Paradise Intermediate
Weekly Update - June 2nd
Important Dates
Monday, June 3rd - Vaccination consent forms due
Monday, June 3rd - School Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 4th - Chromebook Forms Due - Grade 6
Wednesday, June 5th - June 6th - Salmonier Nature Park - Grade 6
Thursday, June 6th - Vaccinations - Pertussis
Friday, June 7th - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
Tuesday, June 11th - Vaccinations - Pertussis
Wednesday, June 12th - Pride Day
Wednesday, June 12th - Spirit week begins!
Thursday, June 13th - Grade 9 school leaving
Friday, June 14th - Last day for cafeteria service
Friday, June 14th - DARE Graduation - Grade 6
Monday, June 17th - School Field Trip
Thursday, June 20th - Last day of school for students
Chromebook - Grade 6
During the 2024-2025 school year, our current grade 6 students will be provided the opportunity to receive a district issued chromebook for use for the remainder of their schooling. Forms are now available on RYCOR and are asked to be submitted no later than Tuesday, June 4th.
In accordance with guidance from Public Health, students in grades 6, 7 and 8 at Paradise Intermediate will be offered the opportunity to be vaccinated for Pertussis. Consent forms were distributed last Thursday and are due on Monday, June 3rd. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Professional Learning Day
Our final professional learning day for Paradise Intermediate will take place on Friday, June 7th. There will be no school for students on that day.
Our grade 9 school learning carnival will take place on Thursday, June 13th. Additional information can be found in the attached memos. Families are advised that associated fees and information have been added to your RYCOR account. The deadline for fees and associated forms is now past due. If students would like to participate in this event, families are encouraged to sign up through RYCOR by the end of the day Monday, June 3rd.
Salmonier Nature Park
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week our grade 6 students will be traveling to Salmonier Nature Park. Please see home communication from your child's homeroom teacher for specific dates for each class and for additional information. Forms for this trip have been posted to RYCOR. Families are encouraged to sign into their account to complete necessary permission forms as soon as possible.
To celebrate the completion of our DARE program and to acknowledge the hard work of our grade 6 students, we are thrilled to invite our families into our building for our DARE assembly on Friday, June 14th. Doors will open at 9:15 and our assembly will begin at 9:30. We look forward to celebrating with our students and their families.
Movie - End of Year
On Monday, June 17th all of our students Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 will have an opportunity to visit Cineplex to view a movie as a school. Fees and forms for this event have been posted to RYCOR. Families are encourage to review the attached memo for additional information regarding the trip. As a note, students will be visiting the theater only. There will be no time provided to visit other areas in the mall. Also, an option for a kids snack pack is provided, however, no other snack/food options will be available for purchase at the time of the movie. Permission form and fees for this trip are due no later than June 7th.
Spirit Week
Our final spirit week for our school year will begin on Wednesday, June 12th. Our Student Leadership Team has been busy planning some fun, end of the year activities that will include trivia, dress up days, classroom fun and athletics fun! A schedule, with full details of our spirit week has been attached below.
Pride Week
June is Pride month and our GSA has been busy planning our third annual Phoenix Pride Day which will take place on Wednesday, June 12th. Students have some wonderful activities planned for this day including a contest for the most rainbow outfit and a student pride parade! A special thanks to the members of our GSA for planning this spectacular day for our school!
Multicultural Fair
A big thank you to our students and organizing committee for their wonderful work in putting together Paradise Intermediates' very first Multicultural Fair! Our students were treated to various presentations and displays and a number of dishes prepared by our students and their families. We look forward to making this fair a yearly event. Thank you to all of our families who came by to share in this experience!
A big thank you to Sgt. Doug Noel and the organizers in our Science Dept. for arranging presentation for our grade 8 students this past week on the ICORE Flex Robot. Students were fully engaged in learning about the ICORE robot and its various functions in assisting during various RCMP call outs.
Medical Forms and Information
For those students who currently have medical information on file with us (paperwork pertaining to anaphylactic allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) please contact Ms. Watton or Ms. Curran for new forms for the 2024-2025 school year if any of your child's current medical requirements have changed or need to be updated.
EpiPens and medications will be returned to students on the final day of classes. Information and procedures regarding medications for our upcoming school year will be shared with families prior to our return in September.
Locks and Lockers
Locker clean out and locker collection will occur during the final week of the school year. Will be asked to return school issued locks to their homeroom teacher. Students who do not return locks are subject to a $10.00 locker replacement fee.
Last Day of School
The last day of school for students will be on Thursday, June 20th. Term 3 reports will be distributed on this day and students will be dismissed at 12:30. Report cards that are not picked up on the last day of school will be available at the office until Friday, June 21st following which they will be mailed out to our families.