All About ACE
News from the Spring ISD Advisory Committee on Education
2024-2025 Issue 3
Advisory Committee on Education Convened to Discuss Critical Topics
The district's Advisory Committee on Education (ACE) met on Wednesday, Jan. 29 and Wednesday, Feb. 26 to discuss important agenda items--including the Spring ISD Employee Engagement Survey, the 89th legislative session, and a review of the most recent Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) for Spring ISD. Dr. Lupita Hinojosa, Superintendent of Schools, opened the meeting in January by reaffirming that Spring ISD will continue to follow all federal laws. She stated that she received emails from teachers, principals, students and community members following the recent emergency acts that were signed. She continued by mentioning that Spring ISD has an equity statement that was put in place in 2021.
"It is what we follow and believe," Hinojosa said. "It says regardless of where you come from, we believe all students deserve to learn and have the very best education. Everyone is respected, treated with respect, and dignity. I want to reemphasize that." She went on to remind the ACE members that FERPA protects records of students and that all federal programs are still to be followed. Students are and will continue to be in a safe learning environment. She charged the committee with keeping up with the legislative bills coming out in March. Dr. Hinojosa encouraged the committee to stay together--whether it be centered around student outcomes, or the heaviness of society during these times. She emphasized that Spring ISD is a team and that the district is unstoppable!
To open the Feb. 26 ACE Committee meeting, Dr. Hinojosa explained that Spring ISD continues to excel in the three areas of Academics, Arts, and Athletics (Triple As). She spoke about the most recent elementary school Spelling Bee, which went over 40 rounds. She also emphasized that the district is celebrating Black History Month and shared that there was an upcoming Black History Month program to be held at Dekaney High School.
Other exciting news included a Westfield High School student, Nehemiah, who will be attending the United States Military Academy at West Point on a full scholarship, as well as Spring ISD's very first Mariachi group, which helps to represents the diversity and rich culture of the district.
Dr. Hinojosa reminded the committee that during the 88th legislative session, Spring ISD, as well as many other districts in Texas, were fighting school vouchers. The vouchers did not pass, but school districts were held hostage and provided no additional per student allotment funding. The school vouchers are again a part of the discussion during the 89th legislative session, but under a new name; Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). This effort will divert essential funding away rom public schools and undermine the quality of education provided to the majority of students.
We say NO to Education Savings Accounts and YES to school finance. With school finance, the goal is to:
- Increase the basic allotment
- Fund schools based on enrollment
- Fully fund special education
- Fully fund Pre-K
- Increase transportation allotment for school districts
School districts are still receiving the same $6,160 per student as they did in 2019, despite inflation/cost increases. Additionally, Texas is one of the few states who is still funding based on attendance, and over 40 states are funding based on enrollment. The focus on Pre-K education is important. The data shows that students who attend Pre-K are scoring many percentages higher on assessments.
For more information regarding the Legislative Priorities or to create a letter to send to representatives to advocate for the public education topics most important to you, click HERE.
Employee Engagement Results
During the Jan. 29 ACE Committee meeting, Dr. Eric Tingle, Director of Strategic Innovation, addressed the committee to provide them with an update regarding the most recent Spring ISD Employee Engagement Survey results. He began by explaining the survey study design, which included an explanation of what overall engagement consisted of (strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree or agree, agree, and strongly agree), as well as an explanation of the survey engagement drivers (strategic planning, district leadership, school/department leadership, communications, work environment, feedback and recognition, and career growth and training opportunities). He mentioned to the committee that although the review during the meeting included district wide results, each campus principal was previously given their own individual campus data to review.
After sharing a few highlights shown within the data, Dr. Tingle asked the committee to reflect on the statement: "I can influence decisions at my school or department." This allowed for the committee to share out ways in which they influence decisions, which included starting new clubs, having open communication with the campus principal, and serving on leadership committees to name a few.
For more information regarding campus specific data results, please contact the principal of the campus.
Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Review
Dr. Cuellar went on to point out specific data sets within the TAPR, including cohort growth from the current Spring ISD 9th graders in reading language arts since their 6th grade year. Other information shared and reviewed with the committee included the Spring ISD task force members that are in place on campuses to support the district's CCMR efforts, Saturday tutorials in place to prepare students for college and career readiness, and a rise in bullying data due to students feeling more comfortable reporting such behaviors.
To access the most recent TAPR report for Spring ISD or any other district/school in Texas, click HERE and select campus, district, region, or state based on your interest.
Make Your Voice Heard! Talk to Your ACE Representative
Every campus in the district has at least one ACE representative elected by the staff to serve in an advisory role to the Superintendent. Central office representatives are also elected to serve, as well as community members who are appointed by the Superintendent to serve on the ACE as another integral voice.
Over the next month, your ACE representatives will share meeting highlights such as those found in this newsletter. Be on the lookout for updates to be shared at your next faculty meeting (campuses) and or staff special call-meeting (district office). If you want to ensure your views are heard, reach out to your ACE representative. Click HERE to learn who represents you.
2024-2025 ACE Meeting Dates
Contact your representative and look for updates on key district decisions over the coming months.
The next ACE meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26th @ 5:00 p.m.