Orlando Science Schools Lynx Campus
Issue 11
October 26th 2018-Weekly Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Families and Students,
As always I hope everyone had a great week this and we are starting off our second quarter on the right track.
Once more I would like to thank everyone who made our OSS 2nd Annual PVO Sponsored Fall Festival a huge success. From our PVO Team and OSS Staff who have worked tirelessly since our very first fall festival in 2017 to all of our club sponsors and volunteers, we could not have done this without you. I would also like to thank everyone who attended, your support is greatly appreciated as well. We are looking forward to seeing you again next fall!
We are also proud to announce that our OSS Athletic Club Re-Sign Ups will begin next Monday. Please review the information below for more information
Congratulations to our OSHS Science Olympiad Team who placed 2nd and the University of Georgia Invitational. For a full recap of this event and their top five placements see the article below.
Have a safe and wonderful weekend, we will see you on Monday!
Abdulaziz Yalcin, M.Ed
Orlando Science Schools-Middle/High
A Special Thank You From the Office of Our Executive Director
Dear OSS families and staff,
I want to thank each and every one of you for making our 2nd annual fall festival a huge success. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves; this years festival was even better than last year! It had more activities for the kids, the club booths brought extra energy, and there was a great sense of community from all. I want to send out an extra thank you to the PVO--all of your hard work and dedication is what made this day happen. We appreciate all your enthusiasm and support for OSS.
Fall festival is now a wonderful OSS tradition, and we are excited to see how it grows over the years.
Yalcin Akin, Ph.D
Orlando Science Schools Executive Director
Lynx Lane Athletic Club Re-Sign Ups-Monday October 29th 2018 to Friday November 2nd 2018
Lynx Lane Students are you interested in having some fun after school?! There are still spots available in all Athletic Clubs! Beginning on Monday, October 29th, 2018 Students can sign up with Coach Kelly or Coach Leard. We have Volleyball, Basketball, and Team Sports Clubs (formerly Fitness Club) all open to new members. Students who are already in these clubs will remain in these clubs and will not have to re-sign up. Each club is $10 and secures your spot ALL YEAR! Students must pay via schoolpay and turn in order to eligible for a spot in these clubs. If you have any questions please contact Coach Kelly or Coach Leard.
Orlando Science High School Science Olympiad Team Places 2nd at University of Georgia Invitational
The OSS Science Olympiad High school teams competed in the University of Georgia Invitational on Saturday, October 20th. It was their first practice competition of the year and Team A received 2nd place out of 43 teams representing 22 schools. It is very encouraging to see that our teams could compete this well against some of the best Science Olympiad teams in Georgia, who typically do better at the National level. We gained a significant amount of experience and identify areas of improvement. Overall, it was a great trip with lots of fun and learning.
We also received several great placements in individual events. Here are the top 5 placements in individual events:
1st Place:
- Boomilevers: Mehmet A., Tony H.
- Herpetology: Siyona M., Liam O.
- Wright Stuff: Micah B., Ilias B.
2nd Place:
- Protein Modeling: Jaehyun A. Ritam B., Harshitha U.
3rd Place:
- Disease Detectives: M. T., Harshitha U.
- Thermodynamics: Jaehyun A., Anthony L.
- Water Quality: Liam O., Meghana T.
4th Place:
- Anatomy and Physiology: Joshua L., Noah L.
- Geologic Mapping :Amitha K., Tanvi R.
- Write it Do it: Esha R., Tanvi R.
5th Place:
- Forensics: Nishi A., Vidit P.
Coin Wars: October 30th-November 6th 2018
NJHS will be hosting coin wars from Tuesday, October 30th to Tuesday, November 6. All proceeds will go to help the recovery process of Hurricane Michael victims. The Grade Level
with the highest total will win a prize. Remember, coins are positive and bills will subtract points from your team.
September Teacher O.R.C.A. Character Award Winners
We are pleased to announce our September Teacher O.R.C.A Character Award Winners. The teachers pictured above and listed below were nominated by their fellow colleagues for displaying one of the CORE VALUES. We will feature the remaining three this week on why they were chosen and the remaining three next week so please stay tuned. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated and selected we are so proud of you!
