Heartland Family Newsletter
The Heartland Happenings - July 12, 2024
Notes from Ms. Johnson
Welcome to the 24/25 school year! For those of you new to Heartland, this is our Heartland Family Newsletter, aka The Heartland Happenings! Once school starts, you will receive a weekly newsletter with all things Heartland Middle School so that you can stay informed! Each newsletter will have event information, fun celebrations, school initiatives and much more! More importantly, there will be a grade level newsletter embedded within my newsletter that has updates on what content is being covered in your student's classes so you can help your student achieve success academically. Can you believe that the start of school is just around the corner?? I know that many of you are ready to start planning for the start of the new school year so I wanted to send out some information to help you be successful! I am so very excited to welcome back and meet all of our new Heartland Thunderhawks!
For our incoming 7th and 8th graders, I highly encourage them to consider joining a Fall, Winter, or Spring sport! Middle-school aged children experience significant developmental and cognitive change, and it’s important for students to be active and feel like a valued part of their community. At Heartland, we understand the important role that athletes can play. Participating on a team can help students make friends and discover new strengths. School sports are a great way for middle schoolers to get involved and develop healthy habits, teamwork, confidence, time management, and a sense of belonging. Please be sure you have all the athletic information you need by clicking on the athletics button below.
- Fall Sports - Cross Country, Softball, Volleyball, Football
- Winter Sports - Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling
- Spring Sports - Golf, Tennis, Track, Baseball
If sports is not your kiddo's thing...that's ok! We have lots of fun performing arts and after school extracurriculars to participate in including: band, choir, orchestra, drama, gaming/Esports club, TSA, FCCLA, academic team, art club, and much more! Enhance your student's middle school experience by encouraging them to get involved! Speaking of getting involved, we need our parents to get involved too! Please consider becoming an active member of our Heartland Thunderhawk school community. Volunteer opportunities exist in specific activities and our SENSATIONAL Heartland PTO is always looking for help. It's an AMAZING way to be active in middle school life.
As you all know - schedules will once again be sent out electronically this year. Please be sure you have all enrollment information completed and any fines paid so that there is no delay in receiving your student schedule. The first schedule release will take place on August 7th around 5:00pm. To have your student schedule released on that day - please have all information submitted by the end of business on August 6th. There will be a second release on August 9th.
I encourage you to join our Facebook page using the button below so that you can stay up to date on the latest and greatest! We love to share with our community all the wonderful things happening at Heartland and many times Facebook is the first to see it! Should you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions our office is open and ready to help you navigate this new school year. Please feel free to give us a call at (405)340-2972.
We'll see you soon Thunderhawks!! WE ARE...HEARTLAND!
Veronica Johnson
Principal, Heartland Middle School
Incoming 6th Graders - Camp Thunderhawk!!!
Each August - we take a moment and prepare our 6th graders for middle school life! This year - Camp Thunderhawk for 6th graders will be August 7th from 8:00am - 12:00pm. Led by our AMAZING WEB leaders and their sponsors, this is an event you don't want your incoming 6th grader to miss!! They will be taught what it means to be a Thunderhawk and we will ensure that they go into their first day of middle school confident and ready to conquer middle school! Registration is not necessary...just show up and we'll do the rest! Attendance is strongly encouraged!!
Heartland Parent Organization (HPO)
Heartland Families,
Your HPO is getting ready for Schedule Release Day tours and stocking the Student Store. We are excited to welcome you back! We have been planning some great things for this year and can’t wait to get the school year started.
Our first event is a new Back to School Social. This is a family event, so please Save the Date and more details will be available soon. You won’t want to miss out on the fun!
Please join our Facebook page to see all things HPO and Heartland.
Visit our school store website to order your Heartland Thunderhawk gear:
Our email is heartland.hpo@gmail.com.
We are excited for a great year and would love for you to join us for volunteering opportunities such as board or committee chair positions, volunteer at events, or just simply coming to general meetings to catch up on what’s ahead. Parent involvement is so important and a great way to meet new families as well as getting to know the staff of Heartland. More information will be available soon. Keep watching Facebook, our website and Ms. Johnson’s newsletters.
See you soon,
Cassie Niemann
Heartland Parent Organization President
Steps to Receive Your Students' Schedule on Schedule Release Days:
- New to Edmond - Complete the online general enrollment.
- Returning to Edmond & New to Edmond - Complete the Annual Update through the parent portal if you have not done so already.
- Future 7th Parents Only - Submit Tdap immunization information to immunizations@edmondschools.net.
- New & Returning to Edmond - Submit your utility bill (Electric, Gas or Water) with a July or August service date by either scanning/taking a picture and filling out attaching it to the following google form.
