvements.
Everyone from the school community is encouraged to join the PTO in an official capacity!
Elections for the 2024-2025 PTO Board will be held in May, and the PTO is looking for school community members who would be interested in joining the Board.
-->Please nominate yourself or another for any open position on the Board using this form.
WWII Veteran and Former Student Returns to Shorewood
We were honored to welcome Dr. Lewis Harned back to Shorewood this week! Dr. Harned attended Shorewood in the early 1930s. He is spending his 99th year doing 99 things and one of his wishes was to return to Shorewood. Dr. Harned, a veteran of WWII, the Korean War, and Desert Storm, was an orthopedic surgeon in Iowa before returning to Madison for his retirement. He met with some of our third graders and delighted them with stories of meeting Charles Lindbergh and sitting in the cockpit of the Spirit of St. Louis, seeing Ringling Brothers elephants pull circus wagons as they traveled through Madison, and spending the day at the movies for 10 cents. Experiences like this are so important for students! Learning about the past by hearing directly from someone who has lived it is so powerful. Dr. Harned is also a beautiful example of living life to the fullest, no matter your age. Channel 3 News was here to document his visit and will release the story soon. When they do so, we will pass that along!
News from Our School Nurse
As fourth quarter approaches, be on the lookout for letters from your Fourth and Fifth Grade teachers about our Human Growth and Development Curriculum which will start in April. Parents will be sent the slides that will be presented by the nurse and the 4th/5th grade teachers ahead of these lessons as we encourage families to begin and or continue the conversations at home.
MMSD is collaborating with SSM Health, Public Health Madison Dane County, GHC-SCW, and UW Health to host a vaccine clinic
Saturday May 11th at the Holtzman Building
333 Holtzman Road from 10am to 2pm
Any students age 5+ who meets the following criteria may attend:
- Uninsured
- Are under 19 and are Alaskan Native or American Indian
- Has BadgerCare (any carrier)
- Insured by Dean, GHC-SCW, or Quartz
All vaccines required by the WI Student Immunization Law will be available.
Additional information and links to schedule an appointment can be found here.
In partnership,
Lucy McCluskey, School Nurse
Email: lgmccluskey1@madison.k12.wi.us
Health Office Phone (608) 204-1204
Science Night: Save the Date and Seeking Volunteers
Science night is returning to Shorewood!
Wednesday, April 24th
More info coming soon but we are now seeking any parent scientists to lead demonstrations. If interested, please contact Yaewon Kang: yaewon83@gmail.com
Variety Show Submissions!
Want to be part of the fun? We are asking for students & school staff to submit short videos to be included in our Variety Show program. The Variety Show is a beloved tradition at our school, and so many kids participate when we do it “virtually” that we’ve decided to stick with this format for the time-being.
Need inspiration? You can watch last year’s show here:
- More ideas:
- Play an instrument
- Sing a song
- Dance
- Juggle
- Perform a short puppet show
- Read a poem
- Show off sport skills or sport trick
- Show off your pet doing a trick
- Tell a joke
- Show an art project
- Show your animations or stop motion video project
- Show a creative LEGO or engineering project
- Send a video shout out to your teachers
Show us anything you wish to share! Just please remember to keep content age-appropriate and know that we may edit any content for time.
All Variety Show submissions must be NO more than 2 minutes MAXIMUM. Please note, you do NOT have to fill the entire 2 minutes and we encourage videos of any length up to 2 minutes.
Videos also need to be sent in a MOV or MP4 format. If you have any questions about submitting a video, please contact shorewoodpto.media@gmail.com
Click this link to the sign up!
DEADLINE: Friday April 26th
**Please note - By submitting a video you are giving the Shorewood Hills PTO permission to use the video for the Virtual Variety Show. The show will be emailed to all families with a link to the YouTube page. All Variety Show acts will be listed only by first name and grade only and may be edited for time.
Flyers Posted to PeachJar
We have a few flyers up on PeachJar!
- West High School Football Camp
- Advanced Learning Newsletter
- i9 Summer Sports Camp
- Ballroom Dance Lessons
- And more!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please find food service menus linked here. There is also an option to subscribe to the menus on iCal or Google calendar.
Resources and Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- March 25th-29th: No school, Spring Break
- Wednesday, April 3rd: Summer school invitation letters sent home
- Monday, April 8th: 4th quarter starts, Mid-day dismissal at 11:30
- Thursday, April 11th: Evening conferences
- Friday, April 12th: No school, all day conferences
- Monday, April 15th: No school
Help Lines:
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 608-280-2600 or 1-800-273-8255
Briarpatch Helpline: 1-800-798-1126
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386 or click here for Trevor Text & Trevor Chat
24/7 SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990
24/7 Parental Stress Line - 1-800-632-8188
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045, If you are in immediate danger, call 911.