O-Mr.Koebe, R-Mr. Adair, C-Ms.Matinez, A-Mrs. Bolat S-Ms.Killian
C(Celebrate Diversity)-Ms.Martinez
Ms. Martinez was chosen of her leading the International Night Club to prepare the event "International Night", focusing on fostering growth in awareness and appreciation of other cultures and engages in multi-cultural discussions/events.
A(Advocate for a Safe Learning Environment)-Mrs. Bolat
Ms. Bolat is a great example of advocating for a safe learning environment for our students by setting high expectations, educating students according to our school values and leading them in the right direction towards success so they all enjoy learning in a stimulating environment feeling safe and accepted. In addition, Ms. Bolat demonstrates many other ORCAS core values such as service for the community through volunteering, celebrating diversity at every opportunity she finds and respect.
S(Strive for excellence within a stimulating learning environment)-Ms.Killian
Ms. Killian ensures that all of our new team members are set up for success with all of their necessary tools that they must have in order to be successful. In addition, Ms. Killian has taken it upon herself to help make sure that our lunches are running smoothly for her team. She has taken the extra time to sit down with new teachers to help everyone achieve excellence with all of the necessary tools. Finally, Ms. Killian brings out the plethora of talents that exist within our students. She helps each one of her students feel successful in her classroom and gives them an outlet for their creativity. She helps students deal with their stress levels and makes sure that each of her students feels valued and as a part of her classroom.
Stand United:Black and Orange Day
Stand United for Kindness, Acceptance, and Inclusion on Wednesday, October 31st, 2018!
To participate Lynx Lane Orcas must wear black and or orange to show their support. This is just a reminder that this is a dress down day for all Lynx Lane Orcas and DRESS DOWN RULES & PROCEDURES must be followed. Students may ONLY wear black and orange, costumes and or props are NOT permitted. Failure to follow these guidelines will results in disciplinary consequences.
OCPS Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council Introduces Code of Conduct Videos
Orlando Science Families,
The video topics and links are as follows:
• Buying/distributing/selling drugs on campus
• Bringing weapons on campus
• Sexual harassment
To reinforce the message delivered by these videos, OSS will show these videos to middle/high school teachers and students once per quarter in homeroom classes on these dates:
- Q1: October 2nd 2018
- Q2: October 30th 2018
- Q3: January 15th 2019
- Q4: April 2nd 2019
Join OSHS at the OSHS Barnes and Nobles Book Fair!
OSS Family and Friends,
Do you plan on buying books for gifts over the holidays? Is there something you’ve been meaning to pick up but haven’t yet? Do you or you kids need study materials or books for class? OSHS is hosting our first Book Fair in partnership with Barnes and Noble. Do your shopping that the Barnes and Noble in Colonial Plaza (see flyer for address) on November 15 (or online from November 15-20, using our Book Fair ID#12440825) and a portion of your sales will come back to OSS. It’s that easy! We’re excited to invite you to help support OSS and to celebrate reading and our school.
All proceeds will go to the OSHS Media Center to help us put books on the shelves and make more resources available to our high school students, so mark your calendars now!
Throughout the evening, we’ll have 2 awards ceremonies, robotics interactives, and a SteamPunk Cosplay fashion show for your entertainment and edification.
Please feel free to let your friends and students know, too.
If you have any questions, email myself, Mrs. Singleton (the OSHS Media Specialist), or any member of the OSHS ELA department and we’ll get you the information you need.
Ms. Stevens
Registration Open for Orange County Math Tournament!
The Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society of Orlando Science High School invites all 4th and 5th grade Orange County students to compete at the Orange County Math Tournament (OCMT) to be held on Saturday, December 8th, 2018.
Registration is now open! If you would like to register your student for this year's Invitational, visit the Registration page and fill out the form with your student's information. Registration will be available until Monday, December 3rd, 2018.
Registration must be completed online at our website www.ossmualphatheta.com no later than Monday, December 3rd, 2018. Registration fee is $15 for each student and should be paid online via School Pay. The competition is open to first 250 students who applied.
The competition will take place at Orlando Science Elementary School campus which is located at 2601 Technology Drive, Orlando FL 32804.
Operation stock the library Book Drive Continues!
