The Wolf Howl
March 2025
A Proud MCPS Community School!
Letter From The Principal
With the month of March comes the end of winter. March also marks the end of the third marking period. This is a great opportunity to discuss student progress with teachers. I would also encourage regular conversations with your children about how they are performing and what they are learning.
How You Can Help at Home: Even as students are showing growth and mastery, many still must reach end-of-year reading and math goals. Please listen to your children read aloud. Encourage reading and ask questions about what was read. Have students write in journals and respond to questions about their reading and in math, students must master their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP): This year, students in grades 3 through 5 will take the MCAP tests. The MCAP test measures how well students are meeting academic expectations and learning the knowledge and skills they need to stay on track in school and after high school – in college or a career. The test measures complex skills like critical thinking, persuasive writing, and problem-solving. The MCAP test is just one of many ways that teachers and schools measure whether your child is on track for success. Teachers use the scores to improve teaching and learning, and to customize instruction to meet each student’s needs. Parents receive one report for English Language Arts and one for Mathematics.
March Upcoming Events
Pre-K & Head Start Field Trip: Black Hills Nature Center
Monday, March 10
Family Market Day
Tuesday, March 11
Mad Science Assembly
Friday, March 14
Wellness Night
Tuesday, March 18
Class Photos & 5th Grade Panorama Picture
Wednesday, March 19
Chat n' Chew Parent Breakfast
Friday, March 28
No School
Monday, March 31
Attendance Matters! Use the link below to report student absences to the office!
🏅 SNOW Up to School! Attendance Competition 🏅
Attendance matters! We are working hard to make sure we are coming to school on time each and every day at WMES! If your child is sick, please be sure to send in a note and report student absence form on our website.
Each day, the grade level with the highest percentage of students present (unexcused absences do not count) get to move forward in the race! The first grade level to reach the finish line gets a special reward!
📌 Family Market Days 📌
Our next Family Market Day is on Tuesday, February 14 starting at 4:00pm. Please bring your own bags or boxes, all items will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. As a reminder, there is NO PARKING anywhere on school campus that is not in an available parking space.
📌Join the WMES PTA!📌
Sign Up For ParentVUE
Families new to MCPS are encouraged to sign up for a ParentVUE account. ParentVUE is the online parent portal that serves as the primary communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access to myMCPS Classroom and more.
MCPS Updates
Save the Date: Aug. 25, 2025—Student Transition Day
Scheduled for Monday, Aug. 25, 2025, the first day of the 2025–2026 school year, Student Transition Day is a new non-instructional full day designed to support students transitioning to new school levels or schools by fostering a sense of belonging and preparedness.
This full day will welcome students entering kindergarten, Grade 6 and Grade 9, and those new to MCPS schools, ensuring that they receive a positive first experience with staff and other students. Schools will share individual messaging to welcome students with their communities. Parents and guardians are asked to fill out this brief survey to provide additional input for Student Transition Day.
Note: the first day of school for all students is Tuesday, Aug. 26.
Ensuring Safety Should Immigration Law Enforcement Visit an MCPS School
MCPS has clear procedures in place to ensure student safety if immigration officials visit a school. These steps help staff respond appropriately while prioritizing student well-being:
- Verify the visitor's identity and obtain official documentation.
- Notify MCPS legal counsel for guidance.
- Contact the impacted student’s family in their preferred language.
- Follow security protocols to protect all students and staff.
For more information and Frequently Asked Questions, visit the MCPS Immigration Supports page.
Masks Encouraged in School Health Rooms
With the recent increase in respiratory and viral illnesses (including COVID-19, influenza and RSV) in Montgomery County and the state of Maryland, MCPS has received guidance from the Maryland Department of Health to encourage students, staff and visitors to wear masks when visiting the health room in schools. While wearing a mask is not required, it is encouraged to help prevent the spread of illness. If your child doesn't have a mask during their health room visit, your school will provide one.
Stay Connected!
VISIT the MCPS homepage.
CALL 240-740-3000. Staff take calls from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, in English and Spanish (240-740-2845)
READ news and information sent via email and text message and on the MCPS News page.
FOLLOW the MCPS social media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in English and Spanish.
https://www.instagram.com/mcpsenespanol/SIGN UP for emails and text alerts and make sure your ParentVue information is up to date.
WATCH the MCPS cable channels Comcast 34 (1071 HD), Verizon 36 or RCN 89
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration
Prekindergarten and Head Start Registration Open for Income-Eligible Families starting March 3
Online registration for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, Feb. 3. Children who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2025 are eligible to register. Registration will be online through the ParentVUE portal. If your family is new to MCPS, you will need to create a ParentVue account here. For more information about eligibility and the registration process, visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment webpage or contact your local elementary school.
📌Attendance Matters! 📌
FREE Chromebooks for MCPS Students to Keep at Home
*Requesting the device implies consent of use in accordance with MCPS policy (IGT-RA) and acknowledgement that the Chromebook, software, and issued peripherals are owned by MCPS.
MCPS Parent Academy TO-GO Workshops Available
Take advantage of virtual Parent Academy sessions this winter to stay informed and empowered as a partner and advocate for your student’s education. Parent Academy TO GO workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, as well as help them to be college and career ready.
Visit the parent academy website for a full schedule and to register.
SchoolCash Online Registration
SchoolCash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s yearbook, class trips and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children and in no time you will be able to make payments online.
Click here to view instructions in English
Community Updates
Montgomery Village Spring Recreation Guide & Summer Camps!
Click below to see fun activities available this Spring & Summer to keep your family active and engaged!
MCAEL Adult English Classes available this Spring!
Click here to see a list of available courses
MCPS Community Resource Guide
Previous Newsletters
Quick Links
Watkins Mill Elementary School
Mrs. Brooke Simon, Principal
Ms. Alejandra Olavarrieta, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Frances Avila-Miller, Assistant School Administrator
Email: Chelsea_J_Aceves@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/watkinsmilles/
Location: 19001 Watkins Mill Road, Montgomery Village, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-5280
Facebook: facebook.com/WMESCommunity
Twitter: @WMESCommunity
Call: 240-740-3000
Provides answers to community questions in English and Spanish from 7:30 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m., Mondays through FridaysE-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org
Visit: Department of Family and Community Partnerships (DFCP) at 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850