First Schedule Release -- August 7th
To have a student schedule released via email on August 5th - parents must have all information above completed by 5:00pm on 8/6.
Second Schedule Release -- August 9th
To have a student schedule released via email on August 9th - parents must have all information above completed by 5:00pm on 8/8.
*** Please remember that all information, shot records, and fines must be up to date or paid prior to having a schedule released.
1st HMS Information Day Saturday, August 7 - 8:00a - 11:00am
- Walk Your Schedule
- Meet Our Heartland PTO
- Purchase/Pick Up Your Pre-Ordered Thunderhawk Gear
- If your July/August utilities and Annual Update are submitted by 8/6 @ 5:00pm, you will receive your schedule on the evening of 8/7. If utilities are submitted 8/8 @ 5pm, you will receive your schedule on the second release on 8/9 at 5pm. Both of these options will allow you to participate in the 1st HMS Information Day.
2nd HMS Information Day Tuesday, August 13th - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
- Walk Your Schedule
- Meet Our Heartland PTO
- Purchase/Pick Up Your Pre-Ordered Thunderhawk Gear
- If your July/August utilities and Annual Update are submitted by 8/13 @ 12:00pm, you will receive your schedule by 3pm the afternoon of 8/13. This will allow you to participate in the 2nd MS Information Day.
24/25 Annual Update Is Now Open!!
Hello Parents and Guardians,
Edmond Public Schools' 2024-2025 Annual Update is now open!
The Annual Update allows you to confirm and/or update your student's current residency, family, demographic and medical information. To begin, please log in to your Parent Portal. From the left-hand Menu, select More | Online Registration , then click the Start button out to the right of 2024-2025 under Existing Student Annual Update.
Please note: completion of your Annual Update is required before your student(s) may receive their 2024-2025 schedule and teacher assignments.
For questions or login issues related to Parent Portal, please contact your school or email parentportalhelp@edmondschools.net. If your student will not be returning to Edmond Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year, please let your current school(s) know or email parentportalhelp@edmondschools.net as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Edmond Public Schools
7th Grade Parents - It's TDap Time!
Hello, parents of future 7th graders! As we begin to think about enrollment for next school year, I wanted to make you aware of Oklahoma immunization requirements for students before entering 7th grade. All 7th-grade students will need to have documentation of a Tdap vaccine on file - this is typically given between ages 10-12 and serves as a “booster” to the DTaP vaccine given at an earlier age.
Alternatively, you may complete an Oklahoma Vaccine Exemption form and return it to the school. Please email all immunization records to: torie.moore@edmondschools.net or immunizations@edmondschools.net.
No Lockers for 24/25 School Year
Heartland Middle School has retired the locker use. Not using lockers has eliminated the majority of class tardy issues, hallway behavior issues, and having to leave the room because a student forgot something in their locker. We will certainly continue to offer room locations for athletic and music equipment drop-off. Please keep this in mind as you purchase school supplies for the 24/25 school year. A backpack or binder to carry items from class to class is encouraged. (Rolling backpacks are certainly ok).
Transportation - Bus Information
Students in Grades 6-12 who live within the EPS boundaries and reside one and one-half miles or more from their schools are eligible for district transportation. Occasionally, exceptions can be made. A contract for the Code of Conduct must be signed by the parent and the student as one condition of eligibility. Generally, bus stops will be made within two to six blocks of a student’s home, depending on the age of the student transported. The maximum distance that a student should walk to a bus stop is set at one half (1/2) mile.
Click THIS LINK and enter your address to find your bus number, bus stop, and pick/drop-off times. For additional transportation information, click the following link: Transportation Webpage.
Child Nutrition - School Lunches
Without proper nutrition, it’s difficult for a child to succeed. Edmond Public Schools provides students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet students’ health and nutrition needs. Menus, menu prices, free and reduced meal applications and more can be found by visiting our Child Nutrition Website. Add money to your child's lunch account HERE. Apply for free or reduced lunch: CLICK HERE TO APPLY!!
Heartland CORE Character VALUES
Honesty - Being truthful in what I say and do
Enthusiasm - Expressing interest and excitement in what I do
Attentiveness - Concentrating on the person or task before me
Resiliency - Recovering from adversity and finding the inner strength to withstand stress
and do my best
Tolerance- Demonstrating respect for others who do not share my perspective
Leadership- Knowing the way. Going the way. Showing the way.
Accountability - Accepting responsibility for my actions
Nice- Dude. Be Nice!
Discipline- Choosing behaviors to help me reach my goals and finish strong
Heartland Middle School
Email: heartland.middleschool@edmondschools.net
Website: https://heartland.edmondschools.net/
Location: 4900 Explorer Dr, Edmond, OK, USA
Phone: (405)340-2972