We would like to thank everyone once more for donating to the Lynx Lane Operation Stock the Library Book Drive. We have received so many fantastic donations and our shelves are becoming filled, we could not have done this without you!
Congratulations to the Fordham Family, you have been selected as the winner of our $25 Barnes and Nobel Gift Card for the 1st quarter!
Since our first Book Drive was such a huge success we will host another from Monday, October 8th 2018 until Friday, December 14th 2018. For those that you donated during our first Book Drive, you will still be eligible to win the 2nd Book Drive!
If you would like to donate items and prefer to have them shipped, please deliver to:
Orlando Science Schools
Attn: Media Center
2427 Lynx Lane
Orlando, FL 32804
Be sure to message me if you choose to have items shipped so I may acknowledge your contribution.
Mrs. Sturm
Orlando Science Lynx Lane Library Database
Orcas did you know you can search all the wonderful books our shelves contain from the comfort of your own home? Simply click the link below and search all the adventures and wonders you can take simply by visiting the Media Center!
Need a replacement Agenda?
Lynx Lane Orcas who are in need of a replacement agenda may purchase one using the link below. Once you purchase the agenda please email a copy of your SchoolPay receipt to Mrs.Estes.
Here at OSS Attendance Matters!
Attendance is a key to the success of your student's learning. If you have any attendance concerns such as daily absences, upcoming absences, extended absences or questions please contact Mrs. Caggiano.
Student Walker and Bus Rider Release Form
Orcas who walk or take the Lynx Bus transportation must have "Walker/Bus Rider" form on file. If you need form you may find it below. Students must sign out at the front office before leaving school each day.
Interested in volunteering at the OSS Lynx Lane Campus?
Orlando Science Families interested in volunteering at the OSS Lynx Lane Campus during the 2018-2019 School Year must be ADDitions approved. Below you will find the link to apply for ADDitions for the 2018-2019 School Year.
Join the OSS Parent Volunteer Organization!
Dear Orlando Science Lynx Lane and Technology High School Families,
It is time, once again, to join the Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO). Membership is $25 per family for returning families and $30 for new families, your membership dues go directly back into the school to provide items and supplies for our teachers. We are also asking that PVO members work with specific committees (School Improvement, Fundraising, Volunteer Work, Teacher Appreciation, Events, Etc.) Please utilize the SCHOOL PAY link below to pay your dues.
If you have questions, comments, or requests, you may email OSS.PVO@orlandoscience.org . A formal PVO committee, including president and vice-president, will be announced at the end of the first quarter of the 2018-2019 School Year. PVO will hold bi-monthly meetings that will inform parents of progress, agendas, and upcoming events.
Thank you for all of your help and support as we look forward to a great year.
Amazon Smile and Office Depot's Give Back to Schools
Orlando Science Families, great news! If you shop on Amazon or Office Depot then you may eligible to support Orlando Science Schools! Below you will find information on both of these wonderful organizations and their links. Happy shopping!
Amazon Smile
Office Deport Gives Back to School
Office Depot provides the school with 5% back in credits for FREE supplies when you make a purchase of qualifying school supplies. Simply provide the school ID at checkout.
OSES School Code: 70228302
OSS School Code: 70218341
2018-2019 Science Fair Weekly
OSS Science Fair Packet
Missed Any Past Science Fair Updates ?
Orlando Science STEM Corner
STEM Occupation of the Week: Applications Software Developers
Applications Software Developers: Develop and modify computer applications software. They prepare data of an analysis, collaborate with others to determine design specifications or details and design software applications.
Source: https://careerwise.minnstate.edu/careers/careerDetail?oc=151132
STEM Word of the Week: Unit Seed
Unit Seed – Ideas that can be used to build a unit. They are designed to generate evidence of student understanding and give teachers ideas for developing their own activities. Unit seeds are not meant to be all-inclusive, nor are they substitutes for instruction.
Source: http://mdk12.msde.maryland.gov/instruction/curriculum/stem/pdf/STEMEducationGlossary.pdf
Birthday Dress Down Information and Form!
Students interested in dressing down for their birthday must submit a "Birthday Dress Down Day" form found below two days prior to their birthday. If a form is not submitted they will be considered out of dress code.
