Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, May 2024
Work Session
The School Board participated in a work session focused on assessing student learning. The types of educational assessments, their purpose and alignment with current practice in the District were reviewed. An overview of how various administrative and teacher teams use data to inform instruction and programming was presented, along with a preview of assessment practices that will be updated in the 2024/25 school year.
Regular Board Meeting
Dan Waters, President, welcomed all in attendance. He thanked the District’s educators in light of the recent Teacher Appreciation Week.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, shared several updates on Project Based Learning activities; noted District alum, Peter Chatain, participated in the Olympic Trials; and thanked parents and Village Officials for recently hosting assemblies on Water Safety at Skokie and Washburne Schools. The District’s Safety Bulletin (May 2024 edition) was also released this week. Dr. Tess also noted that many retirees would be celebrated at the Retirement and Recognition event, which took place on May 22.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship Meeting
Winnetka Public Schools Foundation Meeting
Special Meeting and Committee of the Whole
TrueNorth Cooperative 804 Meeting
Policy Subcommittee Meeting
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, a selection of the five District schools share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate: Global Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Effective Communicator, Empathetic, Resilient, Creative Problem Solver and Collaborative.
Hubbard Woods School showcased a clay project made possible by a grant from the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation. The kindergarteners have had the opportunity to work with an Artist-in-Residence, Jesus Oviedo. They have learned techniques for working with clay, such as pounding, wedging, adding and subtracting, and making clay stand. They are making sculptures to share their learning about nature. This will culminate in an Art Exhibit at Tower Road Beach Park.
Structured Learning Environment (SLE) Classrooms
Denise Matthews, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion, shared a presentation on the enhancements to be added to the K-8 continuum of services beginning in the 2024/2025 school year. The Board was provided an overview of the SLE classroom structure, how students are recommended for the program. They will also be updated on continued planning as well as professional development and coaching opportunities planned for staff during the summer and throughout the school year for teachers, associates and administrators.
Informational Items
Bulley & Andrews shared a monthly Executive Summary on construction.
Staffing and Enrollment Update FY 2024-2025
The Board was given an update on staffing and student enrollment for projections from the month of May. Due to increasing incoming Kindergarten enrollment there is a recommendation for addition of Kindergarten certified and classified staff at Hubbard Woods School. In addition, a recommendation is also included in the area of Student Services for reallocation of existing KW staff to fill the Adaptive PE FTE in the District.
Summative Evaluation Report Education Support Personnel
All Educational Support Personnel are evaluated annually and the data is gathered as a memo to the Board and listed by building. The memo contains the percentage of staff from the 94 employees and the ratings in the following categories: Excellent, Proficient, Needs Improvement, and Unsatisfactory.
Structured Learning Environment (SLE) Classrooms
There is an opportunity to expand the District’s school offerings in order to best serve students within their home district for supports previously sought out through TrueNorth or other therapeutic settings. Earlier in the evening, Denise Matthews, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion, shared an overview of enhancements to be added to the K-8 continuum of services beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.
The School Board approved a recommendation for the fire protection work at The Skokie School in summer 2024.
The School Board approved the award of bids for the parking lot at Greeley as well as the playground area at Hubbard Woods.
The School Board approved a resolution designating interest earnings. This allows the District Administration to allocate these earnings to the various funds as needed.
The School Board approved the hiring of Amsco as a Commissioning Agent for the School District. This will ensure that our new systems in our buildings meet our project requirements, and conform to the design intent of the equipment that is being installed.
The Policy Subcommittee brought forth recommendations of policies to be updated in response to legislative updates, District-specific determinations, continuous improvement, and five-year review. Following a 1st read, any edits, updates, or modifications will be incorporated and presented for a 2nd read and adoption at the Board’s June 11, 2024.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Award Fire Protection Bid
Commissioning Agent Contract
Approvals of Asphalt Project for Greeley and Hubbard Woods
Resolution to Approve Cancellation of Transportation Contract
Resolution to Approve Emergency Transportation Contract
Resolution Designation Interest Earnings
To view the entire Board Packet from the May 21, 2024 Meeting, click here.