Online Elementary Weekly Newsletter
September 8, 2024
Office Information
Office Hours
7:00AM to 3:15PM
We’ve moved
780 Wheelock Pkwy (Door #6)
St.Paul, MN 55117
Application for Education Benefits
It is critical that all families complete an Application for Education Benefits each school year. These applications determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits. Paper applications are available at school or can be completed online at schoolcafe.com/spps.
Principal News
Welcome back Online Elementary Parents,
I hope spending time with your loved ones throughout your break was fantastic.
It is a privilege for us that you have decided to send your kids to the Online School. We can't wait to see how much your youngster learns this school year.
I wanted to share with all of you some of the initiatives we have set for this school year:
Attendance: It is among our top priorities for the current academic year. There will be a major decline in learning if students miss class. To make sure your child is in class, we have a good number of staff members making phone calls. Kindly assist your child by making sure they are prepared for each day's Morning Meeting.
We can ascertain how your child is learning and progressing academically during the school year with the use of FAST ( Formative Assessment System for Teachers) and HMH-Math testing. There will be three assessment sessions: fall, winter, and spring. These evaluations support educators in making well-informed judgments about pedagogy, such as class planning and student grouping that is suitable for your child. Grades are not affected by the assessments, which are not evaluated. Simply put, screening exams give teachers the information they need to effectively meet your child's academic needs.
FAST and HMH-Math testing will start as soon as this coming Monday 09/09/42. More information will be shared via Balckboard Connect this weekend.
Wishing everyone a terrific school year.
Please feel free to contact me at john.osorio@spps.org or at 651-744-6368.
John Osorio
Assistant Principal
651-744-6368 / john.osorio@spps.org
Attendance Matters
It is important for your child to show up to class on time everyday. If your child will be absent from class please contact Belinda Vang via phone or email at your earliest convenience.
Attendance Line: 651-774-4707
Attendance Email: oes.attendance@spps.org
How to report an absence:
Student Name
Parent Name
Student # or DOB
Date(s) of Absence
Reason for being absent
Grade Level News
Attached is the Kindergarten Newsletter which shares our theme, the lessons and goals we have throughout the theme, and important dates. It also has links to the Big Skills Document, where you can see exactly what your child should have mastered at this time and a link to our Kindergarten Weekly Photo Drops. Please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns to 651-447-8866.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Click here for the Second Grade Running Newsletter.
3rd Grade
Welcome to 3rd grade! I will be the substitute teacher while Ms. Moua is out. I look forward to learning with your students! You can email me at: lkoelfgen-faust.toc@spps.org
4th Grade
4th graders are practicing their collaboration skills this week by using small group time to engage in debate, sharing their ideas, asking each other questions, and then sharing out in the whole group. We had a soup, salad or sandwich debate, and everyone shared positive shout outs afterwards for how we came together as a community!
In math, we are practicing divergent thinking and brainstorming multiple ways to think about a problem. We are also working on place value and using number blocks. Students are practicing and doing a great job explaining their thinking.
5th Grade
Welcome 5th grade families! If you did not get a chance to see our welcome letter here is our link!
Please check in with student’s seesaw that they are finishing all of the things in their “to do” and “in progress” tabs.
I would love to schedule home visits (or library/coffee shop) with you all! This week, I was able to meet two students in person and it was so fun! Please feel free to text or email me if you would like to set one up, or if you have any other questions about the year!
Ms. E
(651) 456-8606
Specialist News
1st graders played games, found out about their classmates doing Two Truths and a Trick and created a Comic Strip on Seesaw!
4th graders enthusiastically immersed themselves in technology this week. They installed the Canva app, collaborated with classmates on a whiteboard, and created a comic strip. They are excited to use their iPads!
This week Kindergarten and 3rd grade rotated between Art and PE. Both grades will have Art next week too!
Physical Education
This week Kindergarten and 3rd grade rotated between Art and PE. Both grades will have PE next week too!
2nd & 5th Graders are completing “Getting to Know You Activities.” They completed a Commonality Padlet to see what each of them had in common. We also had both grade levels combine their answers to compare their commonalities with both grade levels.
Student Support Services
Ms. Zallaps - Special Education
Click here for the class newsletter for September: Zallaps' Class Newsletter
Ms. Brown - Reading Intervention
SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words) small groups will start after FAST testing is completed for grades 3rd-5th. Molly Brown will contact families of students that will be part of the groups. Ms. Brown’s contact information is: molly.brown@spps.org or 612-568-4212 (call or text).
Ms. Kim - School Social Worker
Please contact Kim Stout for support around family, community, or school stressors. kim.stout@spps.org or (651)401-5595
Ms. Love - School Counselor
Welcome to a new year! I'm Maki Love, the school counselor. I will visit your student in their classroom every week to teach lessons on social emotional learning, bully prevention, career development, and personal safety!
Throughout the year we will run counseling groups and meet with students one-on-one!
Topics might include: friendship skills, mindfulness, family change, and much more.
Have a question or need support?
Email: maki.love@spps.org
Google Voice Text or Call: 612-405-8056
Ms. McConnell - Navigation Specialist
I’m Ms.McConnell, I’m the Navigation Specialist in the Online Elementary school. I support your students and their teachers when they aren’t able to stop a lesson to reach you. If you have needs, and may not be sure where to go, contact me at 6126994177 or at Kiowona.mcconnell@stpaul.k12.mn.us.
Ms. Shanaz - Onboarding Specialist
I’m Ms. Shanaz, the onboarding specialist. I help new students and families from Kindergarten through 12th grade become familiar with the online school and the online platforms. If you have questions, please call or text me at (612)568-6624.
News from Nurse Jenny
Before entering Kindergarten, students are required to be up to date on their state mandated vaccines, or documentation of medical or conscientious exemption. This requirement includes the Online School because we are a publicly funded school. For more information, or to document a medical or conscientious exemption, follow the links below:
Are Your Kids Ready: Minnesota Immunization Law:
Student Immunization Form (includes medical and conscientious exemption form):
Contact Nurse Jenny at 651-419-1219 or jennifer.martineau@spps.org if you have any questions.
Community Resources
New resources!
Therapeutic Support Groups through Children’s MN
This programming is available for any school-age child/teen experiencing grief - the death of a loved one, friend, or other experience bringing about a sense of loss.
Groups begin September 10th. Families can apply here
Please Contact Kandra Quam with questions
Free Farmer’s Market in St.Paul
Drive thru, multiple locations
Tech Support
Need technology or iPad support?
For quick at home fixes, call
Joshua Thao, iPad Manager:
612-699-4161 / joshua2.thao@spps.org
For in person appointments to change out or fix technology, make an appointment below.
Title I
Dear Parents,
We are providing you with a good amount of resources that you can utilize for a variety of reasons. Our objective is to fortify our bonds and collaborations with every OSL parent.
All these resources and some more can be found in our Online School website
Feel free to contact John Osorio at john.osorio@spps.org with any questions about Title I or any of these documents and services.
Important Dates
October 3 - No School (Staff Professional Development)
October 17 - No School (MEA Break)
October 18 - No School (MEA Break)
October 25 - No School (Staff Conference Prep)