October Birthdays
Malcolm B., Sean(Joshua) G., Anders L., Alika M., Layla R., Tenzin S., Elijah W., Kaushal A., Kimora C., Flavio C., Ishaan D., Rami F., Samuel F., Tarang G., Julianna I., Ilana J., Daniel J., Jabari J., Alyssa K., Za'Riyah L., Noah M., Scarlet M., Zeeshan M., Anaya N., Jason P., Carlos S., Ali V., Vijay B., Taylor F., Arooba G., Amanda K., Abraham L., Isaiah L., Jailyn M., Bibi Zorah M., Bibi Zarah M., Lugetha P., Ashton R-M., Rahul R., Abdelrahman S. and DeMaris S.
September Birthdays
Nirek G., Joshua K., Rushi P., Keshly P., Neda A-H., Ashuana A., Winter C., Samara D., Nadia D., Vishwa K., Samyutka K., Hari K., Joel L., Serena L., Michael S., Fez S. Saba S., Myla A., Douglas B-V., Blaze H-D., Tenielle M., Hilary M., Emily N., Damion P., Jaharia P., Yalisa R., and Jalissa R.
August Birthdays
Peter K., Lulia M., Joshua O., Kaarthik R., Ahziah R., Teo Jacob S-L., Brooklyn T., Shivin V., Zain A., Hannah B., Nicholas D-C., Mayam F., Chetna G, John G-A., Carnelli J-L., Esa M., Jaithra N., Jaival N., Ta'Kya N., Santiago Q., Janiya R., Diego R-L., Roderick R-L., Alya S., Kaiden S., Isabella S., Magda S., Edward S., Grace S., Pragna T., Emma W., Ibrahim A., Farris A., Celine A., Ky-Asia B., Marquay C., Jaylen C., Ashley C., Justin H., Roya I., Valdinir J-L., Mekhi L., John R., Nauti'ka R., Jasmine R., Fenn S., Darin S., Tyler T., Jahmaya V., Jake W., and Sarah Z.
Important Payment Update!
Please be advised for the 2018-2019 School Year we will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING CASH as a form of payment. We will continue to accept checks, credit cards, and SCHOOL PAY. Thank you for your understanding.
Report Card & Progress Report Calendars
2018-2019 Parent Teacher Conference Nights
Parent Teacher Conference Nights will take place during dates and times posted above. Sign Ups will take place beginning on the time and dates listed below. Please be advised OSS Staff Members are not permitted to sign up for a PTC for our Orca Families, so we ask that you please plan accordingly. We ask that once links are provided you read through the information carefully before selecting a time slot. Parents and Guardians may always email their student's teachers to make an appointment to meet that do not fall within these conference nights. Once spots are filled please email your student's teachers to arrange an appointment for another date and time, no additional spots will be added to these nights. There will be no wait list created, please check back for canceled time slots. Please be advised dates and times can change, and we will notify you via the weekly newsletter if they do.
2nd Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Sunday, November 11th 2018 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
3rd Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Sunday, February 3rd 2019 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
4th Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Monday, April 22nd 2019 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
Middle/High Charter Lunch Menu-October
Orcas Apply For Free/Reduced Meals Today!
Orcas, we ask that you take a moment and fill out the OCPS Free/Reduced Meal Application today! To fill out the application simply click the START FRESH photo above or click the link below. For more details regarding the application please select the appropriate link below.
Important LOST AND FOUND CLEAN OUT Information
2018-2019 Lynx Lane Tutoring Schedule
Check out Orlando Science Technology Drive Campuses Newsletters!
Lynx Lane Newsletter Trivia
Congratulations to Mr. Lakner and Chetna G. for being last week's Newsletter Trivia Contest winner! Please check your emails!
October Event Calendar-Lynx Lane
No School-Student holiday/teacher professional day/ teacher non-workday
Friday, Oct 26, 2018, 07:30 AM
2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Lynx lane Coin Wars
Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018, 07:30 AM
2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Middle School Dance
Friday, Nov 30, 2018, 05:00 PM
2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Orlando Science Lynx Lane Campus
Email: info@orlandoscience.org
Website: www.orlandoscience.org
Location: 2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Phone: (407)253-7304
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orlandoscience/
Twitter: @OrlandoSciMH