Bear Necessities
McReynolds Middle School Newsletter for Parents and Students
October 27, 2024
McReynolds Mission Statement
McReynolds Vision Statement
McReynolds Core Values
Excellence is Expected
Resiliency is Learned
Collaboration is Welcomed
Integrity is Honored
Community is Necessary
Manifesting Academic Results & Victories for Every Learner
October Dates
28 -11/1 - RED RIBBON WEEK
29 - McReynolds vs Williams Football
30- Passport Support Night 8th Grade Eligible students only
31 - Halloween/Trunk or Treat
November Dates
Native American Heritage Month
1- Grading Cycle Ends
4-8 - National School Psychology Week
8- No classes Staff Professional Development Day
11- Veterans Day/ Report Cards go Home
21- Curriculum Night
25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Campus Expectations
Academics, Attendance, Attitude
Academic Achievement
All students should receive exceptional tier I or great first instruction ( 45 min). The teaching and learning that happens on a daily basis is the most critical part of academic success. This is why it is critical to be at school everyday, all day, be on time, and to be prepared. Parents please ensure that your students are present and ready to engage in the learning experience.
When students struggle, students and teachers are then engaged in tier 2 instruction ( 35 min). Students do not go to the team center but remain in the classroom to be provided another opportunity to receive more directed instruction from the teacher to help solidify and correct any misconceptions that they student may have.
As an added layer of tier 2 instruction we have opportunities for both Math and Reading with online platforms Zearn and Amplify Boost. Students are required to meet weekly goals set by the district in each platform.
Zearn - students will complete 3 modules per week during a set intervention time each day. If students do not complete the Zearn intervention time in the blocked off period by Thursday they will be pulled and required to complete the needed lessons. Rewards will be provided for overall weekly and monthly winners!
Amplify Boost - students are required to engage in the platform for 45 minutes per week to complete 2 chapters per quarter. If students do not complete the Amplify boost intervention during their allotted time by Thursday they will be pulled and required to complete for the week.
Top Zearner for the Week
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 25.092 ( Attendance for Credit 90% Rule); A student at any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 shall not be given credit or final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance 90 percent of the days in which the class is offered. Each class period the student must meet the 90% rule. Poor attendance can be excused/unexcused absences and truancies, which ultimately impacts our students academic performance.
Excellence is expected. Students should be engaged in their daily learning and should take the opportunity to excel in all classes. Students will be provided tutorials, and interventions daily to be successful throughout the school year.
Expectations in the classroom
Students are expected to engage in all classroom activities which may include but is not limited to turn and talk ( students will turn and talk with a classmate or group about their learning), Whiteboard activity (students utilize a whiteboard to answer their questions), Response Card (students write their responses in complete sentences on a response card and share out), Think-Pair-Share (students will have think time, pair up with a partner and then share out). Students are not allowed to OPT-OUT, it is an expectation that they participate in each activity throughout the instructional period.
Expectations in the Hallway
Students are expected to walk to the right and on a voice-level zero. Should any student not meet those set expectations they will receive a campus consequence of after-school detention. Students must be mindful of others in the learning environment as they travel throughout the building as prohibited behavior can disrupt the learning environment.
Arrival and Dismissal
Transportation available for McReynolds Students
We are pleased to inform you that a school bus service is now available for students to safely travel to and from school who reside on the west side of the train tracks. This initiative aims to enhance student safety by eliminating the need to cross the railroad tracks to get to the campus.
- Route Information: Buses will operate on designated routes, ensuring convenient pick-up and drop-off locations.
- Service will start on October 22, 2024
- Pickup/Dropoff #1: Wheatley High School at 4801 Providence St, 7:50 a.m./ Drop off at 4:35 p.m.
- Pickup/Dropoff #2: 5608 Market Street, 7:55 a.m. / Drop off at 4:38 p.m.
ALL STUDENTS arriving prior to the start of instruction ( 6:30 - 8:15) will enter through the side gate ( ZINDLER ST/ Courtyard area) and walk up the stairs to the cafeteria. Students will not enter through the FRONT DOOR of the school prior to 8:15.
Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria and will be released at 8:15 to their respective classrooms.
There will be one car rider line for students to enter/exit safely. Students should be on the passenger side of the car so that it is easy for them to exit the car. Please watch for guidance from Staff members that are assisting with traffic.
