Bristol Township School District
October 2024
Superintendent's Letter
Dear Bristol Township School Community,
I hope you've been enjoying the crisper air and fall activities that October brings. October is also a month of awareness and action, and our schools embraced several meaningful causes that align with our values and mission to create a safe and supportive learning environment.
For National Bullying Prevention Month, many of our schools focused on acts of kindness and building community. Our district celebrated Unity Day where students and staff were encouraged to wear orange to symbolize kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Schools also celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink and learning safety tips during Fire Prevention Month.
Please enjoy our October newsletter, filled with positive initiatives and highlights of our students and staff.
Michael Nitti
Superintendent of Schools
Tigers in the News
Celebrating Kindness & Character
Mix it Up Day
To celebrate Anti-bullying month, Brookwood held its annual Mix it Up at Lunch Day, an international campaign that encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries.
Students sat with friends they normally wouldn't sit with at the matching table to the color square they received. This new environment fosters new friendships, conversations and experiences.
Acts of Kindness
Keystone Elementary celebrated Bullying Prevention Week by collecting Acts of Kindness all week. Over 1,500 Acts of Kindness were collected throughout the building with their top classroom, Ms. Carmona's 4th grade, collecting 260 Acts of Kindness. Let's continue to spread kindness throughout the year!
Say Hello Week
Brookwood Elementary hosted "Say Hello Week" as part of their Character Strong Kindness Kickoff! Students were greeted each day at arrival with special guests, all saying "Hello" and wishing them a great day.
Their Tiger Team held posters in efforts to spread positivity and awareness that they are not alone. Special guests included the central office administration, Bristol Township Police and the fire department.
Middle School Step-up Day with Truman Tiger Band
The Harry S. Truman Tiger Band hosted the return of our annual Middle School Step-up day, where we invite the district's 7th and 8th graders to participate with the Marching Band for an evening of excitement and entertainment!
On this night, our band grew by over 60 middle school instrumentalists who were well prepared and enthusiastic about helping to entertain the crowd at our Homecoming event! This, in combination with our "Band Experience Day" later in the school year, are our biggest recruiters for our district's largest organized program/family.
Instilling a Love of Reading in Our Youngest Learners
Truman's Applied Reading
Truman’s Applied Reading students enjoyed visiting Mrs. Slivinski’s first-grade class. The Truman students read stories about Autumn to the first graders and then created Fall trees. Truman students will continue to visit Mill Creek every month to keep literacy alive!
Bristol Township Police
Bristol Township police officers read to Keystone Elementary students! By spending time in our schools, the police are building trust and relationships in our community.
Head of Security Luke Miller
Mill Creek Elementary was thrilled to have the District's Head of Security, Mr. Luke Miller, visit their kindergarten students! He shared an important story about safety preparedness, helping Mill Creek's youngest learners understand how to stay safe and confident in any situation.
October Senior Spotlight: Alexis Dingley
Truman Explores Schedule Changes - November 6
Administrators & Staff Represent BTSD
PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Chris Polzer presented "Fostering Community Collaborations to Grow Public Understanding & Build Brand Identity" at the PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference.
He co-presented with Dr. Scott Eveslage, Superintendent of Hatboro-Horsham School District, and Leza Raffel, President of The Communication Solutions Group.
PA Literacy Leadership Summit
Director of Curriculum Amy Coleman presented the session “From Static to Strategic: Building a Dynamic Curriculum Cycle for Student Success.”
Bernadette Hannah, Supervisor of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, and Jessica Festa, Federal Grants Facilitator, presented the session “Blueprints for Success: Building an Infrastructure for MTSS.”
Upstander Day
BTSD participated in Upstander Day at Bucks County Community College - Lower Bucks Campus. This day was dedicated to creating a community of acceptance, tolerance and inclusion!
BTSD was represented by Jessica Festa, Federal Grants Facilitator; Lauren Stevens, teacher at Franklin MS; and Meredith Leach, social worker at Franklin MS.
Looking for informative and fun things to do? Check out our Community Events page.
Connect with us!
District Administration
5 Blue Lake Road, Levittown, PA, USA
Social media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bristoltownshipschooldistrict
Instagram @bristoltwpsd
X/Twitter: @BristolTwpSD