Tiger Prints

Winfield School District 34
Where Learning is Personal
Friday, January 24, 2025
From the Principal
We are almost into February, and we all know that can be a rough time in this Illinois winter climate. Let's check in with each other and bring some sunshine with friendliness and a smile.
We continue to focus on the importance of teamwork and the need to support and have tolerance for others, especially when we're feeling tired from working so hard. These are valuable lessons for students navigating challenges in and out of the classroom. Through our Second Step program, teachers are helping students develop skills like empathy, collaboration, and effective communication. These lessons are reinforced in the morning and classroom meetings for our intermediate and primary students, where they can reflect on big ideas and meaningful connections. In middle school, our advisory classes provide time for students to complete homework while engaging in discussions about essential topics supporting their growth.
Thank you to all of our teachers, who are working so hard to build connections with every one of our students. Weekly data meetings allow our teachers to regroup students based on their needs, ensuring they receive the support and guidance necessary to thrive. We also continue to build on what our students learned from Kevin Honeycutt's visit earlier this year. He emphasized the power of relationships and how they shape our school community.
Thank you to all of you parents and guardians as well. All of these efforts wouldn't be possible without our partnership with families. Your involvement at home—helping students manage time, encouraging conversations about teamwork, and supporting their personal and academic growth—is critical to our shared success.
Lost and Found
Missing items?
Come look in the lost and found after school!
Located in the Central School cafeteria.
Upcoming Events
Board of Education Meeting
Thursday, January 30th at 7pm in the Central School cafeteria.
8th Grade Picture Retake Day
8th Grade Retake Pictures
Thursday, February 20th - 8:30 a.m.
PTO & WEF News
Tiger Online Auction - Get Your Bids In!
Our Tiger Online Auction is a fun fundraiser full of unique experiences graciously donated by our Winfield teachers and staff as well as the Winfield Police and Fire Departments and other local businesses! Visit our online auction site to start browsing items and get ready to place your bids! See this flyer for more details on how to open an account and bid. You can even set a watchlist to receive notifications when competing bids are placed on your desired auction items. Money raised will support WEF & PTO’s annual fund and our long-term fundraising goal of upgrading the preschool playground. The auction is open now and runs through Friday, January 31st!
Bingo Night is back!
Join us next Friday, January 31st from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Winfield Central Cafeteria for an evening of Bingo! This is a Family Fun event–all students must be accompanied by an adult. This event is FREE to attend and there will be candy prizes for the winners! No concessions available–feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks if you’d like. Hope to see you there! Questions? Contact Angie Adams (ang1404@yahoo.com).
Tiger Run Logo Contest
The 2025 Tiger Run will take place on Sunday, May 18th! The theme is Roaring Tiger Safari Run! Students in all grades are invited to design a black and white logo for the t-shirt. The image must be original artwork and it needs to incorporate the theme. Deadline is Monday, February 3rd at 3:30pm. Look for the entry form in your student’s backpack!
2025 Tiger Run Committee Forming Now
Please reach out to Emily Alanis: emily.w.alanis@gmail.com/847-721-5487 (2025 Tiger Run Lead) if you are interested in being a part of this year’s committee (or being a co-lead with Emily!). Tiger Run is a great way to start working with PTO and WEF, as we can find a committee role that fits your availability and interests. Tiger Run is the Winfield Education Foundation and PTO’s largest fundraising event of the year and we are excited to continue working towards our goal to support the updating of our Preschool Area Outdoor Playground.
RMHC Pop Tab Recycling Program
We’re excited to invite all families to contribute to our pop tab collection drive! By sending in pop tabs from your canned drinks, you’re helping us support the Ronald McDonald House, which provides comfort and care for sick children and their families. These tabs can be recycled and, when we collect enough, will be exchanged for funds to benefit these families in need. Plus, if our school collects enough tabs, we’ll be invited to join the prestigious "Thanks a Million" club at Ronald McDonald House! Your contributions make a big difference – thank you for your support!
For more information about the program, check out the website here: https://rmhccni.org/get-involved/pop-tabs/
Lou Malnati’s Pizza Sale
Congratulations to the top sellers for 2025:
1st place: Lucas H. (117 pizzas), 2nd place: James Z. (73 pizzas), and 3rd place: Skyla C. (68 pizzas)
All students who sold 10 or more pizzas (or made a donation to WEF) will get to attend an upcoming popcorn/movie party once we have coordinated the date with the school. Pizza coupons should be delivered via student backpacks the first week of February. We sincerely thank you for your support of this fundraiser!
Box Tops for Education
We are just about to reach our $300 Box Tops fundraising goal for the school year! Thank you to everyone who has been helping us reach our goal! We aren’t limited to earning $300, so keep scanning your receipts! Sign up today to get started if you aren’t already part of the scanning crew!
Community Spotlight
Registration for Winfield In Action spring 2025 T-ball, baseball, and softball is open at winfieldinaction.org. The website has a new look, easier registration, more options for payment, and works for both PC and mobile users. Please help spread the word and register soon for the upcoming season!
Primary Team News
Our Kindergarten classes celebrated National Popcorn Day (January 19)! They learned about the history of popcorn, read a popcorn themed poem together, and made a popcorn craft!
Intermediate Team Ideas
This week, third graders analyzed nonfiction texts, focusing on summarizing important details and sequencing important events. In math, students continued to build multiplication fact fluency using various strategies and games. 4th grade math students have been working so hard these past few weeks, learning about factors, multiplies, and prime and composite numbers in preparation for their test next week. In language arts, students continued to investigate roots of words and adding affixes to them to change their meaning. Students had fun identifying definitions with sorts and taking mini quizzes to show what they learned. Students continued to develop skills in recognizing text structures by identifying the signal words within a passage. This allows them to dig deeper within a text and build skills to become active readers. 5th graders this week learned different strategies for solving division problems involving decimals. They also began the book Matilda as their new novel study.
Middle School Messages
Language Arts
This week in Language Arts, students have been making major progress in their fourth unit. After much anticipation, 8th-graders were finally able to delve into Romeo and Juliet. They have had the opportunity to take on roles and read aloud as a variety of characters. In 7th grade, students have been scouring the book Unbound, by Ann E. Burg, for figurative language and have been working with partners to analyze a variety of text evidence. In 6th grade, we are learning about different dimensions, time traveling, and much more through our current science fiction text, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.
Athletics and Clubs
Band Concert
Come see 5th Grade Band and Middle School Band at the concert on February 10th!
WHEN: Monday, February 10th at 7pm
WHERE: Gym at Winfield Central School - Door 15 Gym Door
Girls Basketball
The girls JV and Varsity both won their first game on Thursday.
Thank you to all who came out and cheered them on.