Blackboard Suite - Edgewood College
Learning Management System
The user experience goes beyond teaching and learning. The Course Management System delivers a highly accessible, user-centric learning platform that is engaging and intuitive for all users—in and out of the classroom.
Instructor Efficiency
Announcements, email and messaging features provide quick and convenient communication with one student or an entire class.
- Ease of content authoring
Adaptive release
Course (publisher) Cartridges
Discussion Board/Blogs/Wikis
Assessments and Surveys
Grade Center
Reporting and Performance Dashboard
Student-Centered Learning
- Engaging Content
Graded Assessments
Real-time Feedback
Content Management System
The Content Management System integrates seamlessly with the Course Delivery and Community Engagement modules.
Faculty retain creative control over use of their own instructional content and materials within Blackboard, subject to appropriate Edgewood College acceptable use guidelines, applicable copyright laws, and current intellectual property policies.
Faculty decide what content is to be shared through assignment of “permissions” (i.e., “read” “write” “remove” “manage”) to specific others.
Workflow - This function provides the ability to defie a workflow (Review, Approve, Grade), and designate settings such as priority, deadline and permissions. Workflows can route content to other users and allow the sender to track the progress on completion of workflow activities.
WebDAV - This makes Blackboard content a readable and writable medium. It provides a framework for faculty, staff and students to create, change and move documents on th Blackboard server. It will eliminate the need to download, edit, and then overwrite (re-upload) documents.
Versioning - This allows users to automatically archive, track and access previous versions of their files. The system creates separate copies after each contributor changes the document, providing an automatic backup for overwritten files.
eReserves - Digital versions of copyright cleared reserve readings that the library creates for faculty and students. Separate folders can be enabled for each course, and administration of these folders can be delegated to librarians.
Collaborative Web Enabled File Storage
Versioning - Allows users to automatically archive and track previous versions of their files.
Portfolios are available in Blackboard’s Content Collection and allow Blackboard users (students and staff) to create an online compilation of their work to reflect the progress they have made in a certain area.
Portfolios may be produced for a number of reasons, such as personal development planning, presenting coursework, or displaying a collection of information.
Portfolios can be shared with other users within Blackboard, or they can be kept private. Portfolios can also be shared with people outside the College, such as placement organizations, potential employers and potential students.
Within a Portfolio, users can:
- Add content such as text or pictures
- Add content based on a pre-defined template
- Link to files stored in the Content Collection
- Link to external web pages
- Share their Portfolio with one or more people
- Allow people who view their Portfolio to add comments
As in Blackboard courses, users can customize the appearance of their portfolios. The basic portfolio structure has a left-hand navigation frame (which may contain text links or buttons) listing the areas of the portfolio, and a right-hand frame in which the content is displayed.
Community Engagement
Blackboard Collaborate
Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing is a "live" interactive virtual environment for communication, presentation, interaction and instruction.
What are the benefits of using Blackboard Collaborate?
Blackboard Collaborate allows members of the community to hold collaborative group meetings. It has broad client operating system support (Windows, Mac, Linux), including support for closed captioning and screen reader capabilities. Collaborate can be used for scheduled classes as well as spontaneous one-on-one tutoring sessions, both of which may be recorded and archived for use in the future.
Online Course Development Team
Email: djames@edgewood.edu
Location: 1255 Deming Way, Madison, WI, United States
Phone: 608-663-4268