The Entry gate to the courtyard will be closed promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students who are not in the building by 8:15 a.m. will need to go to the front of the building to enter through the front office. Students arriving after 8:30 will need a PARENT/GUARDIAN to sign them in at the front office. Students will be counted TARDY if they are not in their 1st period classroom at 8:30 a.m.
Walkers will be released first from the building through the dismissal exit ( Courtyard). Students will be walked to the intersection of Zindler and Market. Students will be instructed to stay on the side walk and part in the direction of their destination at the intersection.
If there is a train on the track at dismissal ALL WALKERS WILL BE HELD IN THE CAFETERIA until it is safe to release. Students may receive disciplinary consequences for failure to comply with adult directives. Please know that this measure is put into place for the SAFETY of your child.
Bus Riders - will meet in the cafeteria and then be escorted to the bus.
Car Riders - will be released after clearing the way of all walkers to Zindler. Please be patient as we will be working to make sure that all students are safe at dismissal. Please do not park on the street in front of the school or near the Post Office. Please use the Car Rider Line for all car pickups.
Red Ribbon Week
October 28 - Nov 1
Students are able to wear appropriate jeans/bottoms during Red Ribbon week as long as they follow the required theme.
Free Dress/Theme Days
When students have been awarded free dress/theme dress day please make sure that your student adheres to the dress code for Free DRESS/Theme Day. Parents and Students will be notified when there is Free Dress or Theme Days.
- No tights, leggings, spandex
- No pants with holes, rips, tears,
- No shorts/skirts/dresses that are more than 1 inch above the knee
- No spaghetti strap shirts, crop tops, low cut
- No Crocs, slippers, slides, shoes without backs. Must be closed toed
- No HOODIES allowed at any time
- No clothing with inappropriate messaging/pictures
- No bandanas, head scarves, wraps
Trunk or Treat
Sponsored by Union Pacific
October 31, 2024
Our front parking lot will be closed down (gates closed) at 4:00 p.m. so that we may begin the set up for the trunk or treat. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. All parents who normally use the side parking lot for pick up please park in the front of the school and we will walk our bears out to you.
Constable Silvia Trevino Presents
Halloween Movie Night
Getting Ready for 8th - Costa Rica
October 30th from 5p.m. - 6p.m.
Passport Support for all Eligible 8th Graders for DYAD TRAVEL
Our Theater class even got Officer McClain involved in the play!
Women in TECH!
In Need of Assistance
Please submit a Student Assistance form
24- 25 Football
For all home games there will be a $5 entry fee for all guest. Only cash will be accepted. Concessions will be sold at all home games. Students will not be able to remain at school to wait until a game starts. Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to all afterschool events.
Veterans Day 2024
We would like to honor you on the campus. Please send a Picture and short blurb so that we can recognize you on the campus with students. You may send your Picture and short blurb about your service to either following emails:
Tiye.Taylor@houstonisd.org or jaihdy.valdezuribe@houstonisd.org.
GT Testing Additional Dates Added
Urban Healing Houston Presents
This year, UrbanHealing Houston has hired a professional artist to create a large-scale chalk art piece on Benson Street, right in front of the Louis White Grocery store. We are collaborating with local students from the community, and we would love to engage McReynolds students in this exciting project.
We welcome participation from all grades, and there is no age limit. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students to create live art in the community, alongside a professional artist. If you would like for your student to participate please email your information to Urbanhealinghtx@gmail.com.
The event is free and open to all students and their families. In addition to the street chalk art, we will have a variety of cultural performances, live music, over 75 vendors, a reptile petting station, book giveaways, robotics engineering class opportunities, and much more.
District Parent Resources
Past Newsletters
August 2: https://secure.smore.com/n/h9m0p
August 11: https://secure.smore.com/n/u3s7a
August 16: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 18: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 25:https://secure.smore.com/n/5y4tm
September 3: https://secure.smore.com/n/qx1e4
September 14:https://secure.smore.com/n/cb8wj
September 29: https://secure.smore.com/n/u06hv
October 13: https://secure.smore.com/n/w5bes
October 20: https://secure.smore.com/n/7jh9z
John L. McReynolds
Website: https://www.houstonisd.org/mcreynolds
Location: 5910 Market Street, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 713-671-3650
Twitter: @McReynolds_HISD
Principal at McReynolds Middle School in Houston Independent School District