Red Around Rush!
December 2024
Red Around Rush is a monthly digital newsletter that promotes positive happenings around the entire district. In this edition, we will look back at some of the great things that took place in November and look forward to what will be in store for the rest of the year!
Upcoming Events
December 20th - End of the Second Grading Period
December 23rd - January 6th - Winter Break
January 6th - Teacher Work Day
January 7th - Students Return to School
Rushville Consolidated High School
RMH Surgical Services Director Teaches RCHS Students Some Vital Skills in Bio-Med Class
Summer LeSar, Director of Surgical Services at RMH, recently visited Rushville Consolidated High School, where she taught bio-med students how to measure vital signs. She also shared valuable insights into patient symptom presentation and answered questions about her time in the trauma unit. We are extremely grateful that our students were able to learn from such an experienced medical professional.
Future EMTs: RCHS Students Complete State Emergency Medical Responder Course
Adrian and Samantha have completed the state Emergency Medical Responder course through our new EMT Vocational Program at the high school. Because they passed the course, they can now take their state exam. Currently, they are taking the state Emergency Medical Technician course. These amazing students are excelling in our EMT course!
Benjamin Rush Middle School
Taking Charge Against Drug and Alcohol: The New Leaders In Training Program at BRMS
Rushville Elementary School
Rushville Elementary School Students Reach for the Stars during Star Lab with Mr. Kuhn
Milroy Elementary School
A Night of Learning and Fun: Milroy Elementary's Title One Event Brings the Community Together
Arlington Elementary School
National STEM Day Celebration at Arlington Elementary School: Sparking Curiosity and Innovation
Rushville Elementary School Construction Update
The construction is coming along wonderfully at Rushville Elementary! The pictures below show some of the construction progress. When construction is complete, RES will have a new media center space with custom shelving, a new nursing station, classroom spaces for the Literacy Coach and Title One, numerous office spaces, and much more!
Click on the photos listed with the article to get a closer look!
Celebrating our Veterans at Rush County Schools
We have selected some fun photos of the festivities that took place in all of our buildings on Veterans Day this year. Below is a short gallery featuring some of our favorite photos. To find more photos from Veterans Day, please visit our various school Facebook pages!
We would also like to recognize Benjamin Rush Middle School for being honored as an Indiana Purple Star School! This designation is given to schools that show commitment to service members, veterans, and students and families connected to our nation’s military.
Veterans Day Performance at BRMS
Veterans Day Breakfast at RCHS
Veterans Day Assembly at MES
Veterans Day Assembly at RES
Tree Planting Ceremony at AES
Thanksgiving Festivities at Rush County Schools
We have selected some fun photos of the festivities that took place in all of our buildings around Thanksgiving this year. Below is a short gallery featuring some of our favorite photos. To find more photos, please visit our various school Facebook pages!
Kindergarten Feast at MES
Thanksgiving Parade at RES
Thanksgiving Donation at AES