Read Around Rush!
March 2025
Read Around Rush is a monthly digital newsletter that promotes positive happenings around the entire district. In this edition, we will look back at some of the great things that took place in February and look forward to what will be in store for the rest of the year!
Upcoming Events
March 7th - End of the Third Grading Period
March 24th - 28th - Spring Break
If you are interested, please Click Here to see our employment opportunities!
Rushville Consolidated High School
RCHS Student Heidi Stanley Receives Eli Lilly Scholarship to Purdue University
We are so excited to celebrate Heidi Stanley! She was selected as a Lilly Scholar at Purdue recipient! Among a tuition scholarship, she is guaranteed an internship opportunity at Eli Lilly and Company and engagement with company leaders. Heidi, you are going to do AMAZING things! Way to represent RCHS!
RCHS Speech Team Advances to the State Tournament in March
We competed at the Section 6 Tournament, placing 4th as a team on February 22nd! The top 6 in each event qualified for the State tournament on March 8th! Check out the results listed below:
Senior Isaac Krodel placed 2nd in Humorous.
Sophomore Xander James and senior Isaac Krodel also placed 2nd.
Senior Nathan Warner placed 5th in Impromptu.
Senior Jorja Ellis and sophomore Khloe Makofka, placed 6th as a duo.
Juniors Chloe Pickett and Avanly Pharis placed 5th as a Duo.
Junior Sophie Piles placed 2nd in Dramatic and 8th in Original Oratory.
Junior Lexi Keith placed 6th in Informative.
Junior Trinity Hoban placed 5th in Humorous.
Freshman Joey Berkemeier placed 8th in informative.
Also competing were junior Bethany Wyrick and freshman Joe Richards in broadcasting, and sophomore Jayden Gorrell in Original Oratory.
RPD gives a Canine Obedience Presentation to RCHS Criminal Justice Students
We would like to thank Officer Claycomb, Sgt. Brattain, Deputy Horton, and Officer Parmerlee for their canine presentation. The presentation exhibited canine indication, apprehension, and obedience to our RCHS Criminal Justice students. Thank you also to Adam Schwering for allowing use of the Community Building for this class!
Benjamin Rush Middle School
Congratulations to our Science Bee, History Bee, and Geography Bee Finalists!
Congratulations to our finalists for the Science Bee, History Bee, and Geography Bee! We are very grateful to have such smart students at Benjamin Rush Middle School. Click on the photos below to take a closer look.
Science Bee Winners
History Bee Winners
Geography Bee Winners
Rushville Elementary School
Boomer visits Rushville Elementary School
February 18th was such an exciting day at Rushville Elementary! Our students had an absolute blast during the convocation with a special visit from none other than Pacer’s Boomer! From high-flying dunks to encouraging messages, Boomer brought so much fun and enthusiasm to our school. The smiles, cheers, and laughter from our students said it all! Thank you, Boomer, for making this day special!
Rushville Elementary School Students Appreciate their Counselors
Rushville Elementary School celebrated National School Counselor Week at the beginning of this month. RES is very fortunate to have some of the best school counselors around! Mental Health is crucial to a student's ability to learn, which is why we are so grateful for our counseling staff. Thank you to Mrs. Daubenspeck and Mrs. Jackman for all you do for our students!
2025 Kindergarten Pre-Registration
We are happy to announce our date for Kindergarten Pre-Registration will be on April 3rd, 2025! Please remember to bring your child's birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residency, custody papers (if applicable), and your child, of course! For more information click on the flyer to the right of this article, or Click Here to Sign-Up today!
Please note that incoming students need to be 5 years old by August 1st to attend Kindergarten.
Milroy Elementary School
Milroy Elementary School Gears Up for Read Across America Week!
Read Across America begins this week, and Milroy Elementary School has been preparing! We have so many fun activities and dress-up days planned for our students in celebration of Read Across America Week. Teachers have also been nominating their FAVORITE books to be posted on Facebook with a read along for families to enjoy. We have added some of their choices below for you to enjoy! We cannot wait for everyone to celebrate with us this week!
The Day the Crayons Quit!
Chosen by Mrs. Narwold
Green Eggs and Ham
Chosen by Mrs. Motz
The VERY Impatient Caterpillar
Chosen by Mrs. Moore
All About Trees! A Special Guests gives a very Interesting Lesson on Trees!
2025 Kindergarten Round-Up!
We are excited to announce our date for Kindergarten Round-Up will be on April 3rd, 2025! For more information, click on the flyer to the right of this article, we can't wait to have you here!
Click Here to reserve a time to get pre-registered and tour our amazing school!
Please note that incoming students need to be 5 years old by August 1st to attend Kindergarten.
Arlington Elementary School
Arlington Wildcats Recognized at RCHS Basketball Game
Our very own Wildcats Boys Basketball Team was announced at the RCHS basketball game on February 13th. Coach Drew Soendlin is extremely proud of the team's 5 -1 record this season! Coach Soendlin can be quoted as saying 'Teamwork has been the largest contributing factor to the Arlington Boys Basketball team's success this season. Their growth as a team shined through in their last game of the season.' We are all very proud of our boys basketball team and we cannot wait to see them play for years to come!
Recognizing the Feburary Wow Wildcats
2025 Kindergarten Round-Up
We are excited to announce our date for Kindergarten Round-Up will be on April 3rd, 2025! Click the flyer to the right of this article for more information, we can't wait to see you here!
Please note that incoming students need to be 5 years old by August 1st to attend Kindergarten.
Rushville FFA News
Rushville FFA Hog Roast and Dance
The Rushville Chapter of the FFA hosted a Hog Roast and Dance on February 22nd! Thank you to everyone that brought in a dish for our pitch in style dinner. We would also like to thank Jeff Amos for providing the pork and Steve Souder for providing sweet corn!